GANS Processing: Internal and External Injuries

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[1] The Moon, however, is not so big.[2]

CO2 and ZnO GANS water acts excellently as a spray when sprayed on painful areas (be careful: do not apply directly upon fractures, only around them, the bone needs the pain for the calcium to be created/incorporated). You can also spray it on clothes, tents and so on to protect against nuclear radiation and to keep warm.

In situations of crisis our mind is heavily loaded with fears, confusion, depression, exuberant emotions and so on. In these cases always spray a CO2 and ZnO GANS Water mixture, or drink it diluted in a glass or bottle of water. A few drops is all you need. Or apply patches on the solar plexus and neck. Also the compound of CO2, ZnO and CH3 GANS Water can be used to strengthen the nervous system. Namely in a ratio of 20% CH3, 10% ZnO and 70% CO2 GANS Water, with a little amount of Amino Acids added to the mixture (one drop of each kind).

In cases of exhaustion and/or hunger, combine CO2/ZnO2 with CH3 GANS Water. And apply two patches of different strength, one upon the solar plexus and the stronger one on the back. For example: CO2/ZnO2 and Food GANS Water with amino acids at the back and CO2 GANS Water at the solar plexus.

With open injuries, two or three different patches can be used: CO2, CH3 and CuO2 GANS Water. Make three different patches and place them one above the other. They can be placed directly over the dressing. Apply the CuO2 patch only for a short time. Its purpose is to prevent infection of wounds.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Infections of The Skin, External Injuries of The Skin, Cuts, Sunburn, Insect Bites Etc.

(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29 minutes)

Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water: CuO + Co2 (in the ratio 50%/50%) for spraying or patches
Pour the Liquid Plasma (equal amounts of drops of CuO and CO2 GANS Water) into a spray-bottle and spray wounds directly, or wet a paper napkin/paper towel with this mixture and apply it on body part.

When you have an insect bite, wash the bite area with CO2 GANS Water to which you added only 1 drop of CuO GANS Water.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Deep Wounds With Internal Injuries of Inner Organs, (Below the Neck)

(See 121st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29:50 minutes) Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:

CuO2 (5 drops) + CO2 (3 drops) + ZnO (1 drop) + COHN (Amino Acids – 1 drop of each kind). Drink the drops diluted in a glass or bottle of water

  • CuO or CuO2 repairs muscle tissue and accelerates healing
  • CO2 connects, provides communication for tissue repair; gives the body necessary energy
  • ZnO stabilizes emotions
  • COHN (Amino Acids) provide the connection to the body

This mixture accelerates the healing of the injured tissue.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.


(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 32 minutes) Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:

CO2 (2 drops) + Cu0 (3-4 drops) + CH3 (1 drop) + COHN (1 drop) + CaO Calcium oxide (1-2 drops): put a soaked towel around the fracture (not directly on the point of fracture).  
  • CO2-gives the body the necessary energy and provides the communication within the body
  • CuO and CuO2 disinfects and helps in muscle tissue healing
  • CH3 (iron GANS-water) amplifies energy for the healing process
  • COHN (amino acids) provide the connection to the body
  • CaO (Calcium oxide) for the reconstruction of bones

CaO GANS can be produced easily from the ashes of burnt bones.

Do not apply the soaked towel or spray directly upon the point of fracture, but only around the area of the fracture.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Head/Brain Injury

(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 34 minutes) Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS water:

CO2 (3 drops) + CaO (3 drops) + ZnO (4 drops) apply with patches or tubes

2-3 weeks after a head/brain injury, it is safe to begin applying this application. Calcium oxide (CaO2) is needed for brain cells; usually the brain cells take calcium from the bones of the skull.

COHN (Amino Acids) are important for the connection between the fields of the Liquid Plasma and the area of injury. They support the repair work of the body.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS: A Powerful Disinfectant

For more information, view the Keshe Foundations 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop at the 2 hours 21 minute mark.


CuO GANS Water mixed with CO2 GANS Water: Can be used as a disinfectant for surgical instruments and hands. However, more research in this area needs further exploration. (Feedback from physicians would be appreciated).

CO2 GANS Water mixed with a small amount of CuO GANS Water:

  1. Used in a spray as a disinfectant solution, for bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.
  2. Used as a body deodorant; Used to get rid of unpleasant odours.
  3. Used as spray, on the skin, on skin diseases, even skin cancer and burns.
  4. Used as a spray or in a patch on foot infections and corns.
  5. Used as a spray on the the head and scalp for people with thinning or balding. Spray it on and massage it in.

Further research and testing needs to be done in this area. Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so it can be shared with others.

GANS Processing of Eye Problems

Details can be found in the 22nd International Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at the 1 hour 40 minute mark

With health generally, one must consider the causes of the disease and the affected tissue. GANS Amino Acids provide a connection between the fields of the GANS Water and that of the affected physical area in the body. CO2 Amino Acids connect to the body in a general way, ZnO Amino Acids connects with the nerves while CuO2 Amino Acids connects with the bodies muscle tissue and CaO Amino Acids connect with the bodies bone tissue. Research shows that many illnesses are a direct result of ones emotional state. The eyes are no exception. GANS can help restore the bodies emotional balance which will result, in the case of certain eye diseases, recovery.

Degenerative eye diseases can be processed with 3 types of GANS:

  1. 4-5 drops of GANS Water of CO2: used to connect the physicality with emotions.
  2. 1-2 drops of GANS Water of ZnO: used to provide support for the emotions.
  3. 1-2 drops of GANS Water of CH3: used to provide energy for the recovery of the cells (conversion of fields into matter)

CAUTION: With eye cancer you MUST NOT use CH3 GANS Water because this promotes growth of the cancer.

For the treatment of muscles which move the eyeball, for focusing, create a mixture of:

  • 1/2 to 1 drop of CuO2 GANS Water (1 drop will already be too much): supports the regeneration of muscle tissue.
  • Add 1 drop of CO2 GANS Amino Acids.
  • If there is muscular weakness of the eye, BUT ONLY IF THERE IS MUSCULAR WEAKNESS, you can add a very small amount of the Amino Acids of CuO2 GANS to the mixture.
  • If nerves are affected, you can add the Amino Acids of ZnO GANS to the mixture.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so that it can be share.

GANS Processing of Viruses

(View the 135th Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 30 minute mark onward)

Plasma technology is suitable for dealing with viruses. Viruses dock to their respective host cells. CO2 GANS Water is capable of separating this connection, by interaction of the fields of the CO2 GANS Water with the fields of the virus, and by creating a field balance so that no further fields are available for a reconnection with the host cell.

Required materials: CO2 GANS Water.


  1. At the moment one perceives an infection, and a physician has determined it is a viral infection, take 2-3 tsp of CO2 GANS Water.
  2. Continue taking the same dose for 2 to 5 days. The virus should disappear. Even if it is still there, it will no longer be effective.

In rare, very serious cases, add in a ratio of 1:10 of CuO GANS Water: 9 drops of CO2 GANS Water + 1 drop of CuO GANS Water

Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Flu

If flu starts with a high fever, within the first half hour take 3-4 tsp of CO2 GANS Water combined with 1 drop of CuO GANS Water every 5 minutes. The bodies temperature will drop quickly. Repeat the process 2 to 3 times during the next hour and then only 3 to 4 times over the rest of the day. For the next 2 to 3 days, take 2-3 tsp, 3 to 4 times daily. During the process, ensure to wash the hands regularly with CO2 GANS Water.

Result: The pathogenic fields are literally washed out of the body through the CO2 GANS Water. The GANS Water supports an internal cleansing process.

If you have children with a high fever, you can wash or rub the body with CO2 GANS Water. Possibly also add a drop of CuO2 GANS Water. The temperature will fall quickly.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Ebola and Malaria

Application: Take 3 to 5 teaspoons or tablespoons of CO2 GANS Water per day for 30 to 60 days, possibly even 100 days.

Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experiences to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

GANS Processing of Aids (HIV-positive)

(For details, view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from the 1 hour 48 minute mark)

For the first 15 to 30 days use the Liquid Plasma of GANS Water: for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc (where ever you use water during your daily routine). You should not drink anything other than GANS Water Liquid Plasma.

Processing Ratios:

  1. 3 to 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon of CO2 GANS Water combined with a few drops of CuO GANS Water should be add to drinking water.
  2. Create a Liquid Plasma mixture of the following: CuO GANS Water, CH3 GANS Water, CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (in equal parts)
  3. ONLY this Liquid Plasma mixture should be used for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc. You should not drink anything else.

The first phase of processing is used to purify the body. After several days this can lead to fatigue, nausea, blood in the urine or pain. During this phase, the body needs energy for healing, so you should sleep frequently. This condition should disappear after about 2 weeks. Then one can go from the first to the second phase.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Bacterial Diseases

Bacteria are very easy to process. If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic, one can (in an autonomous, self responsible test) reduce the amount of the antibiotic (for example halve the tablet or cut in even smaller pieces) and additionally take CO2 GANS Water. It should prevent the rise of resistance to the antibiotic and cause the antibiotic to have a better effect.

Feedback and advice to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experience to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

GANS Processing: Oral Hygiene

For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 56 minutes onward.

Toothpaste alternative: Flush the mouth with CO2 GANS Water. Ensure the liquid wets all areas of the oral cavity and the palate. This leads to a balancing in the environment of the mouth. As a further result, it prevents tooth and gum disease, because the microorganisms will not find the right environment for propagation. It is safe to swallowed residual CO2 GANS water after flushing.

To aid mouth hygiene, 2 to 3 times a week at bedtime, chew a small piece of cheese and swallow it. This should have a positive effect on the oral environment and help to prevent dental disease.

If milk teeth (baby teeth) have been collected (common in some countries) they can be used for the production of Calcium GANS, which will supply the exact calcium fields that are suitable for the person who grew the teeth. To create the Calcium GANS, dissolve the teeth in lemon juice (or Coca Cola) then add NaOH. (The NaOH method is also used for the production of food GANS).

As an alternative to physical GANS production from the teeth you can transmit the information of the teeth to water. 1. Fill a round container with water. 2. Evenly distribute 5 vials around the container. 3. Fill one vial with CO2 GANS, one with CH3 GANS, one with ZnO GANS, one with CuO GANS and the last one with the Amino Acids from the production of CO2 GANS. 4. Lie or hang the teeth, or tooth, directly above of the water. Over time, the water in the container will absorb the fields from the vials AND from the tooth. 5. Drink the water of the container, or, if you for example intend to use it for the support of the healing of a bone fracture, apply a patch, made from the containers water, on the body, namely in front and back (or left and right) of the part of the body near the point of the fracture.

Use only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: for use in Functional Failure of Organs

For more information, please view the Keshe Founations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, from approximately the 2 hours 23 minute mark onward.

The use of water in a container in association with 5 GANS vials, as described above, can be used for the healing of an organ that is failing (has functional loss).

In the future, with the use and wide acceptance of GANS Processing it is likely that organ transplants will be necessary.

For example, if somebody has bone marrow problems, find a healthy family member, who sits or lies with the upper part of the knee (where the kneecap is located) resting above the water container (with the 5 vials around it). The field donors healthy bone marrow field information will be absorbed into the water of the container. Then the patient with the bone marrow problem can drink the water. (More information about this topic will be added in the near future).

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Ridding the Body of Toxins: Body Wash

For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 1 hour and 13 minutes mark to the 2 hours 32 minute mark.

It should also be possible to wash toxins out of the body by using GANS Water. It would be interesting to see if this will work for snake venom by snake bite or something similar. You could rinse the bite wound with a mixture of CuO and ZnO GANS Waters and then drop a mixture of CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (50:50) into the bite wound or drink it.

Cortisone retention after high doses of cortisone can be removed from the body with CO2 GANS Water along with the use the essential oils of citrus fruits, but this is a prolonged process. Collect the oils from the peel of citrus fruits and mix them into CO2 GANS Water. Then wash your hands or wash the affected parts of the body with it.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
  1. E. Miller, The Sun, (New York: Academic Press, 2005), 23-5.
  2. R. Smith, "Size of the Moon", Scientific American, 46 (April 1978): 44-6.