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= Preface =
Deutsche Version [[KFSSI WIKI Deutsch]] <br>
Versión Española [[KFSSI WIKI Espanol]]
This WIKI supports all people around this world, adopting Keshe Plasma Technologies. The main content is compressed and summarized from the KFSSI’s (Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institutes) “teachings” which were held by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and from knowledgde-seekers all over the world, who develop these technologies further. All participants of the teachings at KFSSI signed ''The World Peace Treaty''; a contract with yourself in which you state that you lay down all tools of aggression here on Earth. If you would like to sign the Treaty, you can download it here: http://www.keshefoundation.org/images/pdf/WORLD_PEACE_TREATY.pdf
Within this WIKI you will find information and tools to balance your life and to bring peace to our wonderful world.
= The Keshe Foundation =
[[File: About_-_left.jpg|thumb|500px|Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
The Keshe Foundation is an independent, non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe that aims to develop new scientific knowledge, new technologies and new solutions to major global problems like famine, water shortage, lack of electrical power supply, climate change and disease through the use of specially developed plasma reactors which will also give humanity the ability to travel in deep space.
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe was born in Iran in 1958, son of an X-ray engineer.  He was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age. In 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology system control. He has spent the years since then completing a system for the production of gravity and energy using a radioactive hydrogen-fueled reactor that is clean and safe. He has covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, testing and practical applications. He has concentrated on completing the full range of his technology for launching into the scientific world and industry. The intellectual properties related to this technology were transferred to Stichting the Keshe Foundation.
= The Essence of  Keshe Technology =
[[File:magnetic_fields.png|thumb|300px|Magnetic fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
[[File:magnetical_gravitational.png|thumb|300px|Superposition of magnetic fields leads to magnetical and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
== Magnetic Fields Defined ==
Since Albert Einstein's E=MC², it is a scientifically accepted fact that matter is convertible into energy and vice versa. This implies that both matter and energy must be the same by nature.
Everything that exists in all of creation is made up of "magnetic fields." These fields have the two ferromagnetism properties - attraction and repulsion.  Opposite poles attract each other while like poles repel each other.
All phenomena in all of creation derives from the diverse interactions of magnetic fields.
== Magnetical and Gravitational Fields Defined ==
A superposition of magnetic fields, which create an outward directed force from the respective centre (an outward field flow), Keshe refers to as ''Magnetic'' (capital M) or, for better distinction in spoken language, ''Magnetical'', which is a word introduced by Keshe for this special purpose. The reverse superposition of magnetic fields that develop an inward directed force towards the respective centre (an inward field flow) Keshe refers to as ''Gravitational'' (capital G).
Magnetical field flow releases fields to the environment and are therefore available to organisms that require them, while Gravitational field flow absorbs fields from the environment.  Gravitation field flow will absorb for example fields from an organism that has fields in abundance that it does not require or that are the wrong fields for the organism.
==What is Plasma? ==
Every physical object (electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe, etc.) is nothing more than an accumulations of magnetic fields which Keshe refers to as ''plasmatic magnetic fields''. These plasmatic magnetic fields consist of a huge quantity of individual magnetic fields. Plasmatic magnetic fields are three dimensional, the movement and area of which is determined by the individual magnetic fields within the object.  Each of these plasmatic objects is referred to as a ''plasma'' and is defined by the field content within it.
The Keshe Foundation does not use the word plasma in the same way that it is used in standard physics. The Foundation does not refer to the state of an ionized gas when they say "plasma." Plasma is defined by the Foundation as the entire content of fields which accumulate and create an object.  It is NOT defined by its physical characteristics like ionization and temperature, for example.  Plasma refers exclusively to the properties of the fields of which an object consists.
In most cases, fields extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the object in question. As well, there are field compositions (plasma'''s''') that are already detached from their physical source and are moving in a non-physical form (as a pure field body) through space to another physical (or non-physical) object. The movement of these field conglomerations is considered to be a kind of “flowing.” The Foundation therefore defines energy as fields that move and flow in space from point A to point B.
[[File:magnetical_gravitational_gans.png|thumb|400px|GANS for "producing" magnetic and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
== What is GANS? ==
Certain atoms and molecules release and/or absorb Magnetic and/or Gravitation fields.  Released fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Keshe Foundation has developed a way in which to gather these free flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which Keshe named ''GANS''. 
An organism for example will emit fields it wants to separate itself from (rid itself of) and will absorb fields that it can use or that it has an urgent need for. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for absorption must be available within the immediate environment of the organism.
[[File:plasma_coil_unit_schematic.png|thumb|200px|Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
A tool was developed by the Foundation which consists of components that can absorb fields and create GANS; a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation. Different types of GANS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications.  Each type of GANS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GANS.
The use of different GANS' with different field strengths or the use of nano-coated double coils with plasma batteries causes a directed field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.
If these field fluxes are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these field fluxes or to release a surplus of fields to the environment or they can be collected into a usable GANS.
With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of Magnetic field interaction.
== Plasma Coils ==
Herzlich Willkommen bei den KFSSI WIKI Seiten.  
Plasma coils are made of two nano-coated double coils. Each double coil consists of two coils that are wound and wired in a specific way (coil blueprints are available on the Keshe Foundation website). The two double coils are mounted at 90 degrees to each other. Different types and combinations of GANS' are placed on the coils to create different fields strengths. At the center of the double coils a field is created.  
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An organism is made of fields and can be placed between the coils of a device the Keshe Foundation calls a ''Plasma Coil Unit''.  At the centre of the unit, within the space in which the organism would be situated, the Gravitational and Magnetical fields, created at the centre of the coils, interact with the fields of the organism.  The strength of the fields created by the coils does not diminish because the coils constantly attract and gather fields from the environment. As a result of the interaction of the fields of the coils and those of the organism, a balancing takes place. The organism experiences a balancing as do the coils.  The procedure is complete when the organism and coils find balance. 
English Version [[KFSSI WIKI]] <br>
Versión Española [[KFSSI WIKI Espanol]]
= Introduction=
Here is a collection of information and basic methods to coat copper, to produce GANS and to apply all this.
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= Coating of copper =
= Nano-Coating and the Production of GANS =
[[File: Nanowires micrometer.jpg|thumb|300px|Nano-wires under the scanning electron microscope after the fire coating, Source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2492]]
The philosophy of the Keshe Foundation is, plasma should be available for free to humanity. This is why all steps of production are open source and available at no cost to the public. Step by step instructions on how to produce different types of GANS' are available on this WIKI. The Foundation manufactures products. If you would like to purchase one of our many products, please go to the Keshe Foundations Webshop: https://store.keshefoundation.org/store/
[[File:Nanowires nanometer.jpg|thumb|400px|Fire coated copper under the scanning electron microscope (a) The Cu2O layer and the CuO layer is to see clearly and also the subsequent resulting nano-wires, (b) enlargement of the green marked area of ​​(a) Source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2493)]]
[[File:Nws.jpg|thumb|300px|Single nano-wire(NW): (a) taken with a transmission electron microscope (BF-TEM), visible are both sides of the nanowire, (b) the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) shows enlarged the two layers and the crystalline structure, (c) SAED (selected area electron diffraction): pattern of a nanowire, source: Yuan et al. (2011, p.2494)]]
The base material for the coating is copper, in any form. The coating is carried out either thermally by heating (gas burner) or chemically by etching (NaOH). During the coating "gaps between the atoms" arise and on the surface of the copper microscopic layers build up, which in turn consist of small particles that look like wires, these are also called "nano-wire" because they are so small. Therefore, the coating is often referred to as nano-coating. These nanolayers have the ability to grow during the process of the coating.
== Nano-Coating of Copper ==
Many institutions and universities were already engaged in dealing with the thermal coating of copper. Depending on the nature of the copper at a certain temperature there appear different patterns at the surface called “graphs” or others which are called "nano-wires".  For example,  the scientists Yuan, Wang, Mema & Zhou (2011) <ref name="Yuan, Wang, Mema & Zhou (2011)">Yuan, L., Wang, Y., Mema, R. & Zhou, G.(2011). Driving force and growth mechanism for spontaneous oxide nanowire formation during the thermal oxidation of metals. ''Acta Materialia, 59''(6), 2491-2500.</ref>
from the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Multidisciplinary, State University of New York have studied these nano-particles and layers in detail. The diagram shows an image of the nano-wires in the size from micrometers or nanometers (1 nanometer is 1 millionth of a millimeter: 1 / 1,000,000). The individual wires (threads) are to see clearly, standing or lying around more or less disordered. In this case the copper has been heated to 450 ° C again and again, over a period of 2 hours. It was used a copper substrate in 99.99% purity, which previously was treated with hydrochloric acid (HCI) and was washed with demineralized water, to clean the copper and to remove the natural oxide layer.
The authors affirm that the "nano-wires" during the heating process do not result out of the the so-called "grain boundaries", the cracks on the surface, but that these evolve independently. In detail, during the coating process on the surface first the copper (I) oxide layer (Cu 2 O) is formed, then a copper (II) oxide layer (CuO) comes into existence and eventually the "nano-wires" grow on the top, out of  the CuO layer. Only when the CuO nano-layer is thicker than 1 micron (1 micrometer), the nano-wires begin to grow. The optimum temperature for the growth of the nano-wires is indicated with 300-550 ° C. Interestingly, as we know from the coating practice: copper (I) oxide is yellowish to reddish-brown and gets black when heated, but when it cools down it takes on its original color again. Therefore, if  the coated wires are just yellowish to reddish-brown, the CuO layer was not yet formed and consequently no "nano-wires" are created. Copper (II) oxide is black, so it is important that the coated wires are black and do not have the Cu2O colors. It is therefore important to choose the right temperature for the fire coating, which we will describe in more detail at the topic of fire coating.
[[File: Coating.png|thumb|300px|Main ways, how to coat copper or other metals, Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016]]
Furthermore,  Yuan et al. (2011) have found that the surface of the nano-wires has a crystalline structure and is not hollow, each side of a nano-wire is a crystal with a clearly specified crystal lattice. In figure a and b the two sides can be seen, shown by transmission electron microscopy.
== Steam-coating with NaOH ==
In order to coat copper wires or plates, you need:
* Plastic container with lid (not too big)
The base material for the coating is copper in any form. The coating is carried out either '''chemically by etching (steam coating with NaOH)''' or '''thermally by heating (Fire Coating by gas burner).''' During the coating process "gaps between the [outer most layers of copper] atoms" are created. The coating is often referred to as nano-coating, the layers of which build up during the process of the creation of the coating.
* Weights for weighing down the lid
* ready-wound copper coil, wires or plates
== Nano-Coating Using NaOH ==
* ~ 100 grams of pure NaOH powder or beads (no drain cleaners; you can buy it in color shops because it is used to remove paint as alkaline-based stripper)
* ~ 2 liters of distilled water (according to the quantity of coils and size of the plastic container)
In order to coat copper wires or plates, you will need:
* electric kettle (water boiler) or oven to heat the water
* A plastic container with lid (not too big)
* Weights for weighing down the lid
* Ready-wound copper coil, wires or plates
* ~ 100 grams of pure NaOH powder or beads (Do not use drain cleaners. You can buy it in art shops; it is used to remove paint as alkaline-based stripper, or in chemist's/drugstore)
* ~ 2 liters of distilled water (according to the quantity of coils and size of the plastic container)
* Electric kettle or stove top to boil water
Naoh vorne hinten.jpg|Sodium hydroxide in small beads or flakes (cost: approximately 10 euros / kg)
Naoh vorne hinten.jpg|Sodium hydroxide in small beads or flakes (cost: approximately 10 euros / kg)
Destilliertes wasser 400x400.jpg|Distilled water
Destilliertes wasser 400x400.jpg|Distilled water
Gansbehaelter.jpg|Plastibehälter with lid and weight.  
Gansbehaelter.jpg|Plastic container with lid and weight.  
Kupferspulen.jpg|"Raw" copper coils.  
Kupferspulen.jpg|"Raw" copper coils.  
=== Phase 1: NaOH-bath - cleaning the coils (~ 1 day) ===
==== Phase 1: Caustic bath (~ 2 days) ====
[[File:Spulecoaten.jpg|thumb|200px|Preparation for Steam-Coating ]]
This first stage prepares the materials for the steam coating process:  
* A zinc grid (can be a mesh, which is zinc coated) is placed at the bottom of the plastic container.  
* Scatter just enough NaOH powder to cover the entire bottom of the container.
* Before placing the plates in the container, you can drill a small hole at the top corners of the plate(s) which will be used in Phase 2.
* Place the coils and/or plates directly on the mesh (the coils and/or plates sit on the grid so as to not touch plastic).
* Place the lid, slightly askew, on the container.  Leave a small opening.
* Boil distilled water and pour it (boiling) into the container via the opening until water covers all the coils and/or the plates. 
* Quickly close the opening by placing the lid correctly on the container.
* If necessary, place a weight on the lid to ensure as little steam as possible escapes.
* Leave the container in this state for 24 hours.
Caution, during the pouring of boiling water, steam will escapes. Please wear protective glasses and protective gloves during this process.
At this stage it comes to cleaning the coils of fat and other substances. In a plastic container (not too big) NaOH powder is easily scattered to cover the bottom of the container, then the prepared copper coils are placed on top of the powder, they can touch each other. Next, the lid of the plastic container is obliquely placed on the container so that only a small inlet remains open. In this intake now boiling water is poured until the water covers all the coils. Caution, steam escapes, please wear protective glasses and protective gloves. Burden the lid with weights, so that not too much steam escapes, and leave the container in this state for 24 hours.
==== Phase 2: Caustic Steam (~ 2 days) ====
=== Phase 2: Steam Coating - first coating of coil (~ 2 days)===
* After 24 hours have passed, open the plastic container and remove the coils and/or plates.  NOTE: Use tight fitting gloves (for example, medical) and lift the plates out by the edges or use a wire through the hole you drilled in the plates.  Ensure to touch the coils/plates in ONLY one area when you need to lift them to prevent damaging the nano-coating.  Leave the mesh in the container.
* You will notice that the coils/plates have turned black.  This is the nano-coating
* Remove the liquid from the container.  (Caution - store or dispose of the liquid correctly)
* Hang the coils or plates, which were previously submerged in NaOH water, on copper wires (utilize the holes at the corners of the plates to hang the plates).
* The coils should hang roughly 2cm above the bottom of the container and should not touch the container walls, the mesh or the other coils or plates.
* The plates stand on the mesh, vertically, hung on wires.
* Place NaOH to cover the bottom of the container as in Phase 1.
* Place the lid askew.
* Boil distilled water and pour it boiling through the hole to a depth of roughly 1cm.
* Close and fasten the lid quickly to stop steam from escaping.
* Let stand for 2 days.
In a plastic container of the same size as in Phase 1 (it could also be the same container) a zinc grid is put at the bottom of the container, so that the coils are not directly on the plastic. Then wires are stretched on top of the container. The bottom of the container has to be covered with scattered NaOH (less than phase 1). Hang the coils, which were previously submerged in NaOH water, on the wires. The coils should have about 2 cm distance from the ground and should neither touch the container walls, nor the other coils. Next, the lid of the plastic container is obliquely placed on the container so that only a small inlet remains open. In this inlet again boiling water will be poured, but this time only about 1 cm. Close the lid as soon as possible, burden the lid with weights and wait for about 2 days. Use as in phase 1 protective glasses and protective gloves.
(Caution - Use protective glasses and protective gloves during this process).
=== Phase 3: polarization of the coil (~ 1 minute / coil) ===
==== Phase 3: Drying/draining (minimum 3-4 days) ====
[[File:Ohm01.jpg|thumb|200px|Polarization of a coil with a multimeter, set to Ohms ]]
By polarizing the layers on the copper surface (coating) get excited to organize themselves, align and stabilize. Proceed as follows:
* Place the still wet coils on a nonconductive surface (wood, plastic, fabric, etc.)
* Measure with a multimeter, set on Ohms, at both ends of the coil the resistance. The coil resistance will be definitely higher than 100 kilo Ohm, usually it is in the range of Mega Ohm.
* After the operation, hang the coils back into the plastic container.
=== Phase 4: drying (~ 3 days) and "pull potential" (~ every 3-6 hours)===
* The coils and/or plates now begin the drying process.
* Pour most of the liquid out of the container.  Leave a bit of the water in the container and leave it covered, not weighted.
* Every 6 hours, for the next 3 or 4 days, take a multimeter (set on mv) and touch the mesh with the negative pole and the copper plate with the positive pole at several positions to drain the plate(s) voltage.
* For coils, if its a double coil, touch the coil with the negative pole of a multimeter at the positive pole of the coil and touch the positive pole of the multimeter at the negative pole of the coil for a few seconds, to drain the voltage out of the coil(s).
* When this process is completed, never touch the nano-coating and ensure the coils and/or plates never touch each other.
With "pull potential” the process is named where "plasma" by the power of the multimeter is encouraged to move, or to organize. In this process current is withdrawn to stimulate the system to produce new current. Proceed as follows:
• Pour the bulk of the liquid from phase 2 out of the container, the coils then start with the drying process.
• Remove the coil from the hanger, place them on an iron plate
• Touch with the negative pole of a multimeter (set to Volt) the iron plate and then touch with the positive pole only briefly for a few seconds different points (beginning, middle and end) of the coated coils. The measured values ​​have no meaning and vary between + and - on the display of the multimeter.
'''Repeat this process every 3-6 hours during the three days drying period.'''
You can watch this process again on this Official Youtube Video from the Spaceshipinstitute:
<youtube width="400" height="220">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL64BQeEjEo</youtube>
Volt01.jpg|Potential measurement point 1
Volt02.jpg|Potential measurement point  2
Volt03.jpg|Potential measurement point  3
Volt05.jpg|Potential measurement point  4
== Fire coating with gas burners ==
== Nano-Coating Using A Gas Burner ==
[[File:Butangasbrenner.jpg|thumb|Gas burner (gas torch, blow torch) with butane gas]]
[[File:Butangasbrenner.jpg|thumb|Gas burner (gas torch, blow torch) with butane gas]]
With this type of coating it seems to be not necessary to go through the process of polarization and drying (+ pulling potential), but the temperature and direction of the fire coating is crucial. The movement during the fire coating must always be in the direction of flow and the wires must never glow completely. Once the wires get a golden shimmer, the gas burner should be moved further.
With this type of coating process it is not necessary to go through the process of polarization (draining the voltage) and drying.  However, temperature and direction of application of the fire coating is crucial. When applying the fire coat, the direction in which you apply the flame to the copper must always be in the direction of flow of the coiled wires and the wires must never reach a point of ''glowing'' due to the application of heat. Once the wires are heated to a point where they begin to emit a ''golden shimmer'', the gas burner should be moved to an adjacent point on the wires.  (For clarification, this will be explained in detail below in an accompanying video).
If the wires after a few seconds of cooling down take on different colors as red, turquoise or blue throughout an area, the temperature was too low. In this case simply coat again about this passage. If the wire starts to glow, the temperature is too high, in this case simply move back the gas burner a bit (higher distance from the coil) and then start again with the coating. Over time, a sense for the fire coating will develope and everything runs automatically.
Moreover, the coils will begin to cool as soon as you move the flame from an area that is being heated to an adjacent point.  If, after a few seconds of the heat being removed from an area, the wires take on different colors like red, turquoise or blue throughout the area, this is an indication that the temperature during the fire coating of that area was too low. If this occurs,  simply return the flame to the area and coat it again before moving to an adjacent area. If however the wire begins to glow, the temperature is too high and you should back the burner away from the coils slightly to decrease the temperature and continue coating. With practice, the application process becomes automatic.
We need:
To fire coat, you require:
* Gas burner with butane gas (it also works with a propane / butane mixture)*
* A gas burner with butane gas (it also works with a propane / butane mixture)
* Copper coils or plates
* Copper coils or plates
* Refractory mounting device for mounting /hanging) the coils or plates (preferably metallic)
* Refractory mounting device for mounting/hanging the coils or plates (preferably metallic)
Important: Do not apply the fire coat in rooms that are too cold. Doing so will cause the coating layer to easily separate from the copper wire. There are also differences in quality of the copper wires.  Sometimes slight cracks at the surface of the raw uncoated wire can be detected.
Important: Do not coat in too cold rooms, otherwise very easily the coating layer separates from the copper wire; there are also differences in quality of the copper wires, sometimes slight cracks at the surface can be seen already in the "raw" state.
Note: Please use a gas burner with a tight and narrow pointed flame when applying the coating to ensure very accurate pinpoint application at an area on the wire. If you use a wide, broad flame you will heat up too wide of an area of wire at once. This will result in inaccuracy in the direction of heating of each coil.  (Please view the following video for clarification).  
Please be aware to use a gas burner with a tight and narrow flame to be able to apply it very accurate (at the point), as you can see in the Video. If you use a burner which has only a wide, broad flame you will heat up the neighbouring areas too. This disturbs the needed direction of heating of each coil!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRaeT-7zIJs Fire Coating Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRaeT-7zIJs Video about right method of fire coating
When nano-coating copper using fire, it is done at least in two or more sessions depending on how consistent you become in each session. Between each session, the copper is allowed to cool at room temperature. During the cooling process the copper continues to interact with the atmosphere and you will begin to see a change in color on the surface of the copper. The reaction of the nano-coated copper during the succeeding sessions will be different compared to the first session when fire is first applied. On each succeeding session, the nano layer on the surface of the copper also acts as another layer of conductor and a heat sink. When the flame is applied, this surface layer will start to change into a dull color copper before reaching that right temperature of "shimmering surface" look. We still look for that "golden shimmering" moment as in the previous session and move the flame to the adjacent area. A third or more sessions is only required when you see inconsistency of nano-coating colors due to uneven lower heat application or flaking nano layers due to excessive heat application.
= GANS production and application=  
Important: For a magrav set of coils or multiple coils formation, the color of the inner coil (gravitational) and the color of the outer coil (magnetical) will usually manifest differently from each other due to the field interaction of the nano layers as they are created during the nano-coating process. Different materials (different batch of copper) will also have a different nano-coating layer. The environmental conditions (flame temperature, atmospheric air quality and temperature, plasma fields) during the nano-coating process greatly influence how the nano materials will manifest on the surface of the material like copper.
== GANS Production and Application ==
[[File:Gans erstellung.jpg|thumb|rechts|Formation of GANS. Source: Keshe Foundation SSI, 2015]]
[[File:Gans erstellung.jpg|thumb|rechts|Formation of GANS. Source: Keshe Foundation SSI, 2015]]
GANS is the abbreviation for "GAs in Nano-state of Solid". The Keshe Foundation has developed a method by which carbon dioxide (CO2) can be extracted from the air by simple means and converted into a solid state in the nanometer range (nano-state of solid). In the production of CO2-GANS the carbon of the air joins with the oxygen within the salt solution and within a kind of plasma bubble (consisting of Magnetical and gravitational fields) this conjunction is brought in a crystalline form. These crystals absorb the light (the fields), store and release them according to the "demand". Each crystal is like a sun!
GANS is the abbreviation for "GAs in Nano-state of Solid." The Keshe Foundation has developed a method by which carbon dioxide (CO2) can be extracted from the air by simple means and converted into a solid state in the nanometer range (nano-state of solid). Production of CO2 GANS results when carbon in the air joins with oxygen of a salt solution.  Within a kind of plasma bubble, consisting of Magnetical and Gravitational fields, this conjunction is brought into a crystalline form. These crystals absorb light (the fields) and store and release them according to demand. Each crystal is like a sun!
Furthermore the Keshe Foundation discovered that this GANS, dried as well as bound in water, is useful as an energy supplier or can be usefully applied in areas of health and agriculture. The GANS-water (= the clear water above the GANS, after all of the GANS has settled, but only after the GANS was “washed” at least 5 to 10 times with distilled water see description of GANS washing) can be used in various ways. It is possible to pour it into the bathwater, to make patches as wound dressings or to use it as a spray. Small volumes of it like some drops of it diluted in water (Liquid Plasma – see there) you can drink. The applications are almost limitless and yet only rudimentary explored.
The Keshe Foundation discovered that GANS, dried as well as bound in water, is useful as a source of energy or can be usefully applied in areas of health and agriculture. Once GANS is produced it can be stored in distilled water to keep it moist.  When it is stored in water, GANS does not mix with the water, it settles at the bottom of the water.  GANS water is defined as the clear distilled water in which GANS is stored.    The water (see description of GANS washing) can be used in various ways. It is possible to pour it into bath water, to make health patches as wound dressings or to use it as a spray. Small volumes of it, like drops diluted in water (Liquid Plasma) are drinkable. The applications for the use of GANS and Liquid Plasma are limitless.
The process of GANS-production, developed by the Keshe Foundation, does not only work for the production of CO2-GANS, but also for other kinds of "GANS". The figure shows schematically the development of GANS. The used base is "raw" copper. You can see the indicated compact atomic structure at the bottom of the graphics. In the first step the copper is nanocoated. By the coating the aforementioned gaps between the atoms are formed and nanolayers with nanowires (see Coating) come into existence. This coated copper produced in interaction with a zinc plate in salt water the CO2-GANS, which settles at the bottom.
The process of GANS production, developed by the Keshe Foundation, work for the production of CO2 GANS, but also for other types of GANS. The drawing (Formation of GANS) shows schematically the development of GANS, the base of which is raw copper. Note the compact atomic structure at the bottom of the graphic. In the first step of the process of the formation of GANS, copper is nano-coated. During the coating process spaces between atoms are formed and nano-layers with nano-wires are created (see Coating). Nano-coated copper in interaction with a zinc plate, in a salt water solution, creates CO2 GANS which collects and settled at the bottom of the collection container (see Production of CO2 GANS).
GANS is required for the operation of the Keshe-Magravs. On the one hand the wound and coated coils are covered with GANS and on the other hand there are GANS-tanks (e.g. ping-pong ball) in the center of the coils. And GANS is required in order to produce GANS-water and this is used to produce GANS fields. These GANS-waters are used in many areas of the society. We describe here only the production of the four basic kinds of GANS, which are produced by immersion of coated copper wires or coated copper plates and various metals in 10% sea salt water (100 Gramm sea salt in 1 liter of distilled water dissolved). Thus, you need for the GANS production:
GANS is required for the operation of the Keshe Foundations Plasma Power systems (see the product descriptions for the Power Units in the webshop at www.keshefoundation.org for information on Plasma Power products). GANS is a key component in all of the Foundations products. For example, it is used to coat wound copper coils and used in GANS tanks (e.g. ping pong ball) at the center of coils. As well, GANS is required in order to produce GANS water which is in-turn used to produce GANS fields. Various types of GANS waters are used in many areas of society. Find below descriptions on the production of the four basic kinds of GANS, which are produced by immersing nano-coated copper wires or nano-coated copper plates, in combination with various metals, in a 10% sea salt water solution (100gm sea salt dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water).  
* Plastic container
Materials required for the production of GANS:
* Distilled water
* unrefined, natural sea or rock salt
* Plastic container
* coated copper wires for short-circuiting of the metals
* Distilled water
* coated copper (plates or coils)
* Unrefined, natural sea or rock salt
* metal plate uncoated, which is needed for the respective GANS production (zinc, copper, iron)
* Nano-coated copper wires for short-circuiting of the metals
* Nano-coated copper plates or coils
* Various uncoated metal plates (zinc, copper, iron) which are needed for the production of different types of GANS'
Ligne 121 : Ligne 189 :
Folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick über die Entstehung von unterschiedlichen GaNS-Arten unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Materialien:
This table gives an overview:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! GANS !! Color !! Coated Material  !! Uncoated Material !! salt content   
! GANS !! Color !! Coated Material  !! Uncoated Material !! salt content   
| Co2 (ZnO + Co2)|| white || coated copper || zinc || 3-10%  
| Co2 (ZnO + Co2)|| cream white || nano-coated copper || zinc || 3-10%  
| CH3 (FeO + CH3)|| reddish brown || coated copper || iron || 3-10%  
| ZnO || white || nano-coated zinc || zinc || 3-10%  
| CuO (CuO + Cu) || turquoise || coated copper || copper || 3-10%  
| CH3 (FeO + CH3)|| reddish brown || nano-coated copper || iron || 3-10%  
| ZnO || white || coated copper || zinc || 3-10%  
| CuO (CuO + Cu) || turquoise || nano-coated copper || copper || 3-10%  
== CO2-GaNS ==
=== CO2 GANS ===
[[File:Co2-mit-LED 99 01.jpg|thumb|Washed CO2-GANS with green LED, generates far less and shows structure. Yield after 4 days.]]
[[File:Co2-mit-LED 99 01.jpg|thumb|Washed CO2-GANS with green LED, generates far less and shows structure. Yield after 4 days.]]
[[File:Co2-gans.jpg|thumb|CO2-GANS without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. Yield after 1 day. ]]
[[File:Co2-gans.jpg|thumb|CO2-GANS without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. Yield after 1 day. ]]
[[File:Co2-Nanogans 99 5.jpg|thumb|CO2-GANS dried without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. You bring this with the double amount of  NaOH (weight) and hot destilled water into a “nano state”. Wash it at least 5 times or more (pour out the water after the GANS has settled and fill the container again with fresh destilled water each time). What remains is pure CO2-GANS (usually very little). ]]
[[File:Co2-Nanogans 99 5.jpg|thumb|CO2-GANS dried without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. You bring this with the double amount of  NaOH (weight) and hot distilled water into a “nano state.Wash it at least 5 times or more (pour out the water after the GANS has settled and fill the container again with fresh distilled water each time). What remains is pure CO2-GANS (usually very little). ]]
[[File:491 LED1.jpg|thumb|Connections of LED, but please use a green LED!
[[File:491 LED1.jpg|thumb|Connections of LED, but please use a green LED!
[[File:LED-leuchtet 99 3.jpg|thumb|LED lights when production is going well and electricity is produced! ]]
[[File:LED-leuchtet 99 3.jpg|thumb|LED lights when production is going well and electricity is produced! ]]
=== Production ===
==== Production ====
This GANS is produced by dipping of zinc plates and coated copper coils or coated copper plates in saltwater. Solve 100 grams of sea salt in a liter of distilled water carefully and pour the solution into the container. Ensure that no residues of not dissolved salt come into the container. Regarding the connection of the plates or coils, there are different variants, which lead to a different CO2-/ zinc content.
CO2 GANS is produced by placing a zinc plate, connected to a nano-coated copper coil or nano-coated copper plate, in a sea salt water solution. Dissolve 100 grams of sea salt in a liter of distilled water and pour the solution into a GANS collection container. Ensure all of the salt is dissolved. There are different ways in which to connect the zinc and copper plates or coils together, which will affect the ratio of CO2 to Zinc GANS produced.  In the following video Keshe explains in detail how to produce CO2-Gans:
==== CO2-/ zinc mixture in the ratio 20/80 ====
<youtube width="400" height="220"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D12PKWEo7iY </youtube>
In this case the coated copper plate / coil is directly connected to the bare zinc plate with a coated copper wire. The preparation of this mixture works very quickly, the amount of CO2-is however relatively low in respect to the zinc content.
===== CO2/ZnO GANS mixture, in a ratio of 20:80 =====
==== CO2-/ zinc mixture in the ratio 90/10 ====
To create a higher yield Zinc to CO2 GANS, the nano-coated copper plate/coil is connected directly to a zinc plate with a piece of copper wire.  If  you wish, you can drill a small hole at a top corner of each plate to hook the wire to, however, ensure you drill the hole in the copper plate PRIOR to nano-coating it.  Or, you can use alligator clips to attach them together.  ('''NOTE''': ensure you do NOT scratch the nano layer off of the copper plate with the alligator clips.  Clips with especially strong metal spring will damage the nano layered surface).  Make certain the bottom of the plates or coils do not touch the bottom of the container. In this direct connection method, GANS is created very quickly.  However, the amount of CO2 GANS created is relatively low in respect to Zinc GANS created within the GANS mixture. (NOTE: GANS that is white in colour has a higher content of zinc in it than CO2).
Dabei werden die beiden Platten (nanogecoatete Kupferplatte und blanke Zinkplatte)  nicht direkt mit einem gecoatetem Kupferdraht verbunden, sondern es wird zusätzlich eine LED oder die Spule eines PC-Lüfters dazwischen befestigt ist. Verbinden Sie die Anode (längeres Drahtstück= Pluspol) der LED mit der gecoateten Platte/Spule, die Kathode (Einkerbung oder kürzere Nadel am LED-Gehäuse = Minuspol) mit der Zinkplatte. Die Enden der Platten bzw. Spulen sollen nicht den Boden berühren. Nach einigen Stunden beginnt sich am Boden des Gefäßes eine weiße Schicht abzusetzen, das CO2-GANS, also:
===== CO2/ZnO GANS mixture in a ratio 90:10 =====
<span style="color:#ff0000"> KEINEN STROM (weder von Batterien, noch von Netzgeräten) bei Co2-GaNS zuführen!! </span>
In this case the two plates (nanocoated copper plate and bare zinc plate) are not directly connected with the coated copper wire, but in the middle there is a LED or the coil of a PC fan mounted. The bottom of the plates or coils should not touch the bottom of the container. Connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the coated plate / coil, and the cathode (notch or shorter needle on LED package = negative pole) with the zinc plate. After a few hours a white layer starts to settle on the bottom of the container, the CO2-GANS, This means: Use NO CURRENT (neither from batteries nor of power supplies) in CO2-GANS-production!!
Zinc oxide GANS (ZNO) can not be completely eliminated from the GANS mixture when creating CO2 GANS, but this is of no consequence. However, if you follow these steps, a higher yield of CO2 to Zinc oxide GANS will be created.  The colour of the GANS created is an indication of what type of GANS has been created.  A white coloured GANS indicates more Zinc GANS in the mixture while a cream coloured GANS indicates a higher yield of CO2 GANS created within the mixture. 
We need:
* plastic tub/container or cut bottle
A nano-coated copper plate and zinc plate are connected together with a regular piece of copper wire.  Ensure the bottom of the plates or coils do not touch the bottom of the container. Cut the wire at the mid point and connect a small LED light, or coil of a PC fan, to the ends of the cut wire.  Connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the wire that leads to the coated plate/coil, and the cathode (notch or shorter needle on LED package = negative pole) with the wire that leads to the zinc plate. (Small holes can be drilled into one corners of each plate, PRIOR to the nano-coating process in the case of the copper plate, that can be used to connect the wire to the plates.  You can void drilling holes in favour of using alligator clips to connect the LED to the plates, however, it is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure you do not scratch off or the nano-coating of the copper plate when attaching the clip).  After a few hours, a cream coloured layer of CO2 GANS will starts to settle on the bottom of the container.  (Note: NO CURRENT is necessary from either a batterie or power supply for the creation of CO2 GANS).  (Further note: the colour of the GANS denotes the ratio of CO2 to Zinc GANS in the mixture.
* zinc plate
* coated copper coil
Required Materials:
* Green LED
* Plastic tub/container or cut bottle
* 100Gramm sea salt
* Zinc plate
* 1l of distilled water
* Nano-coated copper coil or Nano-coated Copper plate
* A length of copper wire.
*     Green LED
* 100gm of sea salt
* 1L of distilled water
Salzsole.jpg|Put the rock salt blocks in a 10 liter bucket and fill in the distilled water; wait until salt dissolves (about 1 day) and then filter out the brine. So you can produce brine (salt solution) to stock it and you will always have fresh 15% salt solution.
Flaschenaufbau02.jpg|Clean the empty bottles and hang them in a prepared board. Please do not clean with chemicals (detergents). Hot water is enough!
Flaschenaufbau02.jpg|Clean the empty bottles and hang them in a prepared board. Please do not clean with chemicals (detergents). Hot water is enough!
Ligne 178 : Ligne 248 :
=== Effectiveness, application ===
==== CO2 GANS: Uses/Applications ====
The CO2-GANS-water (depending on the application either pure or only some drops of it put into a larger volume of water) activates cells, revitalizes the body, bringing the sunlight in the body and strengthens the immune system. As a spray it immediately relieves the pain. In disasters, there are usually broken bones. Do not apply the CO2-GANS-water directly to fractures because the pain at the point of the bone fracture brings in the calcium that is needed for healing. So do not spray directly on the breaking point, but around of it. For all kinds of muscle injuries you need CO2-GANS-water.
CO2 GANS water can be used pure or diluted depending on the treatment requirement.  It will activates cells, revitalizes the body and strengthens the immune system. CO2 GANS water is very beneficial to all kinds of muscle injuries.  When used as a spray it immediately relieves pain. However, in the case of a broken bone(s), do not apply CO2 GANS water directly to fracture(s).  Pain at the point of a bone fracture triggers the body to bring needed calcium to the area of the fracture that is required for the healing process. Therefore, do not spray directly on the fracture point; spray the area around it. 
* Oral Application: CO2 GANS water can be taken orally (Eg. drops or 5ml to 25ml in half a liter of water - 1 to 2 times daily (according to the recommendations).
* Foot Bath Application: Add CO2 GANS water to lukewarm water in a foot bath.  When repeatedly applied this eliminates athlete's foot and pulls heavy metals out of the body.
* Full Bath Application:  You can use CO2 GANS water AND the GANS waters of ZnO (zinc oxide), CH3 (iron oxide) and/or CuO (copper oxide). For example, with radiation contamination, Keshe recommends taking a bath with 2 to 3 litres of CO2 GANS water in the bath mixed with warm water, and staying in this water for half an hour 2 to 3 times a day.
* Scalp and Hair Application: You can regularly rub CO2 GANS water on the scalp and in the hair. It soothes the scalp, strengthens hair folical roots and has been shown to bring the original hair color back.
* CO2+ ZnO GANS Liquid Plasma Mixture Spray Application: On the face- revitalizes the skin, refreshes and rejuvenates the skin.
* CO2-GANS-water can be taken in (swallowed)  Eg. dropwise or 5ml to 25ml in half a liter of water - 1 to 2 times daily (according to the recommendations).
* Aftershave Lotion Application: Alleviates cuts immediately and relaxes the skin.
* Foot-bath: add CO2-GANS-water to lukewarm water, repeatedly applied this eliminates athlete's foot, pulls out of the body stored plasma energy of heavy metals.
* Full-bath: here you can not only apply CO2-GANS-water but also the GANS-water of ZnO / zinc, CH3 / iron and CuO / copper. For example, at Radioactive contamination Mr. Keshe recommends to take a bath  with 2-3 liters  of CO2-GANS-water in the bathtub with warm water and staying in this water for 2 to 3 times a day for half an hour.
* Scalp and hair: you can regularly rub with the CO2-liquid plasma scalp and hair. - It soothes the scalp, strengthens the hair root, and is supposed to bring the original hair color back.
* CO2-+ ZnO liquid plasma mixture to spray on the face: revitalizes the skin, refreshes, rejuvenates the skin.
* As aftershave lotion: alleviates possible cuts immediately and relaxes the skin.
* eczema: spray the affected skin areas with the CO2-GANS-water - very rapid improvement has been reported.
* Bee sting: sprinkle with CO2-GANS-water several times
CO2-GANS, CO2-GANS-water and the liquid plasma of CO2- is not only used in health applications but also for energy production.
== CH3-GaNS ==
* Eczema Application: Spray the affected skin areas with CO2 GANS water - to date, very rapid improvement has been reported.
* Bee sting Application: Sprinkle the area of the sting with CO2 GANS water several times.
NOTE: CO2 GANS, CO2 GANS water and liquid plasma of CO2  are used in health applications AND for energy production.
=== CH3 GANS ===
[[File:CH3 FeO Caputure Kit.jpg|thumb|Schematic setting of CH3-production without current;
[[File:CH3 FeO Caputure Kit.jpg|thumb|Schematic setting of CH3-production without current;
  instead of the shortcut you can also use DC of a battery]]
  instead of the shortcut you can also use DC of a battery]]
=== Production ===
==== Production ====
This type of GANS is produced by using an iron plate and a coated copper coil dipped in sea water (or a solution of sea salt). The two metals are connected by a copper wire. Unlike the production of CO2-GANS you can use here a very low/small amount of DC current and the air of a fishtank pump to speed up the process (but this is not really necessary). Members of the Keshe foundation use i.a. a common, adjustable DC device, which produces current of approximately 15 mA between the two plates (metals), instead of the connection with a copper wire. In this case the minus pole of the device is attached to the coated metal (coated copper) and the plus pole of the device is connected to the blank, not coated iron plate. You could also use a 1,5 V battery as power source. If you use any kind of current you should in addition definitely feed air into the salt solution e.g. with a fish tank pump. After a few hours the production of a reddish brown layer at the bottom of the container starts. This is the CH3-GANS.
CH3 GANS is produced by using an iron plate, or other source of iron, in combination with a nano-coated copper coil. The two metals are connected together with a copper wire. Unlike the production of CO2 GANS, you can use a very small amount of DC current and a fish tank pump (aerator) to speed the production process, but the pump is not mandatory. You can use a common, adjustable DC device, which produces current of approximately 15 mA between the two metal plates instead of the connection of a copper wire. If you do, the negative pole of the device is attached to the nano-coated copper plate and the positive pole of the device is connected to the iron plate. You could also use a 1.5 V battery as power source. If you use any kind of current you should aerate the salt solution with a small fish tank pump. It will only take a few hours to produce a reddish brown layer of CH3 GANS at the bottom of the container. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two plates instead of a wire or a current source.
To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source).
We need:
Required Materials:
*Plastic Container
* Plastic Container
*Iron plate
* Iron plate
*Coated copper coil (or coated copper plate)
* Nano-coated copper coil or plate
*100 gram sea salt
* 100 grams of sea salt
*1 liter distilled water
* 1 litre of distilled water
*Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump
* Optional: DC-Device and fish tank aerator
Ligne 210 : Ligne 288 :
=== Effectiveness, application===
==== CH3 GANS Uses/Application====
CH3-GANS-water und Liquid plasma of CH3-GANS act strong energizing upon the body. It is also a part of the nutrition: for instance, 8 parts (drops) of GANS-water of CH3, 1 part (drop) of ZnO, 1 part (drop) of CO2. The fields of Ch3-GANS-water give the energy, those of ZnO are supporting the nervous system and those of CO2 act connecting the muscles with the nervous system. The carbon within CH3 and CO2 releases energy and the hydrogen of CH3 and the oxygen of CO2 join and provide the moisture, which is needed within the body. The energy of the H of CH3 becomes food. The ZnO/Zinc oxide supports the nerve connections which are needed to implement this energy into the body. Always add one drop of the respective amino acid (which builds on top of the salt water during the process of GANS production in each of the containers), this assures that the application is able to be effective within the body. Everytime when you want to apply CH3 as food you must add amino acids. The amino acids tell the body that the energy is provided for the body. The GANS and the amino acids are created within the same container and therefore have an inner connection regarding their inner structure. This inner connection is obviously necessary for the fields of the GANS and its information, which are available within the GANS-water and the liquid plasma, to be transferred to the molecules of the cells of a living body. The real procedures are topic of present and future research.
CH3 GANS water will strongly energize the body and is nutritious. For instance, 8 drops of CH3 GANS water combined with 1 drop of ZnO GANS water and 1 drop of CO2 GANS water will yield the following results. The plasmatic field of CH3 GANS water gives energy to the body while the plasmatic fields of the ZnO GANS water support the nervous system.  The plasmatic fields of the CO2 GANS water acts on muscles and the nervous system. The carbon within CH3 and CO2 GANS waters release energy while the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water and the oxygen of CO2 GANS water combine to provide moisture, which is needed in the body. The energy of the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water becomes food for the body. The ZnO GANS water supports nerve connections that are needed assimilate energy into the body. To assure the application is effective, always add one drop of amino acid of each type of GANS to your drop mixture. The amino acid builds up on the top of the salt water solution during the production of each of the GANS'.  
CH3-GANS is also necessary for technical energy production.
== CuO-GANS ==
Every time you want to apply CH3 GANS liquid as food you must add amino acids. The amino acids tell the body that the energy is provided for the body. The GANS and the amino acids are created within the same container and therefore have an inner connection regarding their inner structure. This inner connection is necessary for the fields of the GANS and its information, which are available within the GANS water and the liquid plasma, to be transferred to the molecules of the cells of a living body. Procedures are topics of present and future research.  CH3 GANS is also necessary for technical energy production.
=== CuO GANS ===
[[File:GaNS-Produktion-Cuo_23.jpg|200px|thumb|CuO-GANS before it has settled. CuO-GANS has just to settle. ]]
[[File:GaNS-Produktion-Cuo_23.jpg|200px|thumb|CuO-GANS before it has settled. CuO-GANS has just to settle. ]]
=== Production ===
==== Production ====
For the production of CuO-GANS you need a blank copper coil (or copper plate) and a coated copper coil (or a coated copper plate), dipped in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) get connected by a copper wire. To speed up the process, the same as with the GANS production of CH3, you can use here a low/small amount of DC current and the air provided by a fish tank pump. Some members of the Keshe Foundation use a DC-device which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The minus pole of the device is to connect with the coated copper and the plus pole of the device is to connect with the blank copper. If you use current then you have in addition also to apply a fish tank pump to provide additional oxygen. After a few hours a turquoise layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is CuO-GANS.
For the production of CuO GANS you need an UNCOATED copper coil, or copper plate, and a nano-coated copper coil or a nano-coated copper plate. The two plates are connected with a copper wire and placed in a sea salt water solution. To speed up the GANS production process, you can use a small amount of DC current and an small aerator (fish tank pump). A DC-device, which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates, or coils, can be used instead of the copper wire between the plates. The negative pole of the device is connected to the nano-coated copper and the positive pole of the device is connected to the uncoated copper. If you use a current you must apply an aerator to provide additional oxygen to the salt water solution. After a few hours a turquoise layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is CuO GANS. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two metals instead of a wire or a current source.
To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS and CH3-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source).
We need:
Required Materials:
*Plastic Container
* Plastic Container
*Blank copper plate (or coil)
* Uncoated copper plate (or coil)
*Coated copper coil (or coated copper plate)
* Nano-coated copper plate (or coil)
*100 gram sea salt
* 100 grams of sea salt
*1 liter distilled water
* 1 litre of distilled water
*Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump
* Optional: DC Device and aerator (small fish tank pump)
=== Effectiveness, application ===
==== CuO GANS Uses/Application ====
Copper represents (in connection with the field interactions) the physical body, it effects the muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for a good communication through the nerves and copper acts disinfectant. In Ghana the Keshe Foundation in cooperation with the national Atomic research institute carried out tests, where microbial contaminated drinking water was cleaned with CO2- and CuO-GANS-water so that is was transferred into drinkable water. Bacteria, salts and even Arsenic and Mercury could be neutralized through CuO-GANS-water so that it was no more detectable in the tests. With the GANS-water of CuO many areas can be disinfected. e.g. rooms where food is produced, hospitals, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms and so on.
Copper represents the physical body (in connection with the field interactions); it affects the muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for good communication through the nerves and copper acts as a disinfectant. The Ghana Keshe Foundation, in cooperation with the National Atomic Research Institute, carried out tests where microbial contaminated drinking water was cleaned with CO2 and CuO GANS water.  The contaminated water was cleaned of contaminants and transformed into drinkable water. Bacteria, salts and even arsenic and mercury are neutralized through CuO GANS water application to the point where these harmful elements were no longer detectable in the test samples of contaminated water. CuO GANS water can be used in many areas as a natural disinfected. (e.g. rooms where food is produced, hospitals, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms and so on).
CuO is also used in the technical energy production.
CuO is also used for energy production.
== ZnO-GANS ==
=== ZnO GANS ===
[[File:14139046 1669957083331481 2111902447 o.jpg|200px|thumb|ZnO-GANS. ]]
[[File:14139046 1669957083331481 2111902447 o.jpg|200px|thumb|ZnO-GANS. ]]
=== Production ===
==== Production ====
For the production of ZnO-GANS you need a blank zinc plate (or zinc coil or zinc mesh) and a coated zinc coil (or a coated zinc plate), dipped in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) get connected by a copper wire. To speed up the process, the same as with the GANS production of CH3, you can use here a low/small amount of DC current and the air provided by a fish tank pump. Some members of the Keshe Foundation use a DC-device which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The minus pole of the device is to connect with the coated copper and the plus pole of the device is to connect with the blank copper. If you use current then you have in addition also to apply a fish tank pump to provide additional oxygen. After a few hours a white layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is ZnO-GANS.
For the production of ZnO GANS you need a zinc plate (or zinc coil or zinc mesh) and a nano-coated zinc coil (or a coated zinc plate), which are connected and placed in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) are connected together by a copper wire. To speed up production you can use here a small amount of DC current and an aerator (fish tank pump). You can also use a DC device that provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The negative pole of the device is connected with to the nano-coated zinc and the positive pole of the device is connected to the uncoated zinc. If you use a current you must use an aerator (fish tank pump) to provide additional oxygen to the salt water solution. After a few hours a white layer will build up on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is ZnO GANS. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two metals instead of a wire or a current source.
To get a better result, as described with the CO2-GANS and CH3-GANS production, you can mount a coil of a PC-fan between the two metals (instead of a wire or a current source).
Required Materials:
* Plastic Container
* Uncoated zinc plate (or coil)
* Nano-coated zinc plate (or coil)
* 100 gram of sea salt
* 1 litre of distilled water
* Optional: DC Device and fish tank pump
==== ZnO GANS Uses/Applications ====
Zinc is a key component in more than 80 human metabolic cycles and plays an important role in the healing of wounds.  The Magnetic/Gravitational fields of ZnO GANS and/or ZnO liquid plasma interact with the fields of human emotions and therefore can be used to  strengthen and balance human emotional needs.  Liquid plasma of ZnO GANS is termed  “peace plasma.” 
* ZnO Health Applications: ZnO GANS water (ZnO liquid plasma) can be applied everywhere the liquid plasma of CO2 GANS is used because emotional imbalance, conflicts and stress are the most frequent causes of human illnesses and diseases.  ZnO plasma aids almost all healing processes.
* Double Walled ''Health Cup'' Application: The gap between the walls of the cup are filled with ZnO GANS water.  The cup can be used for two purposes.  1. Fill the cup with water and let stand for several hours.  The water will be energized by the fields of the ZnO plasma water.  Drink the water.  2. Leave the cup empty and use a straw, placed in the cup, to inhale the ZnO energized air from the cup.
=== How to Make the GANS of Pills and Vitamins ===
[[File:spoon_1.png|300px|thumb| Powdered Vitamins on a spoon.]]
[[File:spoon_3.png|300px|thumb| Hard Tablet on a spoon.]]
You can make and use the GANS of any pill, vitamin or supplement that is available to you.  As a matter of fact, you can make the GANS of any substance that you can find in your environment.
To make GANS of pills or vitamins (tablets or capsules), please follow these steps:
*'''Capsules''':  Open the pill/vitamin capsule and pour the contents into a small container.
*'''Tablets''': Crush a hard tablet into a powder using a pill crusher and pour it into a small container.
* '''Prepare the Ingredient Proportions:''' There are two methods that can be used:
First method:  Fill a ¼ tsp. measuring spoon with powdered vitamin and place it in a mixing cup.  Measure out ¼ tsp. of dry caustic (NaOH) and add it to the mixing cup (use a mixing cup or container that can be tightly sealed).  Mix the powders well.  Add 5 tsp. of boiling water to the mixing cup (please do not add the boiling water until you have read all of the instructions below). 
Second Method:  Match the quantity of the pill to that of Caustic. Mix and measure the dry ingredients.  Add boiling water to the powder at a ratio of 10 parts water to 1 part mixed powder  10:1.
* '''Start the Nano-coating Process:''' Ensure the dry powders are mixed.  Add the boiled water to the dry ingredients and quickly tightly cover the container.  The caustic (NaOH) will begin creating the nano material. Let stand, tightly sealed,  for 3-7 days.
* '''Wash the GANS Mixture:''' After 3-7 days have passed, open the container and wash the mixture with distilled water (see ''Washing GANS'').
We need:
* '''Add CO2 GANS''': To finish the process, add some CO2 GANS (roughly 10ml) to the washed pill/vitamin GANS.
*Plastic Container
*Blank zinc plate (or coil)
*Coated zinc coil (or coated zinc plate)
*100 gram sea salt
*1 liter distilled water
*Optional: DC-Device and fishtank pump
=== Effectiveness, application ===
== Harvesting GANS ==
The field strength of ZnO/ Zinc plasma is able to interact with the field strength of emotions. Therefore it addresses our emotions. It supports, strengthens, balances, fills and pacifies emotional needs. The plasma of ZnO/ zinc is the “peace plasma”. Zinc plays an important role in the wound healing. Zinc is a key component in more than 80 metabolic cycles.
=== How To Harvest GANS Amino Acids ===
The first thing you should do after you have created a batch of GANS is harvest the amino acids from the GANS collection container.  The amino acids float at the surface of the sea salt water solution. They look and feel oily (do not touch them with your hands). Amino acids are created during the GANS production process and are an extremely valuable ingredient of many applications. Amino acids are organic and are an essential ingredient in the human body.
* In health applications the GANS-water or liquid plasma of ZnO can be applied everywhere where the GANS-water of liquid plasma of CO2 is used, because emotional imbalance, conflicts, stress and so on are the most frequent causes of illness and diseases. Therefore ZnO plasma is able to support almost all healing processes.
The layer of amino acids, resting on the surface of the sea salt solution, is quite thin and therefore difficult to collect.  If you use a syringe or eye dropper (pipette) you will collect a quantity of salt water along with the acids. Therefore, it is recommended to use a small spoon or glass rod.  Touch the acids with the rod or spoon; the acids will stick to either.  Or, you can use a sheet of paperboard or plastic wrap.  With practice, you will learn how to easily harvest the amino acids.
* Health cup with double walls: The gap between the walls of the cup is filled with GANS-water of ZnO/ zinc oxide. You do NOT fill water into the cup, but you breathe in only the air inside the cup with a straw.
Store harvested amino acids in liquid form, or you can dry them (if you use a paperboard to collect acids, drying is a favourable option).   After drying, store the amino acid powder in a small clean sealed container and  label your container (e.g. amino acids of CO2 GANS).
== GANS in nützlichen Zuständen ==
Once the harvesting of the amino acids is complete,  you can wash the GANS that has been collected in your GANS container (see ''GANS Washing'').
Das GANS wird in den verschiedensten Zuständen benötigt, je weniger Wasser sich im GANS befindet, desto fester wird das Gemisch, bis hin zum Pulver.  
=== How To Wash GANS ===
=== Abschöpfen der Aminosäuren ===
GANS has to be washed to remove the salt from it before it can be utilized in applications.  
Bevor man das frisch gebildete GANS weiter bearbeitet, muss man die ölige Schicht, die sich oben auf dem Salzwasser gebildet hat, abschöpfen, da diese für viele weitere Anwendungen sehr wertvoll ist. Diese ölige Schicht besteht offenbar aus organischen Substanzen, Herr Keshe spricht von „Aminosäuren“. Was sich in jedem einzelnen Fall hier tatsächlich bildet, und welche Variationen unter welchen Umständen, ist noch zu erforschen. Der Einfachheit halber werden diese oben auf dem Salzwasser des GANS-Erzeugungsgefäßes schwimmenden Substanzen vorläufig als „Aminosäuren“ bezeichnet, weil diese Bestandteile des physischen Körpers von Lebewesen sind.
Da diese schwimmende Schicht von Aminosäuren sehr dünn ist, ist es nicht so einfach, diese abzuschöpfen. Man kann sie entweder mit einer Pipette oder Spritze absaugen (wobei aber viel von dem Salzwasser mit eingesaugt wird) oder besser mit einem Gegenstand (z.B. Löffel, Glas-Stab,…) entnehmen, an dem sie haften bleiben. Man kann sie mit einer Pappe (Karton) oder einer Kunststofffolie von der Wasseroberfläche abnehmen. Dazu ist ein wenig Übung erforderlich.
Die eingesammelten Aminosäuren kann man in flüssiger Form aufbewahren, oder, besonders wenn sie über eine Pappe aufgesammelt wurden, im Sonnenlicht trocknen lassen und dann das Pulver in Gläser oder Dosen abfüllen. Bitte die Gefäße immer sofort beschriften (z.B. mit Aminosäuren über CO2-GANS).
Sobald die gesamte ölige Schicht auf dem Salzwasser abgenommen bzw. eingesammelt wurde (ev. in mehreren Durchgängen), kann der Waschvorgang des GANS beginnen.
* GANS settles at the bottom of the collection container.  Without disturbing the GANS, pour off/remove the sea salt water solution resting above the newly created GANS.
*      If you disturb the GANS and it begins to mix into the salt water, let it settle before attempting to remove more of the the salt water.
* When you have removed most of the salt water, remove the GANS from the container (you will remove some salt water as well) and place it in a lidded glass jar.
* Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the jar and then pour off/remove as much salt water as possible.
*      Fill this GANS glass jar with distilled water and seal it. 
* Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the glass jar and pour off/remove as much of the water above the GANS as possible without disturbing the GANS.
* Refill the GANS glass jar with distilled water and seal it.
* Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the glass jar and pour off/remove as much of the water above the GANS as possible without disturbing the GANS.
Repeat this process (pouring off/removing the water above the GANS; refilling the jar with distilled water; let settle, pour off, etc.) at least 6 to 10 times.  This process washes the salt out of the GANS.
=== Waschen des GaNSes ===
Alternately: You can opt to use GANS collection containers that have spouts at the bottom.  You can then open the spout and collect GANS (and some salt water) negating the need to pour off/remove the salt water from above the GANS in the collection container.  Find a method that works for you.
Bevor man das GANS verwenden kann, muss das GANS gewaschen werden, um den Salzanteil zu reduzieren. Dies geschieht in folgenden Schritten:  
=== How to Make GANS Water ===
[[File:14138948 1039012062834789 942648139 o.jpg|thumb|GANS-water filled in bottles ]]
[[File:Gans trocknen heizkoerper 1.jpg|thumb|Drying of the GANS on top of the heating ]]
* Das Salzwasser über dem frisch gebildeten GANS vorsichtig abgießen oder mit einer Spritze oder manuellen Absaugpumpe absaugen. **
After the salt has been washed out of the GANS, store the GANS in distilled water in a sealed container.
*Flüssiges GANS (GANS-Flocken, die in dem restlichen Salzwasser schweben) in ein möglichst hohes Glas (oder anderen hohen Behälter) geben
*Das Glas mit destilliertem Wasser auffüllen
*Warten, bis sich das GANS wieder am Boden abgesetzt hat
*Mit einer Spritze oder Absaugpumpe das Wasser über dem GANS wieder abgießen oder absaugen
*Den Rest der Flüssigkeit mit den darin schwebenden GANS-Flocken wieder mit destilliertem Wasser auffüllen
Dieser Vorgang (Wasser oben absaugen und mit frischem destillierten Wasser auffüllen) wird mindestens 6-10 Mal wiederholt, dann ist das GANS gewaschen.
Shaking the sealed container mixes the GANS with the distilled water.  The GANS will quickly settle at the bottom of the container, however, the Magnetical/Gravitational fields of the GANS will transfer and mix with the field strength of the distilled water, energizing the water.
** Alternativ zu dieser Methode kann man dann, wenn man das GANS in einer Flasche erzeugt hat, die Kopf über in einer Aufhängevorrichtung montiert wurde, das GANS durch Öffnen des Flaschenverschlusses vorsichtig nach unten abrinnen lassen.
After shaking the container, for best energetic results, let the container sit for 24 hours allowing the water to absorb the Mag/Grav fields of the GANS.
Es gibt zu den hier vorgestellten Methoden der GANS-Herstellung einige Alternativen, welche zu gegebener Zeit hier ebenfalls vorgestellt werden.
=== Herstellung von GANS-Wasser ===
The water is now charged/energized with the field properties of the GANS. Now the GANS water (water sitting above the GANS in the jar) can be used for various applications.
[[File:14138948 1039012062834789 942648139 o.jpg|thumb|GaNS-Wasser in Flaschen abgefüllt ]]
[[File:Gans trocknen heizkoerper 1.jpg|thumb|Trocknen des GaNSes auf dem Heizkörper. ]]
Sobald das GANS mehrmals gewaschen wurde, beinhaltet die Suspension kaum mehr Salz. In diesem Zustand kann es weiterverwendet werden.
Um GANS-Wasser zu erhalten, füllt man nach dem letzten Abgießen bzw. Absaugen die restliche Flüssigkeit mit den darin schwebenden GANS-Flocken einfach neuerlich mit destilliertem Wasser auf. Gutes Durchrühren verstärkt die Feld- bzw. Informationsübertragung.
Damit dieses Wasser die vom GANS abgegebenen Felder ( und Informationen) auch vollständig aufnehmen kann, sollte man diese Suspension mindestens 24 Stunden stehen lassen.
When you remove GANS water from the GANS storage container for application purposes, ensure that you take ONLY the clear water from the container. DO NOT take GANS from the container unless you need it for a specific application.
Danach gilt das Wasser über dem sich wieder abgesetzten GANS als mit den Feldeigenschaften des jeweiligen GANS aufgeladen bzw. informiert und kann für die entsprechenden Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Dieses nunmehr aufgeladene/informierte Wasser über dem abgesetzten GANS bezeichnet man als „GANS-Wasser“.
Beim Entnehmen des GANS-Wassers für die diversen Anwendungen ist darauf zu achten, wirklich nur das Wasser abzusaugen oder abzuschöpfen und nichts von den GANS-Flocken (es sei denn, es soll bewusst auch das GANS selbst Verwendung finden).
Every time you remove clear GANS water from the container, pour distilled water into the container to refill it, seal it and let is stand for at least 24 hours before using the GANS water for application purposes.
Das GANS selbst (die GANS-Flocken) verbleibt dabei immer im Glas (oder jeweiligen Behälter) und kann ohne Beschränkung immer wieder mit neuem destillierten Wasser aufgefüllt werden.  
Nach jedem neuen Wiederauffüllen wieder gründlich umrühren und für mindestens 24 Stunden stehen lassen. Dann ist erneut eine Charge GANS-Wasser hergestellt.
The GANS will continue to energize the water within the container limitlessly.
=== Herstellung von "Liquid Plasma" ===
=== How To Make Liquid Plasma ===
Aus jeder Sorte GANS-Wasser kann das entsprechende „Liquid Plasma“ hergestellt werden. Zur Herstellung von sogenanntem „Liquid Plasma“ entnimmt man mit einer Pipette oder Injektions-Spritze aus dem Behälter mit dem GANS-Wasser eine kleine Menge und „impft“ einen anderen Behälter mit reinem, frischen destillierten Wasser mit wenigen Tropfen dieses GANS-Wassers.
Every type of GANS water can produce a respective “liquid plasma.” To produce liquid plasma, with a syringe or an eye dropper (pipette), take a few drops of GANS water and place them into a container of distilled water.  
Die Information geht aus dem GANS-Wasser unmittelbar auf die gesamte Menge des frischen, reinen destillierten Wassers über, wenn man dieses gut durchrührt oder schüttelt. Zum Verrühren nimmt man am besten einen nanogecoateten „Schneebesen“, den man sich aus einer Kupferspule und einer Griffstange leicht selbst herstellen kann. Das Verwirbeln durch das Verrühren potenziert die Wirkung (ähnlich, wie das bei der Homöopathie durch die Verschüttelung geschieht).
Man kann aber, wenn kein nanogecoatetes Rührgerät zur Verfügung steht, das Wasser mit den GANS-Wassertropfen mit jedem Löffel oder anderen Rührgerät (z.B. Stab-Mixer) umrühren.
Diese neu hergestellt Mischung (aus dem reinen destillierten Wasser und den wenigen Tropfen GANS-Wasser) nennt Herr Keshe normalerweise „Liquid Plasma“.
Wenn man eine Verdünnung aus GANS-Wasser zum Einnehmen herstellen will, so kann man die entsprechende Menge GANS-Wasser (Tropfen, Teelöffel, Esslöffel) auch in Trinkwasser geben. In diesem Fall sollte man auch nicht mit einem nanogecoateten Gerät umrühren, sondern mit einem einfachen Löffel.
=== Trocknen des GaNSes ===
The GANS water information will be transferred from the drops to the volume of distilled water instantly, especially if the mixture is stirred or shaken. For stirring, create a stirrer from a nano-coated copper coil wrapped around a glass rod. The turbulences creates vortexes within the water which act like energetic amplifiers (similar to the procedure in homeopathy).
[[File:Ganstrocknung.jpg|thumb|200px|Optional: Trocknen des GaNSes mit Ventilator. ]]
If you do not have a nano-coated stirrer you can use any stirrer, like a spoon or a rod or even a blender to stir the mixture.
Ziel der Trocknung ist das schonende Entziehen des Wassers, die Trocknung darf auf keinen Fall durch Erhitzen über Feuer oder auf einer Herdplatte durchgeführt werden, je natürlicher die Trocknung, desto besser. Möglich zur Beschleunigung der Trocknung ist das Stellen auf einen Heizkörper oder das Einschalten einer Lampe (mit einem Wärme produzierenden Leuchtmittel) in der Nähe des GANS-Behälters. Wenn sich beim Trocknen Kristalle bilden, wurde das GANS zu wenig gewaschen und es handelt sich um Salzkristalle. Im Laufe der Zeit erhalten Sie dann GANS-Paste bzw. nach dem Verstreichen weiterer Stunden GANS-Pulver.
Keshe calls the mixture of distilled water + the drops of GANS water “liquid plasma.”
If you produce liquid plasma from GANS water for internal use (to drink), you can put the GANS water drops (or ml, teaspoon, soup spoon) directly into your drinking water.  In this case you should not stir the drinking water with a nano-coated stirrer; use a normal spoon.
=== How To Dry GANS ===
GANS can be used in a moist or solid state.  You can store GANS in distilled water, keeping it moist, or you can remove it from the distilled water and dry it into a solid powder.  In the end, the properties of the GANS remains intact in either state.  For health application we most often use GANS water.
[[File:Ganstrocknung.jpg|thumb|200px|Optional: Drying the GANS with a fan ]]
Sometimes dried GANS is preferable for a particular application.  When drying GANS the aim is to do it naturally to gently withdraw moisture from the GANS.  Under no circumstances is GANS to be dried by heating it over an open fire or on a stove top. The more natural the drying process, the better.  It is possible to speed the drying process by putting the moist GANS on top of a heating radiator or heating vent, or by placing the GANS near a lamp that has a heat producing bulb.  If crystals form during the drying process, this is an indication that the GANS was not washed thoroughly during the GANS washing process.  The crystals are likely salt crystals.  During the drying process the GANS will turn to a paste, and after more hours pass it will turn to a powder.
3GANSSorten.jpg|CuO-GaNS-Paste und CH3-GaNS-Pulver.  
3GANSSorten.jpg|CuO-GANS-paste and CH3-GANS-Powder.  
Salzkristalle ungewaschenes Gans.jpg|Wird das CH3-GaNS nicht gewaschen, bilden sich Salzkristalle.  
Salzkristalle ungewaschenes Gans.jpg|CH3 GANS that has not been throughly washed showing the formation of salt crystals during the drying process.
== Anwendung von Plasma in Notfallsituationen ==
= Plasma Technology for Health =
The Keshe Foundation offers a full spectrum of information pertaining to GANS and its uses, from solid plasma to liquid plasma to field plasma.  Which of the available information, processes or devices resonates with you?  The utilization of these Keshe systems will support you for the betterment of the quality of your life while offering you the potential to elevate your soul and the souls of the people around you.
== The Role of Emotions in Plasma Technologies ==
Plasma Technology works on the level of fields "behind" the physical matter we can touch.  Everything in Plasma Technology is "built" out of magnetic/gravitational fields.  Even our emotions are created by the combination and interaction between specific magnetic and gravitational fields.  Fields, influence matter.  Especially when they are isolated in specific areas around our physical body.  What happens to us when the natural flow of these fields is hampered?  We become unbalanced and illness sets in.  In Plasma Technology the role of emotions is extremely important. In this WIKI you will therefore find chapters filled with information on psychological, emotional origins of specific diseases.
Here is a list of titles written by therapists, doctors and author, who developed specific techniques to detect and isolate emotions and/or provided humanity with information showing how emotions are connected with disease:
* '''The Key to Self-Liberation:''' <ref name="Beerlandt, C. (2003)">Beerlandt, C. (2003). ''The Key to Self-Liberation: 1000 Diseases and their Psychological Origins. Lierde, Belgium: Beerlandt Publications.</ref> This encyclopedic work by Christiane Beerlandt shows the psychological-emotional origins and solutions of disease. The book offers practical guidelines and entries about 1000 diseases.
* '''The Emotion Code:''' <ref name="Bradley, N. (2007)">Bradley, N. (2007). ''The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundat Health, Love and Happiness.'' Wellness Unmasked Publishing. Mesquite, NV: Wellness Unmasked Publishing.</ref> In The Emotion Code, Dr Bradley Nelson reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can effect you in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.
== The Basic Tools of Plasma Health Technology ==
Nähere Informationen zu dieser Thematik finden Sie im 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ab ca. Minute 21 und ab ca. Minute 35.
Sämtliche gesundheitlichen Anwendungen der Plasma-Technologie der Keshe Foundation sind erst ansatzweise erforscht. Klinische Tests können erst durchgeführt werden, wenn die Genehmigungen dafür vorliegen. Die hier gegebenen Vorschläge resultieren aus den bisherigen Versuchsergebnissen mit freiwilligen Testpersonen oder aus einer Ableitung aus den theoretischen Ansätzen. Jede Anwendung der hier oder auf anderen Seiten stehenden Vorschläge erfolgt in Eigenverantwortung und im Bewusstsein, sich als freiwillige Testperson für diese Anwendung der Plasma-Technologie im Gesundheitsbereich zur Verfügung zu stellen.
[[File:Usage of GANS.png|thumb|500px|Ways to use GANS-water. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
Wie die bisherigen Versuche und Tests gezeigt haben kann uns Plasma (die Felder, aus denen alles besteht) in vielen Situationen sehr schnell helfen. Es lässt sich anwenden durch Aufsprühen, Auflegen von Patches und Trinken.
People all over the world use GANS and GANS water within different devices and cures. With this technology self-healing powers of an organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up/create the organism itself. The use of chemical agents and processes are not necessary when we view life as nothing more than the result of interaction between magnetic and gravitational fields. Which fields are in abundance or are needed by an organism?  How can we utilize this knowledge to bring balance to organisms?  GANS water for instance can be used in a spray or in a patch. You can drink or inhale GANS water, bathe in it, stand or lay between walls of GANS or stand near rotating balls, which strengthen the effect of GANS.  
Es sollten von jeder GANS-Sorte mindestens 100 ml (Milli-Liter) hergestellt werden. Jedes (bereits fertig gewaschenes) GANS mit einigen Tropfen der Aminosäuren aus demselben Behälter, in dem das jeweilige GANS hergestellt wurde, versehen und gut durchrühren.
Seen in a more structured way, we can distinguish between the use of (1) the Pain Pens, which are made of nano-coated copper wires, (2) GANS Patches, which contain different types of GANS or GANS water, (3) Plasma Units, which consist of two or more walls containing nano-coated doublecoils or rotating balls filled with different types of GANS, (4) Field Plasma Units, which are used to produce different types of GANS waters or to replicate specific parts of an organism or (5) GANS water injections, which can be directly injected with a syringe into a vein.
Jede GANS-Sorte (inklusive der zugehörigen Aminosäuren) kann dann in eine normale, vorher gründlich ausgewaschene, Getränkeflasche (z.B. Mineralwasserflasche) gefüllt werden. Füllmenge maximal 1/3 des Flaschenvolumens. Dann mit destilliertem Wasser auffüllen, gut schütteln oder verrühren und dann in Ruhe setzen lassen (mindestens 24 h).
Immer nur das über dem GANS befindliche GANS-Wasser verwenden!
Die Flasche kann immer wieder neu aufgefüllt werden. Das GANS wird somit nie verbraucht (und behält seine Eigenschaften laut Herrn Keshe länger als drei Menschengenerationen, vielleicht sogar viele Jahrtausende). Selbst wenn in unserer Lebenszeit keine Katastrophen passieren, übergeben wir damit etwas Wertvolles an unsere Nachkommen.
(Wie oft man das GANS-Wasser absaugen und durch neues destilliertes Wasser ersetzen muss, damit sich keine Keime darin bilden, wird die Erfahrung zeigen. Rückmeldungen dazu an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.)
Spray.jpg|GaNS-Wasser zum Sprühen
liquid_plasma.png|Liquid Plasma Cures
14182384 1669901973336992 625212491 n.jpg|GaNS-Wasser im Patch zum Auflegen
plasma_units.png|Plasma Units with coils or balls
14182435 1669901853337004 691309626 n(1).jpg |GaNS-Wasser zum Trinken
pain_pen.png|Pens out of nanocoated copper
Patch.png|Patches, filled with GANS or GANS-water
field_plasma.png|Field Plasma Replication Units
=== GaNS-Patches ===
=== GANS Liquid Plasma Therapy ===
[[File:liquid_plasma.png|thumb|200px|Liquid Plasma. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
Liquid Plasma Therapy can be used for all kinds of diseases, especially different types of cancers; it is a total cancer therapy.  There are different ways of using Liquid Plasma, depending on the diseases patients have. You can use Liquid Plasma as a bath, as a drink or as an inhalation cure. You can also combine all three. Always keep in mind: “Nobody has ever died of cancer, we die of lack of energy. “ 
==== Liquid Plasma: Bath ====
This GANS treatment is very powerful.  Tumors can be reduced by 80% within 10 Days. CO2 GANS water is the basis of the liquid plasma bath. The patient takes a bath in a bathtub, which is filled up with warm to the touch water and about 1-2 Litres of CO2 GANS water. Do not use the GANS itself, use the GANS water (see ''GANS water''). Mainly use CO2 GANS; CO2 GANS brings the body in balance. Use CH3 GANS mixed with CO2 GANS only when you have psychological depression before the cancer or due to cancer (also for MS, ILS, CVS and FMS). By using this liquid plasma bath you transfer energy from the body into the water while the water releases its energy into the environment.
Mix GANS with distilled water; let the GANS settle at the bottom of the container; take the clear water off of the top and add this water into the bath.  For example, get a 5 litre bottle of distilled water, put about 20ml of GANS into it, seal it and shake it.  Let it mix and let the GANS settle to the bottom.  Leave it for 24 hours so that the fields of the GANS can intermingle with the fields of the water.  Then add the clear GANS water from the container to the bathwater.  (Do not put the GANS in the water, only the GANS water).  After you take water from the container, refill it with distilled water. For patients, you can make 4-5 of these bottles for them so that they can stay in a bath of water that covers their entire body. 
You can also put the sealed bottles if GANS/distilled water into the bath! Regardless of whether the tumour is in the spine or the brain, ensure the body is immersed in the bath water or if necessary the patient can lower into the bath with only the mouth or nose above the water. They can additionally just leave the GANS bottles in the bath at the end of the bath. 
Instead of using a CO2 patch used on a specific area of the body, we approach the whole body.  Several locations of cancers can be handled at one time (stomach, liver, pancreas etc.). It becomes a total approach. Patients should stay 1 hour at least 3 times a day in the bath. Patients can do it at home.
[[File:Teaching 2016 05 18.jpg|thumb|550px|Liquid Plasma Bath. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
This could also be realized with a Jacuzzi (bubble bath, whirlpool). Depending on the size of the Jacuzzi, you can sit many people in it.  As with the bath, put the GANS water from the bottles, or even the sealed bottles of CO2/distilled water into the Jacuzzi.  Keep on adding water from the bottles to the water. The water must not be heated, it should be warm, just warm enough that it is comfortable for the patients.  They can sit and even chat. They don't need to do anything but enjoy the Jacuzzi. Within the first 48 hours the first changes occur. Alternately, instead of leaving the sealed 5 Litre bottles in the water, you can float Coca Cola Bottles that are filled with GANS and GANS water.
For the rest of the 80% of cancer reduction mentioned above, you need to have a detailed blood or/and urine analysis done that identifies the metals in the blood. When you see heavy metals in the blood or urine, what does it mean? How do you interpret the high level of these materials in the blood? For instance, high level of mercury or lead?  It is possible to reduce the mass size of a tumour, up to 80 %, within weeks of GANS treatment. The other 20% can be reduced by analyzing the blood of the patients by first looking at the heavy metals that are in the blood.  When you stop GANS therapy without doing this, the cancer becomes more aggressive.  When there is a high level of mercury in the blood for instance, it means the center of the cancer tumour, the mother feeder (mother which feeds the whole cancer) is mercury. The last 20% of the tumour is a solid mass which is gets fed continuously by the mother! When you do a blood test or urine test and you see high levels of a specific metal, it means that this is the seed of your cancer. For example: When you have the results of your blood test and you see a high level of mercury, it means mercury feeds the cancer.  Therefore, a GANS of mercury will be required for treatment.  Cancer steals the bodies energy; it’s heavily gravitational. Make GANS of mercury and put a few drops into the water near where the cancer is and you find out that you killed the cancer inside. The energy from the seed is transferred.  You deplete the energy from the centre of the cancer, from the point where it’s absorbing all the bodies energy.
How do you produce GANS of mercury considering it is extremely difficult to handle? Put a container of mercury on top of a container that is filled with distilled water; it’s like the process which was done with the orange. Put GANS of CO2, CH3 and Amino acids around the container outside the glass. When you put the mercury above the water, the water will absorb the GANS of the mercury. Then all you need to is add the distilled water into the water of the bath.
==== Liquid Plasma: Taken Orally ====
[[File:Teaching 2016 05 18 1.jpg|thumb|450px|Liquid Plasma Drink and Inhalation Cure. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
In conjunction with the bath, take 2-3 Soup Spoons of GANS water (never the GANS) and put it in a glass of drinking water two or three times a day.  This amount of GANS water ensures the body has time to assimilate and utilize the GANS water.
=== Liquid Plasma: As an Inhalant ===
Liquid Plasma Inhalation is very important because when a "Breathing Device" is used it directly addresses the emotions.  This treatment can be used in conjuction with all other Plasma treatments and technologies,  especially with patients with lung problems (but suitable for all emotional based diseases).  eg. Put GANS water in a glass of drinking water; hold a straw close to the surface of the water and breathe in the surface air at the top of the water. The Illustration shows a summary of the liquid plasma drink and inhalation treatment. Conversely, you can use a double walled cup and fill the wall space with GANS water or liquid plasma. Then place a straw into the cup and inhale the air from the interior of the cup. <br><br><br><br>
== Plasma Units ==
[[File:plasma_units.png|thumb|200px|Liquid Plasma. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
A Plasma Unit is a device that consists, in its most basic form, of two vertical walls containing either mounted nano-coated copper coils (the ''Plasma Coil Unit'') or mounted balls filled with GANS water (the ''Plasma Ball Unit''). Both versions are holistic systems which are used to help balance the physical as well as the non-physical aspects of an organism.
==== Plasma Coil Unit ====
===== Functionality =====
[[File:Plasma coil unit basic.png|thumb|300px|Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
[[File:Gans patches.png|thumb|300px|Adding GANS Patches to address specific parts. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016 ]]
The ''Plasma Coil Unit'' is a device which consists, in its most basic form, of two vertical walls on which several double coils are mounted. The double coils (see ''Plasma Coils'') are not connected in the same way they are in a (power) Magravs unit.  They are connected in specific “health-settings.” Plasma, that flows between the two coiled filled walls, penetrates and passes through the human body, situated between the walls. The Illustration shows this schematically. The advantage of this system is, if a specific part of the body is afflicted the whole of the body is immersed in plasma.  It is a holistic system that uses CO2 and ZnO GANS to process the physical body, including the brain, as well as human emotions.
More and more studies are showing that emotion is at the heart of many illnesses.  When using the Unit, after changes in the physical body occur, changes in emotional pattern follow, which means patients can achieve complete emotional and physical balance in the long run.
By the additional use of GANS Patches, we can concentrate plasma energies where they are needed most.
===== Plasma Coil Unit Application =====
You can use the ''Plasma Coil Unit'' to treat all illnesses.
*    Place the body between the vertical walls of the Unit. 
*    Place the coils of the walls at a height adjacent to the source of the illness.
*    Move the coils as close as possible to the body, but do not let the coils touch the body.
*    You can use thin plastic foils (e.g. plastic bags) to cover the coils in order to get the coils as close to the body as possible. The foil can touch the skin, but the coils can not touch the skin because the results and effectiveness will be greatly altered. The GANS can not touch the skin directly, so for close proximity coil placement, put a foil around the coils. 
Plasmatic Pulse: The human heartbeat pulses.  As it pulses the body releases an amount of energy to fulfill the emotional need of the body.  Blood circulation pulsing triggers the coils of the ''Plasma Coil Unit'' to release plasmatic energy (this is similar to the pulse and release associated with the GANS coated coils of the Magravs energy systems, that pulse at 50Hz).  The coils of the ''Plasma Coil Unit'' pulse and release plasmatic energy when the coils pulse is kick started by the bodies natural pulse.  There is therefore a tailored pulse interaction between the Unit and the patient which results in the body taking from the coils what it needs while releasing (giving) what it does not need, to achieve balance.
It is suggested to use GANS patches in conjunction with the Unit because a patch on naked skin “feels“ the bones natural pulse, the vibration of which triggers the releases of the exact amount of energy from the GANS of the patch that the body needs. The GANS of the patch does not continuously release its energy.  It will stop as soon as the body has finished taking what it needs from the patch.  When you make GANS patches for a patient, make sure the patient sticks it on the body.  The patch will give the body only what it needs to achieve balance.
==== Plasma Ball Unit ====
===== Functionality =====
===== Application =====
=== Pain Pen ===
==== KFSSI Pain Pen ====
===== Production =====
===== Application =====
=== GANS Patches ===
[[File:14171904 1669901976670325 965415121 n.jpg|thumb|GaNS-Wasser in Flaschen, wir verwenden auf unseren Körpern nur das GaNS Wasser über den GaNS-Flocken. ]]
[[File:14171904 1669901976670325 965415121 n.jpg|thumb|GANS water in bottles; please use on your bodies only the GANS water above the GANS substance. ]]
Bei Gesundheitsanwendungen verwenden die Mitarbeiter der Keshe Foundation immer nur das Wasser über dem GANS (das GANS-Wasser) und/oder das damit hergestellte Liquid Plasma (siehe oben). Das GANS selbst sollte unter keinen Umständen konsumiert werden und sollte nicht direkt mit dem Körper in Berührung kommen. Für Auflagen, sogenannte GANS-Patches oder GANS-Pads, wird hauptsächlich CO2- GANS-Wasser oder CO2-Liquid Plasma verwendet. Alle Arbeiten sollten immer mit Handschuhen ausführt werden!
In health applications the Keshe Foundation uses only the water above the GANS (see ''GANS Water'') and/or Liquid Plasma (see ''Liquid Plasma'').  '''CAUTION''':  GANS must never be consumed under any circumstance and you must never touch GANS with any part of the body. CO2 GANS Water or Liquid Plasma of CO2 is primarily used for the creation of GANS patches or GANS pads.  When you work with GANS, always where gloves.
So kann relativ schnell ein GANS-Patch erstellt werden:  
==== How To Make a GANS Patch ====
===== Method: Utilizing GANS Water =====
# For a definition of GANS Water please see section ''How To Make GANS Water''.
# Fill a small container/bottle with clear CO2 GANS water. 
# Add a few drops of CuO2 GANS water to the container/bottle and stir it to mix the solution. (Note: for best results use a nano-coated stirrer (nano-coated copper coil wrapped around a glass rod).
# You will need plastic zip lock bags, with good strong zip seals, and paper towel. 
# Using a small syringe, take 10-15 ml of GANS-water from the prepared bottle and drip it on a 2 layer thick paper towel (you decide the size of the patch). Use enough liquid to soak the entire paper towel.  When the entire paper is damp, put it into a zip lock bag, press out the air and close/seal the bag.
# Label the bag immediately (What is the content? Which GANS waters was used?  In which ratio?  Date the patch was made?).
# GANS patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. The best option is to produce patches with a specific person in mind with the intention that the patch/pad will deliver the plasmatic fields that are needed for the healing process of the person. Do not give a GANS patch or pad to anyone if it was already used by someone. (Exception: emergency case).
===== Method: Utilizing Liquid Plasma =====
# Prepare the Liquid Plasma (see ''Liquid Plasma Preparation'') of the different types of GANS' as individual liquid plasmas or combined in a mixture in required application ratios. 
# You will need zip lock bags with a strong zip seal and paper towel.
# Using a syringe, drip 10-15 ml of the prepared ''Liquid Plasma''  and one or two drops of CuO GANS water (pure) onto a two layer thick paper towel. (The size of the patch determines the amount of drops required in order to wet the entire towel).
# When the whole paper is damp, put it into a zip lock bag, press the air out of the bag and close/seal it.
# Label the bag immediately (What is the content? Which liquid plasmas in which ratio did you use?  How many drops of CuO GANS water were used?  Date made?).
# GANS patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. For best results, make a patch or pad with a certain person in mind with the intention that it will deliver the fields that are needed in order to heal the person.
# A patch or pad should not be used by someone AFTER it is used by a person. (Exception: emergency case).
Try testing to see if you get better results when you use GANS Water for the patches or when you use Liquid Plasma for the production of patches and pads, and please report the result of your research to the Keshe Foundation.
==== Application of GANS Patches and Pads ====
Using the patches:
* Simply apply them to the area of an ache or pain.
* They work well on a plaster bandage.  Hand, arm shoulder, hip, knee, foot, ribs, solar plexus, neck, etc.
* In times of restlessness, grief, fear, worries: apply on the solar plexus and neck areas
'''CAUTION''': Do not use patches/pads on body parts that contain artificial material(s).  For example on areas where nails, screws, and plates are located or after surgical interventions.  Do not apply on the area of root canal treatment of teeth. Never place a patch/pad on or near pacemakers.
=== Application of Plasma in Emergency Situations ===
A good source of information on the application of plasma in emergency situations can be found in the 121st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, between the 21st and 35th minute marks.  
Research for all Keshe Foundation plasma technology health applications are still very much in the beginning stages, however results have been extremely positive to date.  Further investigation needs to be done in this field of science. Clinical trials and tests are only possible after Foundation permission is granted.  All recommendations and proposals stated here or in the teachings of Mr. Keshe are the result of previous tests with volunteers or are the results of theoretical deduced approaches.  Each application of a proposals given here, or on other Foundation plasma technology application sites, are carried out with full knowledge and understanding that personal responsibility and liability rests with the volunteers who agree to participate in private plasma health care tests.
Previous tests have shown  that plasma (the result of interaction between Magnetic and Gravitational fields) can aid people very quickly in many situations.  In emergency situations, GANS products can be applied by spray, patch and even orally.
Be prepared for emergency situations! Create varieties of GANS' and have them on hand and available.  Here is a list of the types of GANS that you should have on hand for emergency situations:
* CuO GANS (turquoise-blue in colour) and CuO2 GANS (brownish in colour)
* ZnO GANS or ZnO2 (both white in colour)
* CO2 GANS ( cream white in colour)
* CH3 GANS (reddish-brown in colour)
* CaO2  (produce from the ashes of burnt bones)
Prepare, harvest and store at least 100ml of each type of GANS.  To each thoroughly washed GANS, stir and mix in a few drops of '''its''' harvested Amino Acids.  Ensure each sealed GANS storage container is filled to the top with distilled water that you can utilize when required.
Only use the GANS Water (see ''Making GANS Water'' and ''GANS Water Applications'').
If you use some of the GANS Water, replenish the container with distilled water.  In this way, the actual GANS will never be depleted. 
According to Mr.Keshe, GANS retains its energetic properties for more than three generations of humans, perhaps even longer. 
Even if a disaster does not occur, we can pass this valuable knowledge to our descendants.
Note: Studies are ongoing concerning how often you need to completely remove and replace the GANS water from the GANS sealed storage container to prevent the formation of germs in the containers water.  The Foundation strongly encourages you to engage in plasma technology research and provide the Foundation with results and feedback).
Spray.jpg|GANS-water for spraying
14182384 1669901973336992 625212491 n.jpg|GANS-water in the patch for placement on the body
14182435 1669901853337004 691309626 n(1).jpg |GANS-water for drinking
==== Mobile Plasma Unit ====
[[File:Mobile health unit.jpg|thumb|150px|Mobile Health Unit, created with a vacuum sealer.]]
A Plasma Unit consists of two vertical walls on which either coils or GANS patches are mounted. A person stands between these walls.  Plasma flows through the body, from one wall to the other, front to back, back to front. The closer the coil or patches are to the body the easier it is for the body to absorb and interact with the Magnetic/Gravitational fields of the coils or patches.
The Plasma Health Unit with coils is a very complex apparatus and complicated to build.  The mobile unit however is very easy to build, and can be constructed quickly. All you have to do attach multiple GANS patches to the front and back of the body.  It is important that a plasmatic field flow takes place from the rear to the front.  In order for the fields to flow in the right direction, from the back towards the front of the body, the patches in the back part have to emit stronger fields than the patches in the front.
(***For stationary health units please consider the respective blueprints (LINK) )
Typically, the right direction of field flow can be achieved by creating CO2/ZnO GANS Water patches for both sides.  One or more GANS Water patches should be placed on the back, thus creating the flow. The extra patches can be, for example, CH3 GANS Water patches, along with some CuO GANS Water and/or Food GANS Water. Another possibility would be to attach all the patches in one piece of sealed cover (for front and back part, with a hole for the head). You can create this for example with a vacuum sealer (see photo).
Use at your own risk and liability.  Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
==== GANS Processing: Decontamination of Water ====
[[File:14159909 1670052173321972 564096530 n.jpg|thumb|150px|Ratio of CuO water to contaminated water]]
In order to ensure people have clean drinking water, CuO GANS Water or CuO2 GANS Water can be used to decontaminate water.
The dilution ratio s 1:100.  1 litre of CuO GANS Water or CuO2 GANS Water to 100 litres of contaminated water.
Pour the CuO or CuO2 GANS Water into a container with the contaminated water.  Stir and allow it to settle for 12 hours. Next, extract clean water from the container.
You can produce at least 50 litres of clean drinking water from 100 litres of polluted water.
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
==== GANS Processing: Internal and External Injuries ====
CO2 and ZnO GANS water acts excellently as a spray when sprayed on painful areas (be careful: do not apply directly upon fractures, only around them, the bone needs the pain for the calcium to be created/incorporated). You can also spray it on clothes, tents and so on to protect against nuclear radiation and to keep warm.
In situations of crisis our mind is heavily loaded with fears, confusion, depression, exuberant emotions and so on. In these cases always spray a CO2 and ZnO GANS Water mixture, or drink it diluted in a glass or bottle of water.  A few drops is all you need.  Or apply patches on the solar plexus and neck.  Also the compound of CO2, ZnO and CH3 GANS Water can be used to strengthen the nervous system.  Namely in a ratio of 20% CH3, 10% ZnO and 70% CO2 GANS Water, with a little amount of Amino Acids added to the mixture  (one drop of each kind).
In cases of exhaustion and/or hunger, combine CO2/ZnO2 with CH3 GANS Water.  And apply two patches of different strength, one upon the solar plexus and the stronger one on the back.  For example: CO2/ZnO2 and Food GANS Water with amino acids at the back and CO2 GANS Water at the solar plexus.
With open injuries, two or three different patches can be used: CO2, CH3 and CuO2 GANS Water. Make three different patches and place them one above the other. They can be placed directly over the dressing. Apply the CuO2 patch only for a short time. Its purpose is to prevent infection of wounds.
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
===== GANS Processing: Infections of The Skin, External Injuries of The Skin, Cuts, Sunburn, Insect Bites Etc. =====
(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29 minutes)
Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:
CuO + Co2 (in the ratio 50%/50%) for spraying or patches <br>
Pour the Liquid Plasma (equal amounts of drops of CuO and CO2 GANS Water) into a spray-bottle and spray wounds directly, or wet a paper napkin/paper towel with this mixture and apply it on body part.
When you have an insect bite, wash the bite area with CO2 GANS Water to which you added only 1 drop of CuO GANS Water.
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
===== GANS Processing: Deep Wounds With Internal Injuries of Inner Organs, (Below the Neck) =====
(See 121st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29:50 minutes)
Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:
CuO2 (5 drops) + CO2 (3 drops) + ZnO (1 drop) + COHN (Amino Acids – 1 drop of each kind). Drink the drops diluted in a glass or bottle of water
*CuO or CuO2 repairs muscle tissue and accelerates healing
*CO2 connects, provides communication for tissue repair; gives the body necessary energy
*ZnO stabilizes emotions
*COHN (Amino Acids) provide the connection to the body
This mixture accelerates the healing of the injured tissue.
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
===== Fractures =====
(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 32 minutes)
Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:
CO2 (2 drops) + Cu0 (3-4 drops) + CH3 (1 drop) + COHN (1 drop) + CaO Calcium oxide (1-2 drops): put a soaked towel around the fracture (not directly on the point of fracture).  <br>
*CO2-gives the body the necessary energy and provides the communication within the body
*CuO and CuO2 disinfects and helps in muscle tissue healing
*CH3 (iron GANS-water) amplifies energy for the healing process
*COHN (amino acids) provide the connection to the body
*CaO (Calcium oxide) for the reconstruction of bones
CaO GANS can be produced easily from the ashes of burnt bones.
==== Methode mit GANS-Wasser ====
Do not apply the soaked towel or spray directly upon the point of fracture, but only around the area of the fracture.
# 1. Das klare Wasser über dem CO2- GANS in eine Flasche füllen. Nun hat man CO2-GANS-Wasser. Ein paar Tropfen CuO2-GANS-Wasser hinzugeben (und alles gut verrühren, am besten mit einem nanogecoateten „Schneebesen“, den man sich aus einer Kupferspule leicht selbst herstellen kann).
# 2. Zip-Beutel oder Folienschweißgerät mit zwei Lagen Haushaltspapier (von einer Küchenrolle) vorbereiten.
# 3. 10 – 15 ml GANS-Wasser von der vorbereiteten Flasche auf das Papier träufeln (je nach Größe des Patches auch mehr oder weniger Flüssigkeit nehmen).  Am besten mit kleiner Spritze. Wenn das ganze Papier feucht ist, das Papier in den Zip-Beutel oder die Folie des Folienschweißgerätes geben, die Luft herausdrücken, den Beutel verschließen/verschweißen und sofort beschriften (welcher Inhalt, welche GANS-Wasser, in welchem Verhältnis, Datum der Herstellung).
# 4. GANS-Auflagen (GANS-Patches oder GANS-Pads) sollten immer nur von einem bestimmten Menschen benutzt werden. Am besten ist es, diese Patches von vorn herein bewusst für einen bestimmten Menschen herzustellen, mit der Absicht, diesem Menschen genau die richtigen Felder zur Verfügung zu stellen, die dieser für seine Heilung braucht. Die Patches sollten auf keinen Fall nach erstmaliger Anwendung an andere Menschen weiter gegeben werden, auch nicht in der Familie (Ausnahme: Notsituation).
==== Methode mit Liquid Plasma ====
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
# Liquid Plasma von den diversen GANS-Wässern vorbereiten (getrennt, oder Mischung im Verhältnis, wie jeweils vorgeschlagen) – hergestellt wie oben beschrieben.
===== GANS Processing: Head/Brain Injury =====
# Zip-Beutel oder Folienschweißgerät mit zwei Lagen Haushaltspapier (von einer Küchenrolle) vorbereiten.
# 10 – 15 ml Liquid Plasma von der vorbereiteten Flasche und ein bis zwei Tropfen CuO-GANS-Wasser (pur) auf das Papier träufeln (je nach Größe des Patches auch mehr oder weniger). Am besten mit kleiner Spritze. Wenn das ganze Papier feucht ist, das Papier in den Zip-Beutel oder die Folie des Folienschweißgerätes geben, die Luft herausdrücken, den Beutel verschließen/verschweißen und sofort beschriften (welcher Inhalt, welche Liquid Plasmas/wie viele Tropfe CuO-GANS-Wasser, in welchem Verhältnis, Datum der Herstellung).
# GANS-Auflagen (GANS-Patches oder GANS-Pads) sollten immer nur von einem bestimmten Menschen benutzt werden. Am besten ist es, diese Patches von vorn herein bewusst für einen bestimmten Menschen herzustellen, mit der Absicht, diesem Menschen genau die richtigen Felder zur Verfügung zu stellen, die dieser für seine Heilung braucht. Die Patches sollten auf keinen Fall nach erstmaliger Anwendung an andere Menschen weiter gegeben werden, auch nicht in der Familie (Ausnahme: Notsituation).
Testen Sie, ob Sie eine bessere Wirkung mit Patches/Auflagen mit GANS-Wasser oder mit solchen mit Liquid Plasma erreichen und berichten Sie der Keshe Foundation bitte über Ihre Forschungsergebnisse.
(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 34 minutes)
Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS water:
''CO2 (3 drops) + CaO (3 drops) + ZnO (4 drops) apply with patches or tubes''
Umgang mit den Patches: <br>
2-3 weeks after a head/brain injury, it is safe to begin applying this application.
* Einfach auf schmerzende Stellen auflegen.
Calcium oxide (CaO2) is needed for brain cells; usually the brain cells take calcium from the bones of the skull.
* Wirkt auch über einem Verband oder Gips. Hand, Arm Schulter Hüfte, Knie, Fuss Rippen, Sonnengeflecht Nacken usw. Bei Unruhe, Kummer, Ängsten, Sorgen auf Sonnengeflecht Nacken...  
Vorsicht: Nicht auf Stellen verwenden die künstliches Material enthalten, wie zB. Nägel, Schrauben, Platten, nach chirurgischen Eingriffen. Nicht bei Zähnen mit Wurzelbehandlung. Nicht auf oder in der Nähe von Schrittmachern.<br><br>
Grundsätzlich sollten Patsches nur einige Minuten aufgelegt werden, dann wieder entnehmen. Das Auflegen kann aber im Bedarfsfall mehrmals täglich erfolgen.
COHN (Amino Acids) are important for the connection between the fields of the Liquid Plasma and the area of injury. They support the repair work of the body.
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
=== Mobile Plasma Spulen Gesundheits-Einheit ===
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
[[File:Mobile health unit.jpg|thumb|150px|Mobile Health-Unit, erstellt mit einem Folienschweißgerät.]]
===== '''GANS: A Powerful Disinfectant''' =====
Eine Plasma Gesundheits-Einheit besteht grundsätzlich aus zwei "Wänden", auf denen entweder Spulen oder GANS-Patches montiert sind. Zwischen diese "Wände" stellt sich der Mensch. Durch seinen Körper fließt das Plasma (die Felder) von hinten nach vorne. Je näher die Spulen bzw. Patches am Körper sind, desto besser können die Körperfelder versorgt werden.
Während die Plasma Coil Unit mit Spulen*** sehr aufwendig zu bauen ist, kann diese, wenn es einmal schnell gehen muss, sehr einfach mit mehreren GANS-Patches auf der Vorder- und Rückseite des Körpers hergestellt werden. Wichtig ist nur, dass ein Fluss des Plasmas von hinten nach vorne stattfindet. Damit der Plasma-Fluss (Feldfluss) in die richtige Richtung fließt (vom Rücken Richtung Vorderseite des Körpers) müssen in der Rückenpartie (Rückwand) die (Spulen oder) Patches mit den stärkeren Feldern eingearbeitet sein und in der Brust/Bauchpartie (Frontwand) die (Spulen oder) Patches mit den schwächeren Feldern.
For more information, view the Keshe Foundations 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop at the 2 hours 21 minute mark.  
(***Für die stationären Plasma Coil Units bitte die entsprechenden Blueprints beachten. (Link) )
Üblicherweise kann der richtige Plasma-Fluss realisiert werden, indem auf beiden Seiten CO2-/Zinkoxyd GANS-Wasser verwendet wird und auf der Rückseite ein oder mehrere GANS-Wässer zusätzlich in die Patches gegeben werden. Dies kann z.B. CH3-GANS-Wasser, etwas CuO-GANS-Wasser und/oder Food-GANS-Wasser  (Nahrungs-GANS-Wasser) sein. Eine weitere Möglichkeit wäre, alles in einem Stück (Vorder- und Hinterseite, inklusive ausgeschnittenem Kopfteil), z.B. mit einem Folienschweißgerät zu erstellen, wie es auf dem Foto ersichtlich ist.
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
CuO GANS Water mixed with CO2 GANS Water: 
Can be used as a disinfectant for surgical instruments and hands. However, more research in this area needs further exploration.  (Feedback from physicians would be appreciated).
=== Wasserdekontaminierung ===
CO2 GANS Water mixed with a small amount of CuO GANS Water: 
[[File:14159909 1670052173321972 564096530 n.jpg|thumb|150px|Verhältnis von CuO-Wasser zu verunreinigtem Wasser]]
# Used in a spray as a disinfectant solution, for bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.
Damit sichergestellt ist, dass die Menschen sauberes Trinkwasser für ihren Wasserbedarf haben, wird das CuO- oder CuO2-GANS-Wasser zur Dekontaminierung des Wassers verwendet.  
# Used as a body deodorant; Used to get rid of unpleasant odours.
Die Verdünnung ist 1:100, also auf 100 Liter verunreinigtes Wasser einen Liter CuO- oder CuO2- GANS-Wasser verwenden.  
# Used as spray, on the skin, on skin diseases, even skin cancer and burns.
# Used as a spray or in a patch on foot infections and corns.
# Used as a spray on the the head and scalp for people with thinning or balding.  Spray it on and massage it in.
Das CuO- oder CuO2-GANS-Wasser  in den Behälter mit dem verunreinigten Wasser gießen, umrühren und 12 Std. absetzen lassen. Dann von oben her das saubere Wasser entnehmen. Aus 100 Litern verunreinigtem Wasser lassen sich so mindestens 50 Liter sauberes Wasser gewinnen.
Further research and testing needs to be done in this area. Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so it can be shared with others.
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
=== Innere und äußere Verletzungen ===
===== GANS Processing of Eye Problems =====
CO2- und ZnO2-GANS-Wasser (Mischung) wirkt hervorragend auch als Spray, auf schmerzende Stellen gesprüht, (Vorsicht, nicht direkt auf Knochenbrüche, nur darum herum, der Knochen braucht den Schmerz, um das Kalzium neu zu bilden/einzubauen). Auch auf Kleider, Zelte usw. sprühen, um gegen radioaktive Strahlung zu schützen und warm zu halten.
Details can be found in the 22nd International Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at the 1 hour 40 minute mark
Das Gemüt wird bei allen Krisensituationen stark belastet. Also bei allen Ängsten, Verwirrungen, Depressionen, überbordenden Emotionen immer CO2- und ZnO2-GANS-Wasser (Mischung) sprühen, tropfenweise trinken (verdünnt in einem Glas oder einer Flasche Wasser) und/oder in Patches auf Sonnengeflecht und Nacken auflegen.  
With health generally, one must consider the causes of the disease and the affected tissue. GANS Amino Acids provide a connection between the fields of the GANS Water and that of the affected physical area in the body. CO2 Amino Acids connect to the body in a general way, ZnO Amino Acids connects with the nerves while CuO2 Amino Acids connects with the bodies muscle tissue and CaO Amino Acids connect with the bodies bone tissue.  Research shows that many illnesses are a direct result of ones emotional state. The eyes are no exception. GANS can help restore the bodies emotional balance which will result, in the case of certain eye diseases, recovery.
Auch die Verbindung von CO2-, ZnO2- und CH3-GANS-Wasser kann verwendet werden, um das Nervensystem zu stärken. Und zwar in einem Verhältnis von 20 % CH3, 10 % ZnO2 und 70 % CO2-GANS-Wasser zusammen mit wenig Aminosäuren (nur ein Tropfen von jeder Sorte).  
Bei Erschöpfung und/oder Hunger, CO2-/ZnO2- mit CH3-GANS-Wasser kombinieren, wenn vorhanden auch zwei Patches unterschiedlicher Stärke auflegen, eines vorne auf Sonnengeflecht, eines am Rücken, z.B. CO2-/ZnO2- und Food-GANS-Wasser samt Aminosäuren am Rücken und CO2-GANS-Wasser am Sonnengeflecht.  
Bei offenen Verletzungen, können zwei oder drei verschiedene Patches verwendet werden: CO2-, CH3- und Cuo2-GANS-Wasser. Man macht drei verschiedene Patches und legt sie übereinander. Sie können direkt über den Verband gelegt werden. Cuo2-Patch aber nur für kurze Zeit, es ist dafür da, dass es zu keiner Infektion von Wunden kommt.
Degenerative eye diseases can be processed with 3 types of GANS:
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
==== Infektionen, äußere Verletzungen, Schnittwunden, Sonnenbrand etc. ====
# 4-5 drops of GANS Water of CO2: used to connect the physicality with emotions.
(siehe 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 29)
# 1-2 drops of GANS Water of ZnO: used to provide support for the emotions.
# 1-2 drops of GANS Water of CH3: used to provide energy for the recovery of the cells (conversion of fields into matter)
'''CAUTION''':  With eye cancer you '''MUST NOT''' use CH3 GANS Water because this promotes growth of the cancer.
Anwendung von Liquid Plasma aus GANS-Wasser-Tropfen:  
For the treatment of muscles which move the eyeball, for focusing, create a mixture of:
''CuO + Co2 (im Verhältnis 50%/50%) zum Sprühen oder Auflegen <br>
Das Liquid Plasma (Wasser mit gleich viel Tropfen von CuO- und CO2-GANS-Wasser) in eine Sprühflasche füllen und die Wunden direkt einsprühen, oder eine Papierserviette/Küchentuch mit dieser Mischung tränken und auflegen.
Bei Insektenstichen CO2-GANS-Wasser verwenden, mit nur 1 Tropfen CuO-GANS-Wasser, und Stichstelle damit betupfen.
* 1/2 to 1 drop of CuO2 GANS Water (1 drop will already be too much): supports the regeneration of muscle tissue.
* Add 1 drop of CO2 GANS Amino Acids.
* If there is muscular weakness of the eye, BUT ONLY IF THERE IS MUSCULAR WEAKNESS, you can add a very small amount of the Amino Acids of CuO2 GANS to the mixture.
* If nerves are affected, you can add the Amino Acids of ZnO GANS to the mixture.
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==== Innere Verletzungen (außer Kopf) ====
(siehe 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 29:50)
Anwendung von Liquid Plasma aus GANS-Wasser-Tropfen (Tr. = Tropfen)
''CuO2 (5 Tr.) + CO2- (3 Tr.) + ZnO (1 Tr.) + COHN (Aminosäuren / 1 Tr. einer Mischung der Aminosäuren aus allen beteiligten GANS-Wasser-Sorten) die Tropfen sind in ein Glas oder eine Flasche Wasser zu geben und zu trinken
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so that it can be share.
===== GANS Processing of Viruses =====
(View the 135th Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 30 minute mark onward)
CuO bzw.CuO2 repariert das Muskelgewebe
Plasma technology is suitable for dealing with viruses.  Viruses dock to their respective host cells.  CO2 GANS Water is capable of separating this connection, by interaction of the fields of the CO2 GANS Water with the fields of the virus, and by creating a field balance so that no further fields are available for a reconnection with the host cell.
CO2- verbindet, sorgt für die Kommunikation für die Gewebereparatur, gibt dem Körper einen Teil der benötigten Energie
ZnO stabilisiert die Emotionen
COHN (Aminosäuren) bilden die Verbindung zum Körper
Diese Mischung beschleunigt die Heilung des verletzten Gewebes.
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==== Knochenbrüche ====
Required materials:  CO2 GANS Water.
(siehe 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 32)
Anwendung von Liquid Plasma aus GANS-Wasser-Tropfen (Tr. = Tropfen)
# At the moment one perceives an infection, and a physician has determined it is a viral infection, take 2-3 tsp of CO2 GANS Water.
# Continue taking the same dose for 2 to 5 days. The virus should disappear.  Even if it is still there, it will no longer be effective.
  ''CO2- (2 Tr.) + Cu02 (3-4 Tr.) + CH3 (1 Tr.) + COHN (1 Tr.) + CaO Calcium Oxid (1-2 Tr.) getränktes Tuch rund um den Bruch auflegen.''  <br>
In rare, very serious cases, add in a ratio of 1:10 of CuO GANS Water: 9 drops of CO2 GANS Water + 1 drop of CuO GANS Water
Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation. 
CO2- gibt dem Körper die nötige Energie und sorgt für die Kommunikation im Körper
CuO bzw. CuO2 desinfiziert und repariert das Muskelgewebe
CH3 (Eisen-GANS-Wasser) gibt verstärkt Energie zum Heilungsprozess
COHN (Aminosäuren) bilden die Verbindung zum Körper
CaO für den Wiederaufbau der Knochen
CaO kann einfach gewonnen werden, indem man die Asche von verbrannten Knochen für die GANS-Herstellung verwendet.
Das mit dem Liquid Plasma getränkte Tuch oder Spray nicht direkt über der Knochenbruchstelle, sondern nur rund herum anwenden.
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==== Kopfverletzung / Gehirnverletzung ====
(siehe 121. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 34)
====== GANS Processing of Flu ======
  ''CO2- (3 Tr.) + CaO2(Kalziumoxyd)(3 Tr.) + ZnO  (4 Tr.) mit Patches oder Schläuchen auflegen''
If flu starts with a high fever, within the first half hour take 3-4 tsp of CO2 GANS Water combined with 1 drop of CuO GANS Water every 5 minutes. The bodies temperature will drop quickly.
Repeat the process 2 to 3 times during the next hour and then only 3 to 4 times over the rest of the day.
For the next 2 to 3 days, take 2-3 tsp, 3 to 4 times daily.
During the process, ensure to wash the hands regularly with CO2 GANS Water.
Diese Anwendung erst nach 2-3 Wochen beginnen, da das Gehirn selbst damit beginnt, sich zu regenerieren!!! Das Kalzium (Ca02) wird für die Gehirnzellen benötigt, denn normalerweise nehmen die Gehirnzellen das Kalzium aus dem Schädelknochen.  
Result: The pathogenic fields are literally washed out of the body through the CO2 GANS Water. The GANS Water supports an internal cleansing process.
Die COHN (Aminosäuren) sind wichtig, damit die Verbindung zwischen den Feldern aus dem Liquid Plasma und dem Verletzungsherd hergestellt werden kann und die Reparaturarbeit des Körpers damit unterstützt werden kann.
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If you have children with a high fever, you can wash or rub the body with CO2 GANS Water. Possibly also add a drop of CuO2 GANS Water.
The temperature will fall quickly.
==== Desinifizierende Wirkung ====
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
(siehe 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. 2 Stunden 21 Minuten)
CuO-GANS-Wasser gemischt mit CO2-GANS-Wasser könnte als Desinfektionslösung für chirurgisches Besteck und von Händen dienen. Muss noch erforscht werden. Rückmeldung von Ärzten erbeten.
====== GANS Processing of Ebola and Malaria ======
CO2-GANS-Wasser mit ganz wenig CuO-GANS-Wasser (siehe 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. 2 Stunden 25  Minuten) kann in Sprühflasche gegeben werden und als Desinfektionslösung verwendet werden (auf Toiletten, in Küchen, üble Gerüche verschwinden, als Deodorant verwendbar …).
Man kann diese Lösung auf die Haut sprühen, bei Hautleiden, sogar Hautkrebs, bei Verbrennungen, …
Take 3 to 5 teaspoons or tablespoons of CO2 GANS Water per day for 30 to 60 days, possibly even 100 days.
Bei Fußinfektionen darauf sprühen, bei Hühneraugen sprühen und Patches damit auflegen.
Bei Glatze oder schütterem Haar auf die Kopfhaut sprühen und einmassieren.
Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experiences to the Keshe Foundation are requested.
Es gibt noch wenig Erfahrung, es muss einfach getestet werden. Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
====== GANS Processing of Aids (HIV-positive) ======
(For details, view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from the 1 hour 48 minute mark)
==== Behandlung von Augenproblemen ====
For the first 15 to 30 days use the Liquid Plasma of GANS Water: for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc (where ever you use water during your daily routine). You should not drink anything other than GANS Water Liquid Plasma.
siehe 22. International Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. 1 Stunde 40 Minuten)
Processing Ratios:
# 3 to 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon of CO2 GANS Water combined with a few drops of CuO GANS Water should be add to drinking water.
# Create a Liquid Plasma mixture of the following: CuO GANS Water, CH3 GANS Water, CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (in equal parts)
# ONLY this Liquid Plasma mixture should be used for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc. You should not drink anything else.
Bei degenerativen Augenerkrankungen kann durch die Anwendung teilweise sogar die genetische Ursache verändert werden, bzw. wenn diese emotional bedingt sind, die emotionale Balance wieder hergestellt werden, sodass sich in der Folge die Augen wieder erholen.
The first phase of processing is used to purify the body.  After several days this can lead to fatigue, nausea, blood in the urine or pain. During this phase, the body needs energy for healing, so you should sleep frequently.  This condition should disappear after about 2 weeks. Then one can go from the first to the second phase.
Degenerative Augenleiden können mit 3 GANS-Arten behandelt werden:
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
# das GANS-Wasser von CO2- wird verwendet, um die Körperlichkeit mit den Emotionen zu verbinden = Kommunikation (4-5 Tropfen)
# das GANS-Wasser von ZnO wird verwendet, um eine Unterstützung für die Emotionen zu liefern (1-2 Tropfen)
# das GANS-Wasser von CH3 wird verwendet, um die Energie für die Wiederherstellung der Zellen zu liefern (für die Umwandlung der Felder in Materie) (2 oder 1 Tropfen)
(Vorsicht! Bei Augenkrebs darf man KEIN CH3-GANS-Wasser verwenden, weil dieses das Wachstum fördert!)
Aber für die Behandlung der Muskeln, welche den Augapfel zum Fokusieren positionieren, benötigt man zusätzlich
====== GANS Processing of Bacterial Diseases ======
Bacteria are very easy to process. If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic, one can (in an autonomous, self responsible test) reduce the amount of the antibiotic (for example halve the tablet or cut in even smaller pieces) and additionally take CO2 GANS Water. It should prevent the rise of resistance to the antibiotic and cause the antibiotic to have a better effect.
# CuO2-GANS-Wasser (1/2 bis 1 Tropfen, aber 1 Tropfen wird schon zu viel sein), das unterstützt die Regeneration des Muskelgewebes
Feedback and advice to the Keshe Foundation are requested.
In die Mischung gibt man ganz wenig (1 Tropfen) der Aminosäure von CO2-GANS.  
Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experience to the Keshe Foundation are requested.
Man sollte aber keine Aminosäuren von CuO2-GANS verwenden, außer, wenn eine Muskelschwäche der Augenmuskeln vorliegt. Dann kann man die Aminosäuren des CuO2-GANS hinzufügen (aber sehr wenig).
===== GANS Processing: Oral Hygiene =====
For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 56 minutes onward.
Immer, wenn die Nerven mit betroffen sind, gibt man auch die Aminosäuren von ZnO-GANS dazu.  
Toothpaste alternative: Flush the mouth with CO2 GANS Water.  Ensure the liquid wets all areas of the oral cavity and the palate. This leads to a balancing in the environment of the mouth.  As a further result, it prevents tooth and gum disease, because the microorganisms will not find the right environment for propagation.  It is safe to swallowed residual CO2 GANS water after flushing.  
Um im Gesundheitsbereich zu überlegen, welche GANS-Sorten man einsetzt, muss man die Ursachen der Erkrankung und die betroffenen Gewebe mit berücksichtigen. Die Aminosäuren sorgen immer für die Verbindung zwischen den aus dem GANS-Wasser zur Verfügung gestellten Feldern mit dem jeweiligen physischen Bereich im Körper (CO2- allgemein, ZnO Nerven, CuO2 Muskelgewebe, CaO Knochengewebe).
To aid mouth hygiene, 2 to 3 times a week at bedtime, chew a small piece of cheese and swallow it. This should have a positive effect on the oral environment and help to prevent dental disease.
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==== Anwendung von GANS-Wasser in Bezug auf Viren ====
If milk teeth (baby teeth) have been collected (common in some countries) they can be used for the production of Calcium GANS, which will supply the exact calcium fields that are suitable for the person who grew the teeth.  To create the Calcium GANS, dissolve the teeth in lemon juice (or Coca Cola) then add NaOH.  (The NaOH method is also used for the production of food GANS).
(siehe 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 30)
As an alternative to physical GANS production from the teeth you can transmit the information of the teeth to water. 
1. Fill a round container with water. 
2. Evenly distribute 5 vials around the container. 
3. Fill one vial with CO2 GANS, one with CH3 GANS, one with ZnO GANS, one with CuO GANS and the last one with the Amino Acids from the production of CO2 GANS.
4. Lie or hang the teeth, or tooth, directly above of the water. Over time, the water in the container will absorb the fields from the vials AND from the tooth.
5. Drink the water of the container, or, if you for example intend to use it for the support of the healing of a bone fracture, apply a patch, made from the containers water, on the body, namely in front and back (or left and right) of the part of the body near the point of the fracture.
Diese Technologie ist dafür geeignet mit Viren umzugehen.
Use only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
Viren docken an ihre jeweiligen Wirtszellen an. Das CO2-GANS-Wasser ist in der Lage, diese Verbindung wieder zu lösen (indem die Felder des CO2-GANS-Wassers mit denen des Virus wechselwirken und eine Feldbalance herstellen, sodass keine Felder mehr für die Verbindung mit der Wirtszelle vorhanden sind).
===== GANS Processing: for use in Functional Failure of Organs =====
For more information, please view the Keshe Founations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, from approximately the 2 hours 23 minute mark onward.
Alles was man braucht ist also das CO2-GANS-Wasser.
The use of water in a container in association with 5 GANS vials, as described above, can be used for the healing of an organ that is failing (has functional loss).
Im Moment, wo man eine Infektion wahrnimmt, und der Arzt festgestellt hat, dass es sich um eine Virusinfektion handelt, kann man 2-3 Teelöffel CO2-GANS-Wasser einnehmen und setzt dann die Einnahme mit derselben Dosierung für 2 bis 5  Tage fort. Der Virus sollte verschwinden, selbst, wenn er noch da ist, wird er nicht mehr effektiv sein können.
In seltenen, sehr ernsten Fällen kann man im Verhältnis 1:10 auch CuO-GANS-Wasser hinzufügen, das heißt:
In the future, with the use and wide acceptance of GANS Processing it is likely that organ transplants will be necessary.
''9 Einheiten (Tropfen) CO2-GANS-Wasser + 1 Einheit (Tropfen) CuO-GANS-Wasser''
For example, if somebody has bone marrow problems, find a healthy family member, who sits or lies with the upper part of the knee (where the kneecap is located) resting above the water container (with the 5 vials around it). The field donors healthy bone marrow field information will be absorbed into the water of the container. Then the patient with the bone marrow problem can drink the water. (More information about this topic will be added in the near future).
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Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
===== GANS Processing: Ridding the Body of Toxins:  Body Wash =====
For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 1 hour and 13 minutes mark to the 2 hours 32 minute mark.
Erhält jemand eine Grippe-Impfung, so kann zusätzlich CO2-GANS-Wasser eingenommen werden.
It should also be possible to wash toxins out of the body by using GANS Water. It would be interesting to see if this will work for snake venom by snake bite or something similar.
You could rinse the bite wound with a mixture of CuO  and ZnO GANS Waters and then drop a mixture of CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (50:50) into the bite wound or drink it.
===== Grippe =====
Cortisone retention after high doses of cortisone can be removed from the body with CO2 GANS Water along with the use the essential oils of citrus fruits, but this is a prolonged process. Collect the oils from the peel of citrus fruits and mix them into CO2 GANS Water. Then wash your hands or wash the affected parts of the body with it.
Bricht eine Grippe mit hohem Fieber aus, so sollte man
Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.
in der ersten halben Stunde 3-4 Tl (Teelöffel) CO2-GANS-Wasser mit einem Tropfen CuO-GANS-Wasser alle 5 Minuten einnehmen. Die Temperatur müsste schnell sinken,
dann 2-3 Mal in der darauffolgenden Stunde und noch 3-4 Mal während des restlichen Tages,
dann 3 – 4 mal täglich 2-3 Tl für 2 – 3 Tage.
Auch die Hände sollten mit CO2-GANS-Wasser gewaschen werden.
Die krank machenden Felder werden durch das CO2-GANS-Wasser aus dem Körper buchstäblich ausgewaschen. Dieses GANS-Wasser dient einem innerlichen Reinigungsprozess.
== Specific Plasma Therapies: Developed by Doctors and Therapeuts ==
Bei Kindern mit hohem Fieber kann man den Körper mit dem CO2-GANS-Wasser abwaschen bzw. abreiben. Eventuell auch einen Tropfen CuO2-GANS-Wasser dazu mischen.
== Origins of Cancer ==
Die Temperatur wird schnell sinken.
Cancer starts in a very simple way; it starts with an increase in Gravitational fields.  
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When you have an increase of gravitational fields at the cell level, the cell becomes heavier than other cells. It will attract more amino acid to it, it starts "shelling" itself and it grows and becomes a tumour. For instance, if the center of a tumour is copper, a blood analysis will show elevated levels of copper in the blood.  An increase of the amount of copper means that this information has been transferred to the RNA and DNA. Life is structured to extend life, to live and survive longer.  When the body finds a system that can live longer, it will embrace it.
===== Ebola, Malaria =====
The majority of cancers are the result of evolutionary cancer.  As we assimilate we find a better situation and we accept the new positions and adapt, but some of us could not go through the evolution, they create a change and cancer appears.
Bei einer langanhaltenden Virusinfektion (Ebola, Malaria, …):
== How To Measure the Progress of Using Plasma Technologies ==
3 – 5 Teelöffel oder Esslöffel CO2-GANS-Wasser pro Tag für 30 bis 60 Tage einnehmen, allenfalls auch 100 Tage
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Measuring Progress: 
===== Aids (HIV-positiv) =====
Breathing Rate: Ask the patient to sit down and very calmly explain to them that you want them to take a long, deep, slow breath in and and long, slow, deep breath out.  Do this a second time. The third time, take a deep breath in and hold it until you can hold it no longer, then breath out.  Measure the length of time the patient could hold their breath. 
(siehe 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab 1 Stunde 48 Minuten)
Then let the patient talk for a few seconds and then ask the patient to take another deep breath in and out. When taking a second deep breath in and out, put an index-finger on the left nostril and let the patient breathe in through the right nostril. Ask the patient to hold the breath in until it's not possible anymore, then let the breath out.  Repeat the process, but this time put an index-finger on the right nostril; let the patient breathe in through the left nostril, hold the breath until it’s not possible anymore, then let the breathe out. Measure the time the patients can hold their breath.  
# Für 15-30 Tage nur das Liquid Plasma von CO2-GANS-Wasser zum Trinken, Kochen, Baden, Haus putzen, Wäsche Waschen, Hände waschen etc. verwenden. Nichts anderes trinken. (Eine Angabe über die Menge von CO2-GANS-Wasser auf Trinkwasser oder Brauchwasser fehlte von Paul; Herr Keshe empfiehlt 3-4 Mal täglich 1 EL CO2-GANS-Wasser mit wenigen Tropfen CuO-GANS-Wasser ins Trinkwasser geben).
# Danach Liquid Plasma aus einer Mischung von
CO2-GANS-Wasser und
(zu gleichen Teilen) herstellen und nur noch dieses Liquid Plasma zum Trinken, Kochen, Baden, Haus putzen, Wäsche Waschen, Hände waschen etc. verwenden. Kein anderes Wasser oder Getränk trinken.
Die erste Phase dient der Reinigung des Körpers. Nach einigen Tagen kann es zu Müdigkeit, Übelkeit, Blut im Urin oder Schmerzen etc. kommen. Der Körper braucht dann alle Energie für die Heilung, man sollte also viel schlafen. Dieser Zustand sollte sich nach etwa 2 Wochen wieder gegeben haben. Dann kann man von der ersten auf die zweite Phase über gehen.
Make these measurements before you start any therapy with a patient and document it. What you should see is a steady lengthening in the time the patient can hold their breath. This extension in breathing will give you insight not only of a psychological change, but also insight of the patients physical and emotional change. The change of emotion is witnessed in breathing patterns because blood is the source of the emotions; change the system and you find out a change in the breathing pattern. After 2-3 weeks, you can see the difference.
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= Plasma Technology for Agriculture =
===== Bakterielle Krankheiten =====
== Introduction to Plasma Technology in Agriculture ==
Bakterien sind leichter zu behandeln. Wenn vom Arzt ein Antibiotikum verschrieben wird, kann man (im eigenverantwortlichen Test) die Menge des Antibiotikums reduzieren (z.B. die Tablette halbieren oder in noch kleinere Teile teilen) und zusätzlich CO2-GANS-Wasser einnehmen. Es sollte verhindern, dass Resistenzen gegen das Antibiotikum entstehen und bewirken, dass das Antibiotikum eine bessere Wirkung hat.
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Plasma technology was developed by the Iranian nuclear engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. The technology is basically a spaceship technology but has many uses and applications in fields other that space or space related fields. Spaceship technology is different from space technology in that no motors or wings are needed for space travel as no motors or wings are found in the universe, yet planets, galaxies, and other bodies in the universe have been rotating for millions of years. When applied in agriculture, plasma technology is changing, and will continue to change people’s understanding of plants, soils, and agricultural practices in general. Duly understood and correctly applied, plasma technology has potential to completely transform agricultural practices, minimize cost for agriculture practitioners, enhance health and healthy living for both producers and consumers, and virtually eliminate external inputs in agricultural systems globally. Plasma technology in agriculture will also show over the next few years that this world has unlimited resources everywhere, and that it is the people who will need to learn and fully understand how to “harvest” those resources that they need for their agricultural practices, and for all their other needs in general.  
==== Anwendung in der Mundhygiene ====
=== Gasses in Nano State (GANS) ===
(siehe 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab Minute 56)
With full understanding of how plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe designed technology that replicates a plant’s leaf for the effective capture of CO2 and other gases in their Nano states (GANS). A gas in Nano state is a new state of matter, where a gas molecule that becomes Nano of itself, appears as a solid state of matter (Keshe, MT, 2011. The Structure of Light). It is especially this seemingly simple, GANS capture technology that will, necessarily, completely transform agricultural development and practice once and for all.
Anstelle der Verwendung von Zahnpaste kann der Mund mit CO2-GANS-Wasser gespült werden. Dabei ist darauf zu achten, dass die Flüssigkeit alle Bereiche in der Mundhöhle und im Gaumen benetzt. Das führt zu einer Ausbalancierung des Milieus im Mund. Dies wiederum beugt Zahn- und Zahnfleischerkrankungen vor (weil die Mikroorganismen nicht das passende Milieu zur Vermehrung vorfinden). Diese Maßnahme dient zur Vorbeugung. Bestehende Zahndefekte können damit nicht zurückgeführt werden, aber das Fortschreiten sollte damit zu unterbinden sein. Es kann etwas von der Flüssigkeit geschluckt werden, es muss also nicht wieder ausgespuckt werden.
Ergänzend kann man 2-3 Mal wöchentlich vor dem Schlafengehen ein kleines Stück Käse kauen und schlucken. Das sollte sich ebenfalls positiv auf das Mundmilieu auswirken und Zahnerkrankungen vorbeugen helfen.
=== Transforming agriculture with CO2 GANS ===
CO2 GANS are increasingly used to transform agriculture practices across the world. Before sowing, for example, seeds are soaked in CO2 GANS liquid plasma to decontaminate any that may be disease infected or adulterated, while irrigation of crops with CO2 liquid plasma virtually eliminates the need for fertilizers and pesticides. The use of CO2 liquid plasma and other such liquid plasmas increasingly provide the much needed agriculture solutions for enhancing plant growth, ensuring plant health, and increasing crop yields at minimum cost to producers.
Falls ausgefallene Milchzähne aufgehoben wurden (ist in manchen Ländern üblich) so können diese zur Herstellung von Kalzium-GANS verwendet werden, welches dann genau die Kalzium-Felder liefert, die für diesen Menschen die passenden sind.  
=== Crop diseases and pests ===
For plant diseases, CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates conditions in the plant environment under which those diseases cannot exist. For crop pests, application of CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates conditions under which the pests do not damage crops. In addition, pests also absorb the energy of the applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma. When they absorb enough energy for their bodies' metabolism, such pests do not need to feed on the crops, thus application of CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates a win-win condition for both crops and their erstwhile pests.
Zur GANS-Herstellung die Zähne in Zitonensaft (oder Coca Cola) legen, um sie aufzulösen, und erst danach das NaOH dazu geben (Verfahren wie bei der Food-GANS-Herstellung).
== CO2 GANS mechanism for capturing amino acids, COHN ==
The applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma captures and holds the amino acids, COHN, in the above-ground plant environment in an elegant manner, where the carbon in the CO2 GANS establishes a communication line with the atmospheric amino acids, COHN, through its magnetic gravitational fields’ strength.
Alternativ zur physischen GANS-Herstellung aus den Zähnen kann man die Information der Zähne auf Wasser übertragen. Dazu nimmt man ein rundes Gefäß mit Wasser und stellt um dieses herum (gleichmäßig verteilt) 5 kleinere Fläschchen, eines davon mit CO2-GANS, eines mit CH3-GANS, eines mit ZnO-GANS, eines mit CuO-GANS und das letzte mit den Aminosäuren aus der CO2-GANS-Produktion. Nun legt oder hängt man den Zahn (die Zähne) direkt über das Wasser. Im Laufe der Zeit nimmt das Wasser die Felder aus den Flaschen und aus dem Zahn auf.
This “capture and hold” process allows effective interaction between the carbon provided by the applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma, and the atmospheric carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (COHN), in a magnetic gravitational plasma balance that results in a plant’s absorption of the magnetic gravitational field energy of hydrogen.
Dieses Wasser kann man anschließend trinken oder, wenn man es z.B. zur Unterstützung der Heilung eines Knochenbruchs verwenden will, in einem Patch auf den Körper auflegen, und zwar am betroffenen Körperteil vorne und hinten (bzw. links und rechts) in der Nähe der Bruchstelle.
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Subsequently, the plant uses the absorbed energy of hydrogen as a basis for meeting its other nutritional needs, as multiples of hydrogen are used to satisfy the energy of other nutrients, such as nitrogen or calcium. A similar process of carbon “capture and hold” of the amino acids, COHN, at the root zone effectively makes minerals available to plants. In addition, CH3 and ZnO GANS liquid plasmas are also used in agriculture to enhance plant energy and plant emotions, respectively.
==== Anwendung bei Funktionsausfall von Organen ====
=== Notable Plasma Technology benefits for agriculture ===
(siehe 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. ab 2 Stunden 23 Minuten)
Plasma Technology has many agricultural benefits. Some of the notable benefits are: Increased farm productivity, enhanced food and fiber production, better soil fertility management, better plant and livestock health management, sustainable food production, and globally increased plant and human health.
Die Methode der Information von Wasser über die 5 rundherum angebrachten GANS-Fläschchen, wie oben beschrieben, kann auch angewendet werden, wenn jemand bei der Heilung eines Organs mit Funktionsausfällen unterstützt werden soll.
Man braucht damit in Zukunft wahrscheinlich keine Organtransplantationen mehr. So könnte man z.B. bei Knochenmarksproblemen ein gesundes Familienmitglied mit dem oberen Teil des Knies (wo die Kniescheibe ist) über das Wassergefäß (mit den 5 Fläschchen herum) setzen oder legen. Die Information über die Felder gesunden Knochenmarks geht in das Wasser darunter über. Anschließend kann der Patient mit den Knochenmarksproblemen dieses Wasser trinken.
= Plasma Technology for Energy =
In Zukunft wir Herr Keshe dazu nähere Informationen geben.
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
==== Gifte aus dem Körper waschen ====
Energy is already everywhere around us and in us. All are formed, manifested and come to existence, seen or unseen, by the interaction of the fields from all around giving the conditions of existence. Different conditions serves as factors involved how energy comes into being. The current method of using energy is not efficient, wasteful and damaging to the planet and living beings - in simple terms it is not working in harmony with natural order of things. The biggest challenge for humanity is how to harness this already available energy without causing damage or being detrimental to others in existence. Plasma technology will be guiding humanity, re-discovering oneself and the natural order of energy exchange that leads to progress and implementation of Universal knowledge on proper energy management.
(siehe 135. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, ca. 1 Std. 13 Minuten und ab 2 Stunden 32 Minuten)
The current application of Plasma technology using nano materials and their fields is at the beginning of expanding the knowledge of man on the aspect of energy management and energy exchange. As a transition phase of development and learning process for humanity, we combine the existing knowledge of man on energy that runs our machineries and appliances that with the materials provided with the knowledge of Plasma technology. The creation of magrav power units helps man put his first steps to the understanding of the Plasma in energy application. The gravitational magnetical fields of the plasma always seeks balance on any condition. The flow of the Plasma is from higher gravitational magnetical field strength to lower gravitational magnetical field strength. For applications which involves living beings that is already in plasmatic conditions, energy exchange and energy Plasma flow can take automatically at will of the parties involve.
We understood the conventional energy we use as a flow of electrical energy current from the point of source (generator) to the load (machinery, appliance, light...) and back to the source. In this method we harness the flow of energy in a form or electrical current. Should we need to harness the flow of the Plasma, we must create a condition where we keep the flow on going.
At the presentation of the hybrid magrav generator, we create a condition of imbalance acted by the compressor motors. An energy exchange of charging and discharging on the coils of the compressor motors creates such imbalance condition that the Plasma flows trying keep the condition balance. Initially we supply the whole circuit with an external AC supply to initiate a state of rising strength, charging the coils, and initiate the electrical energy flow to the load and allow the whole system to run that Plasma from the Plasma capacitors and magrav coils starts to flow towards which ever is in lowering strength (compressor coil discharging,lights - doing energy conversion). Since the two compressors are connected in complementary manner, reversed with respect with each other, each will always have an opposite state - one is charging or rising strength while the other in discharging or lowering strength. The conditions creates an energy exchange that Plasma energy complemented that creates an on going flow of Plasma to the whole circuit. Taking out the initial AC supply did not cut off the Plasma flow for the exchange is on going and mechanical action of the motors does not stop instantly. Adding more load (lights) even further create an energy conversion from electrical energy to light energy and a lowering strength condition in the circuit that Plasma add more flow to compensate. You see the importance of lowering the energy strength condition which brings in more Plasma flow. The more load added to the circuit, the more energy you get from the Plasma. Energy is not lost at all, only converted at the point of conversion by the load.
= Plasma Technology for Kids =
= Useful Sources, Tools in the internet =
# Interactive Periodic Table, which directly links to Wikipedia: Link: http://www.ptable.com/
# When you are looking for Isotopes search for "material isotopes Wikipedia"
# Isotopes of Calcium: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_calcium
# Isotopes of Silver: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_silver#Silver-109
# Isotopes of Potassium: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_potassium
Deutsche Version [[KFSSI WIKI Deutsch]] <br>
Es müsste auch möglich sein, mit GANS-Wasser Gifte aus dem Körper zu waschen. Es wäre interessant, ob dies auch bei Schlangengift nach Schlangenbiss oder ähnlichem funktioniert.
Man könnte die Bisswunde mit einer Mischung aus CuO- und ZnO-GANS-Wasser auswaschen und eine Mischung aus CO2-GANS-Wasser und ZnO-GANS-Wasser (50:50) in die Bisswunde träufeln oder trinken.
Cortison-Einlagerungen nach hohen Cortisongaben kann man mit CO2-GANS-Wasser und den ätherischen Ölen von Zitrusfrüchten aus dem Körper bekommen, allerdings ist das ein länger dauernder Prozess. Die Öle aus den Schalen der Zitrusfrüchte sammeln und in das CO2-GANS-Wasser mischen. Damit die Hände waschen oder die betroffenen Körperstellen damit abwaschen.
Anwendung auf eigene Verantwortung und Gefahr. Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungsberichte an die Keshe Foundation sind erbeten.
= References =

Version du 26 mars 2017 à 19:48

Portal:Plasma Technology for Health



This WIKI supports all people around this world, adopting Keshe Plasma Technologies. The main content is compressed and summarized from the KFSSI’s (Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institutes) “teachings” which were held by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and from knowledgde-seekers all over the world, who develop these technologies further. All participants of the teachings at KFSSI signed The World Peace Treaty; a contract with yourself in which you state that you lay down all tools of aggression here on Earth. If you would like to sign the Treaty, you can download it here: http://www.keshefoundation.org/images/pdf/WORLD_PEACE_TREATY.pdf

Within this WIKI you will find information and tools to balance your life and to bring peace to our wonderful world.

The Keshe Foundation

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

The Keshe Foundation is an independent, non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe that aims to develop new scientific knowledge, new technologies and new solutions to major global problems like famine, water shortage, lack of electrical power supply, climate change and disease through the use of specially developed plasma reactors which will also give humanity the ability to travel in deep space.

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe was born in Iran in 1958, son of an X-ray engineer. He was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age. In 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology system control. He has spent the years since then completing a system for the production of gravity and energy using a radioactive hydrogen-fueled reactor that is clean and safe. He has covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, testing and practical applications. He has concentrated on completing the full range of his technology for launching into the scientific world and industry. The intellectual properties related to this technology were transferred to Stichting the Keshe Foundation.

The Essence of Keshe Technology

Magnetic fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Superposition of magnetic fields leads to magnetical and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Magnetic Fields Defined

Since Albert Einstein's E=MC², it is a scientifically accepted fact that matter is convertible into energy and vice versa. This implies that both matter and energy must be the same by nature.

Everything that exists in all of creation is made up of "magnetic fields." These fields have the two ferromagnetism properties - attraction and repulsion. Opposite poles attract each other while like poles repel each other.

All phenomena in all of creation derives from the diverse interactions of magnetic fields.

Magnetical and Gravitational Fields Defined

A superposition of magnetic fields, which create an outward directed force from the respective centre (an outward field flow), Keshe refers to as Magnetic (capital M) or, for better distinction in spoken language, Magnetical, which is a word introduced by Keshe for this special purpose. The reverse superposition of magnetic fields that develop an inward directed force towards the respective centre (an inward field flow) Keshe refers to as Gravitational (capital G).

Magnetical field flow releases fields to the environment and are therefore available to organisms that require them, while Gravitational field flow absorbs fields from the environment. Gravitation field flow will absorb for example fields from an organism that has fields in abundance that it does not require or that are the wrong fields for the organism.

What is Plasma?

Every physical object (electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe, etc.) is nothing more than an accumulations of magnetic fields which Keshe refers to as plasmatic magnetic fields. These plasmatic magnetic fields consist of a huge quantity of individual magnetic fields. Plasmatic magnetic fields are three dimensional, the movement and area of which is determined by the individual magnetic fields within the object. Each of these plasmatic objects is referred to as a plasma and is defined by the field content within it.

The Keshe Foundation does not use the word plasma in the same way that it is used in standard physics. The Foundation does not refer to the state of an ionized gas when they say "plasma." Plasma is defined by the Foundation as the entire content of fields which accumulate and create an object. It is NOT defined by its physical characteristics like ionization and temperature, for example. Plasma refers exclusively to the properties of the fields of which an object consists.

In most cases, fields extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the object in question. As well, there are field compositions (plasmas) that are already detached from their physical source and are moving in a non-physical form (as a pure field body) through space to another physical (or non-physical) object. The movement of these field conglomerations is considered to be a kind of “flowing.” The Foundation therefore defines energy as fields that move and flow in space from point A to point B.

GANS for "producing" magnetic and gravitational fields. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

What is GANS?

Certain atoms and molecules release and/or absorb Magnetic and/or Gravitation fields. Released fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Keshe Foundation has developed a way in which to gather these free flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which Keshe named GANS.

An organism for example will emit fields it wants to separate itself from (rid itself of) and will absorb fields that it can use or that it has an urgent need for. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for absorption must be available within the immediate environment of the organism.

Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

A tool was developed by the Foundation which consists of components that can absorb fields and create GANS; a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation. Different types of GANS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications. Each type of GANS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GANS.

The use of different GANS' with different field strengths or the use of nano-coated double coils with plasma batteries causes a directed field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.

If these field fluxes are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these field fluxes or to release a surplus of fields to the environment or they can be collected into a usable GANS.

With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of Magnetic field interaction.

Plasma Coils

Plasma coils are made of two nano-coated double coils. Each double coil consists of two coils that are wound and wired in a specific way (coil blueprints are available on the Keshe Foundation website). The two double coils are mounted at 90 degrees to each other. Different types and combinations of GANS' are placed on the coils to create different fields strengths. At the center of the double coils a field is created.

An organism is made of fields and can be placed between the coils of a device the Keshe Foundation calls a Plasma Coil Unit. At the centre of the unit, within the space in which the organism would be situated, the Gravitational and Magnetical fields, created at the centre of the coils, interact with the fields of the organism. The strength of the fields created by the coils does not diminish because the coils constantly attract and gather fields from the environment. As a result of the interaction of the fields of the coils and those of the organism, a balancing takes place. The organism experiences a balancing as do the coils. The procedure is complete when the organism and coils find balance.

Nano-Coating and the Production of GANS

The philosophy of the Keshe Foundation is, plasma should be available for free to humanity. This is why all steps of production are open source and available at no cost to the public. Step by step instructions on how to produce different types of GANS' are available on this WIKI. The Foundation manufactures products. If you would like to purchase one of our many products, please go to the Keshe Foundations Webshop: https://store.keshefoundation.org/store/

Nano-Coating of Copper

Main ways, how to coat copper or other metals, Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

The base material for the coating is copper in any form. The coating is carried out either chemically by etching (steam coating with NaOH) or thermally by heating (Fire Coating by gas burner). During the coating process "gaps between the [outer most layers of copper] atoms" are created. The coating is often referred to as nano-coating, the layers of which build up during the process of the creation of the coating.

Nano-Coating Using NaOH

In order to coat copper wires or plates, you will need:

  • A plastic container with lid (not too big)
  • Weights for weighing down the lid
  • Ready-wound copper coil, wires or plates
  • ~ 100 grams of pure NaOH powder or beads (Do not use drain cleaners. You can buy it in art shops; it is used to remove paint as alkaline-based stripper, or in chemist's/drugstore)
  • ~ 2 liters of distilled water (according to the quantity of coils and size of the plastic container)
  • Electric kettle or stove top to boil water

Phase 1: Caustic bath (~ 2 days)

This first stage prepares the materials for the steam coating process:

  • A zinc grid (can be a mesh, which is zinc coated) is placed at the bottom of the plastic container.
  • Scatter just enough NaOH powder to cover the entire bottom of the container.
  • Before placing the plates in the container, you can drill a small hole at the top corners of the plate(s) which will be used in Phase 2.
  • Place the coils and/or plates directly on the mesh (the coils and/or plates sit on the grid so as to not touch plastic).
  • Place the lid, slightly askew, on the container. Leave a small opening.
  • Boil distilled water and pour it (boiling) into the container via the opening until water covers all the coils and/or the plates.
  • Quickly close the opening by placing the lid correctly on the container.
  • If necessary, place a weight on the lid to ensure as little steam as possible escapes.
  • Leave the container in this state for 24 hours.

Caution, during the pouring of boiling water, steam will escapes. Please wear protective glasses and protective gloves during this process.

Phase 2: Caustic Steam (~ 2 days)

  • After 24 hours have passed, open the plastic container and remove the coils and/or plates. NOTE: Use tight fitting gloves (for example, medical) and lift the plates out by the edges or use a wire through the hole you drilled in the plates. Ensure to touch the coils/plates in ONLY one area when you need to lift them to prevent damaging the nano-coating. Leave the mesh in the container.
  • You will notice that the coils/plates have turned black. This is the nano-coating.
  • Remove the liquid from the container. (Caution - store or dispose of the liquid correctly)
  • Hang the coils or plates, which were previously submerged in NaOH water, on copper wires (utilize the holes at the corners of the plates to hang the plates).
  • The coils should hang roughly 2cm above the bottom of the container and should not touch the container walls, the mesh or the other coils or plates.
  • The plates stand on the mesh, vertically, hung on wires.
  • Place NaOH to cover the bottom of the container as in Phase 1.
  • Place the lid askew.
  • Boil distilled water and pour it boiling through the hole to a depth of roughly 1cm.
  • Close and fasten the lid quickly to stop steam from escaping.
  • Let stand for 2 days.

(Caution - Use protective glasses and protective gloves during this process).

Phase 3: Drying/draining (minimum 3-4 days)

  • The coils and/or plates now begin the drying process.
  • Pour most of the liquid out of the container. Leave a bit of the water in the container and leave it covered, not weighted.
  • Every 6 hours, for the next 3 or 4 days, take a multimeter (set on mv) and touch the mesh with the negative pole and the copper plate with the positive pole at several positions to drain the plate(s) voltage.
  • For coils, if its a double coil, touch the coil with the negative pole of a multimeter at the positive pole of the coil and touch the positive pole of the multimeter at the negative pole of the coil for a few seconds, to drain the voltage out of the coil(s).
  • When this process is completed, never touch the nano-coating and ensure the coils and/or plates never touch each other.

You can watch this process again on this Official Youtube Video from the Spaceshipinstitute:

Nano-Coating Using A Gas Burner

Gas burner (gas torch, blow torch) with butane gas

With this type of coating process it is not necessary to go through the process of polarization (draining the voltage) and drying. However, temperature and direction of application of the fire coating is crucial. When applying the fire coat, the direction in which you apply the flame to the copper must always be in the direction of flow of the coiled wires and the wires must never reach a point of glowing due to the application of heat. Once the wires are heated to a point where they begin to emit a golden shimmer, the gas burner should be moved to an adjacent point on the wires. (For clarification, this will be explained in detail below in an accompanying video).

Moreover, the coils will begin to cool as soon as you move the flame from an area that is being heated to an adjacent point. If, after a few seconds of the heat being removed from an area, the wires take on different colors like red, turquoise or blue throughout the area, this is an indication that the temperature during the fire coating of that area was too low. If this occurs, simply return the flame to the area and coat it again before moving to an adjacent area. If however the wire begins to glow, the temperature is too high and you should back the burner away from the coils slightly to decrease the temperature and continue coating. With practice, the application process becomes automatic.

To fire coat, you require:

  • A gas burner with butane gas (it also works with a propane / butane mixture)
  • Copper coils or plates
  • Refractory mounting device for mounting/hanging the coils or plates (preferably metallic)

Important: Do not apply the fire coat in rooms that are too cold. Doing so will cause the coating layer to easily separate from the copper wire. There are also differences in quality of the copper wires. Sometimes slight cracks at the surface of the raw uncoated wire can be detected.

Note: Please use a gas burner with a tight and narrow pointed flame when applying the coating to ensure very accurate pinpoint application at an area on the wire. If you use a wide, broad flame you will heat up too wide of an area of wire at once. This will result in inaccuracy in the direction of heating of each coil. (Please view the following video for clarification).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRaeT-7zIJs Fire Coating Video

When nano-coating copper using fire, it is done at least in two or more sessions depending on how consistent you become in each session. Between each session, the copper is allowed to cool at room temperature. During the cooling process the copper continues to interact with the atmosphere and you will begin to see a change in color on the surface of the copper. The reaction of the nano-coated copper during the succeeding sessions will be different compared to the first session when fire is first applied. On each succeeding session, the nano layer on the surface of the copper also acts as another layer of conductor and a heat sink. When the flame is applied, this surface layer will start to change into a dull color copper before reaching that right temperature of "shimmering surface" look. We still look for that "golden shimmering" moment as in the previous session and move the flame to the adjacent area. A third or more sessions is only required when you see inconsistency of nano-coating colors due to uneven lower heat application or flaking nano layers due to excessive heat application.

Important: For a magrav set of coils or multiple coils formation, the color of the inner coil (gravitational) and the color of the outer coil (magnetical) will usually manifest differently from each other due to the field interaction of the nano layers as they are created during the nano-coating process. Different materials (different batch of copper) will also have a different nano-coating layer. The environmental conditions (flame temperature, atmospheric air quality and temperature, plasma fields) during the nano-coating process greatly influence how the nano materials will manifest on the surface of the material like copper.

GANS Production and Application

Formation of GANS. Source: Keshe Foundation SSI, 2015

GANS is the abbreviation for "GAs in Nano-state of Solid." The Keshe Foundation has developed a method by which carbon dioxide (CO2) can be extracted from the air by simple means and converted into a solid state in the nanometer range (nano-state of solid). Production of CO2 GANS results when carbon in the air joins with oxygen of a salt solution. Within a kind of plasma bubble, consisting of Magnetical and Gravitational fields, this conjunction is brought into a crystalline form. These crystals absorb light (the fields) and store and release them according to demand. Each crystal is like a sun!

The Keshe Foundation discovered that GANS, dried as well as bound in water, is useful as a source of energy or can be usefully applied in areas of health and agriculture. Once GANS is produced it can be stored in distilled water to keep it moist. When it is stored in water, GANS does not mix with the water, it settles at the bottom of the water. GANS water is defined as the clear distilled water in which GANS is stored. The water (see description of GANS washing) can be used in various ways. It is possible to pour it into bath water, to make health patches as wound dressings or to use it as a spray. Small volumes of it, like drops diluted in water (Liquid Plasma) are drinkable. The applications for the use of GANS and Liquid Plasma are limitless.

The process of GANS production, developed by the Keshe Foundation, work for the production of CO2 GANS, but also for other types of GANS. The drawing (Formation of GANS) shows schematically the development of GANS, the base of which is raw copper. Note the compact atomic structure at the bottom of the graphic. In the first step of the process of the formation of GANS, copper is nano-coated. During the coating process spaces between atoms are formed and nano-layers with nano-wires are created (see Coating). Nano-coated copper in interaction with a zinc plate, in a salt water solution, creates CO2 GANS which collects and settled at the bottom of the collection container (see Production of CO2 GANS).

GANS is required for the operation of the Keshe Foundations Plasma Power systems (see the product descriptions for the Power Units in the webshop at www.keshefoundation.org for information on Plasma Power products). GANS is a key component in all of the Foundations products. For example, it is used to coat wound copper coils and used in GANS tanks (e.g. ping pong ball) at the center of coils. As well, GANS is required in order to produce GANS water which is in-turn used to produce GANS fields. Various types of GANS waters are used in many areas of society. Find below descriptions on the production of the four basic kinds of GANS, which are produced by immersing nano-coated copper wires or nano-coated copper plates, in combination with various metals, in a 10% sea salt water solution (100gm sea salt dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water).

Materials required for the production of GANS:

  • Plastic container
  • Distilled water
  • Unrefined, natural sea or rock salt
  • Nano-coated copper wires for short-circuiting of the metals
  • Nano-coated copper plates or coils
  • Various uncoated metal plates (zinc, copper, iron) which are needed for the production of different types of GANS'

This table gives an overview:

GANS Color Coated Material Uncoated Material salt content
Co2 (ZnO + Co2) cream white nano-coated copper zinc 3-10%
ZnO white nano-coated zinc zinc 3-10%
CH3 (FeO + CH3) reddish brown nano-coated copper iron 3-10%
CuO (CuO + Cu) turquoise nano-coated copper copper 3-10%


Washed CO2-GANS with green LED, generates far less and shows structure. Yield after 4 days.
CO2-GANS without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. Yield after 1 day.
CO2-GANS dried without LED, high amount of Zinc oxide. You bring this with the double amount of NaOH (weight) and hot distilled water into a “nano state.” Wash it at least 5 times or more (pour out the water after the GANS has settled and fill the container again with fresh distilled water each time). What remains is pure CO2-GANS (usually very little).
Connections of LED, but please use a green LED!
LED lights when production is going well and electricity is produced!


CO2 GANS is produced by placing a zinc plate, connected to a nano-coated copper coil or nano-coated copper plate, in a sea salt water solution. Dissolve 100 grams of sea salt in a liter of distilled water and pour the solution into a GANS collection container. Ensure all of the salt is dissolved. There are different ways in which to connect the zinc and copper plates or coils together, which will affect the ratio of CO2 to Zinc GANS produced. In the following video Keshe explains in detail how to produce CO2-Gans:

CO2/ZnO GANS mixture, in a ratio of 20:80

To create a higher yield Zinc to CO2 GANS, the nano-coated copper plate/coil is connected directly to a zinc plate with a piece of copper wire. If you wish, you can drill a small hole at a top corner of each plate to hook the wire to, however, ensure you drill the hole in the copper plate PRIOR to nano-coating it. Or, you can use alligator clips to attach them together. (NOTE: ensure you do NOT scratch the nano layer off of the copper plate with the alligator clips. Clips with especially strong metal spring will damage the nano layered surface). Make certain the bottom of the plates or coils do not touch the bottom of the container. In this direct connection method, GANS is created very quickly. However, the amount of CO2 GANS created is relatively low in respect to Zinc GANS created within the GANS mixture. (NOTE: GANS that is white in colour has a higher content of zinc in it than CO2).

CO2/ZnO GANS mixture in a ratio 90:10

Zinc oxide GANS (ZNO) can not be completely eliminated from the GANS mixture when creating CO2 GANS, but this is of no consequence. However, if you follow these steps, a higher yield of CO2 to Zinc oxide GANS will be created. The colour of the GANS created is an indication of what type of GANS has been created. A white coloured GANS indicates more Zinc GANS in the mixture while a cream coloured GANS indicates a higher yield of CO2 GANS created within the mixture.

A nano-coated copper plate and zinc plate are connected together with a regular piece of copper wire. Ensure the bottom of the plates or coils do not touch the bottom of the container. Cut the wire at the mid point and connect a small LED light, or coil of a PC fan, to the ends of the cut wire. Connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the wire that leads to the coated plate/coil, and the cathode (notch or shorter needle on LED package = negative pole) with the wire that leads to the zinc plate. (Small holes can be drilled into one corners of each plate, PRIOR to the nano-coating process in the case of the copper plate, that can be used to connect the wire to the plates. You can void drilling holes in favour of using alligator clips to connect the LED to the plates, however, it is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure you do not scratch off or the nano-coating of the copper plate when attaching the clip). After a few hours, a cream coloured layer of CO2 GANS will starts to settle on the bottom of the container. (Note: NO CURRENT is necessary from either a batterie or power supply for the creation of CO2 GANS). (Further note: the colour of the GANS denotes the ratio of CO2 to Zinc GANS in the mixture.

Required Materials:

  • Plastic tub/container or cut bottle
  • Zinc plate
  • Nano-coated copper coil or Nano-coated Copper plate
  • A length of copper wire.
  • Green LED
  • 100gm of sea salt
  • 1L of distilled water

CO2 GANS: Uses/Applications

CO2 GANS water can be used pure or diluted depending on the treatment requirement. It will activates cells, revitalizes the body and strengthens the immune system. CO2 GANS water is very beneficial to all kinds of muscle injuries. When used as a spray it immediately relieves pain. However, in the case of a broken bone(s), do not apply CO2 GANS water directly to fracture(s). Pain at the point of a bone fracture triggers the body to bring needed calcium to the area of the fracture that is required for the healing process. Therefore, do not spray directly on the fracture point; spray the area around it.

  • Oral Application: CO2 GANS water can be taken orally (Eg. drops or 5ml to 25ml in half a liter of water - 1 to 2 times daily (according to the recommendations).
  • Foot Bath Application: Add CO2 GANS water to lukewarm water in a foot bath. When repeatedly applied this eliminates athlete's foot and pulls heavy metals out of the body.
  • Full Bath Application: You can use CO2 GANS water AND the GANS waters of ZnO (zinc oxide), CH3 (iron oxide) and/or CuO (copper oxide). For example, with radiation contamination, Keshe recommends taking a bath with 2 to 3 litres of CO2 GANS water in the bath mixed with warm water, and staying in this water for half an hour 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Scalp and Hair Application: You can regularly rub CO2 GANS water on the scalp and in the hair. It soothes the scalp, strengthens hair folical roots and has been shown to bring the original hair color back.
  • CO2+ ZnO GANS Liquid Plasma Mixture Spray Application: On the face- revitalizes the skin, refreshes and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Aftershave Lotion Application: Alleviates cuts immediately and relaxes the skin.
  • Eczema Application: Spray the affected skin areas with CO2 GANS water - to date, very rapid improvement has been reported.
  • Bee sting Application: Sprinkle the area of the sting with CO2 GANS water several times.

NOTE: CO2 GANS, CO2 GANS water and liquid plasma of CO2 are used in health applications AND for energy production.


Schematic setting of CH3-production without current; instead of the shortcut you can also use DC of a battery


CH3 GANS is produced by using an iron plate, or other source of iron, in combination with a nano-coated copper coil. The two metals are connected together with a copper wire. Unlike the production of CO2 GANS, you can use a very small amount of DC current and a fish tank pump (aerator) to speed the production process, but the pump is not mandatory. You can use a common, adjustable DC device, which produces current of approximately 15 mA between the two metal plates instead of the connection of a copper wire. If you do, the negative pole of the device is attached to the nano-coated copper plate and the positive pole of the device is connected to the iron plate. You could also use a 1.5 V battery as power source. If you use any kind of current you should aerate the salt solution with a small fish tank pump. It will only take a few hours to produce a reddish brown layer of CH3 GANS at the bottom of the container. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two plates instead of a wire or a current source.

Required Materials:

  • Plastic Container
  • Iron plate
  • Nano-coated copper coil or plate
  • 100 grams of sea salt
  • 1 litre of distilled water
  • Optional: DC-Device and fish tank aerator

CH3 GANS Uses/Application

CH3 GANS water will strongly energize the body and is nutritious. For instance, 8 drops of CH3 GANS water combined with 1 drop of ZnO GANS water and 1 drop of CO2 GANS water will yield the following results. The plasmatic field of CH3 GANS water gives energy to the body while the plasmatic fields of the ZnO GANS water support the nervous system. The plasmatic fields of the CO2 GANS water acts on muscles and the nervous system. The carbon within CH3 and CO2 GANS waters release energy while the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water and the oxygen of CO2 GANS water combine to provide moisture, which is needed in the body. The energy of the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water becomes food for the body. The ZnO GANS water supports nerve connections that are needed assimilate energy into the body. To assure the application is effective, always add one drop of amino acid of each type of GANS to your drop mixture. The amino acid builds up on the top of the salt water solution during the production of each of the GANS'.

Every time you want to apply CH3 GANS liquid as food you must add amino acids. The amino acids tell the body that the energy is provided for the body. The GANS and the amino acids are created within the same container and therefore have an inner connection regarding their inner structure. This inner connection is necessary for the fields of the GANS and its information, which are available within the GANS water and the liquid plasma, to be transferred to the molecules of the cells of a living body. Procedures are topics of present and future research. CH3 GANS is also necessary for technical energy production.


CuO-GANS before it has settled. CuO-GANS has just to settle.


For the production of CuO GANS you need an UNCOATED copper coil, or copper plate, and a nano-coated copper coil or a nano-coated copper plate. The two plates are connected with a copper wire and placed in a sea salt water solution. To speed up the GANS production process, you can use a small amount of DC current and an small aerator (fish tank pump). A DC-device, which provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates, or coils, can be used instead of the copper wire between the plates. The negative pole of the device is connected to the nano-coated copper and the positive pole of the device is connected to the uncoated copper. If you use a current you must apply an aerator to provide additional oxygen to the salt water solution. After a few hours a turquoise layer builds on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is CuO GANS. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two metals instead of a wire or a current source.

Required Materials:

  • Plastic Container
  • Uncoated copper plate (or coil)
  • Nano-coated copper plate (or coil)
  • 100 grams of sea salt
  • 1 litre of distilled water
  • Optional: DC Device and aerator (small fish tank pump)

CuO GANS Uses/Application

Copper represents the physical body (in connection with the field interactions); it affects the muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for good communication through the nerves and copper acts as a disinfectant. The Ghana Keshe Foundation, in cooperation with the National Atomic Research Institute, carried out tests where microbial contaminated drinking water was cleaned with CO2 and CuO GANS water. The contaminated water was cleaned of contaminants and transformed into drinkable water. Bacteria, salts and even arsenic and mercury are neutralized through CuO GANS water application to the point where these harmful elements were no longer detectable in the test samples of contaminated water. CuO GANS water can be used in many areas as a natural disinfected. (e.g. rooms where food is produced, hospitals, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms and so on). CuO is also used for energy production.




For the production of ZnO GANS you need a zinc plate (or zinc coil or zinc mesh) and a nano-coated zinc coil (or a coated zinc plate), which are connected and placed in a sea salt solution. The two metals (plates or coils) are connected together by a copper wire. To speed up production you can use here a small amount of DC current and an aerator (fish tank pump). You can also use a DC device that provides approximately 15 mA DC current between the two plates (or coils) instead of the copper wire. The negative pole of the device is connected with to the nano-coated zinc and the positive pole of the device is connected to the uncoated zinc. If you use a current you must use an aerator (fish tank pump) to provide additional oxygen to the salt water solution. After a few hours a white layer will build up on the bottom of the container and settles there. This is ZnO GANS. To get a better result, you can mount a coil of a PC fan between the two metals instead of a wire or a current source.

Required Materials:

  • Plastic Container
  • Uncoated zinc plate (or coil)
  • Nano-coated zinc plate (or coil)
  • 100 gram of sea salt
  • 1 litre of distilled water
  • Optional: DC Device and fish tank pump

ZnO GANS Uses/Applications

Zinc is a key component in more than 80 human metabolic cycles and plays an important role in the healing of wounds. The Magnetic/Gravitational fields of ZnO GANS and/or ZnO liquid plasma interact with the fields of human emotions and therefore can be used to strengthen and balance human emotional needs. Liquid plasma of ZnO GANS is termed “peace plasma.”

  • ZnO Health Applications: ZnO GANS water (ZnO liquid plasma) can be applied everywhere the liquid plasma of CO2 GANS is used because emotional imbalance, conflicts and stress are the most frequent causes of human illnesses and diseases. ZnO plasma aids almost all healing processes.
  • Double Walled Health Cup Application: The gap between the walls of the cup are filled with ZnO GANS water. The cup can be used for two purposes. 1. Fill the cup with water and let stand for several hours. The water will be energized by the fields of the ZnO plasma water. Drink the water. 2. Leave the cup empty and use a straw, placed in the cup, to inhale the ZnO energized air from the cup.

How to Make the GANS of Pills and Vitamins

Powdered Vitamins on a spoon.
Hard Tablet on a spoon.

You can make and use the GANS of any pill, vitamin or supplement that is available to you. As a matter of fact, you can make the GANS of any substance that you can find in your environment.

To make GANS of pills or vitamins (tablets or capsules), please follow these steps:

  • Capsules: Open the pill/vitamin capsule and pour the contents into a small container.
  • Tablets: Crush a hard tablet into a powder using a pill crusher and pour it into a small container.
  • Prepare the Ingredient Proportions: There are two methods that can be used:

First method: Fill a ¼ tsp. measuring spoon with powdered vitamin and place it in a mixing cup. Measure out ¼ tsp. of dry caustic (NaOH) and add it to the mixing cup (use a mixing cup or container that can be tightly sealed). Mix the powders well. Add 5 tsp. of boiling water to the mixing cup (please do not add the boiling water until you have read all of the instructions below). Second Method: Match the quantity of the pill to that of Caustic. Mix and measure the dry ingredients. Add boiling water to the powder at a ratio of 10 parts water to 1 part mixed powder 10:1.

  • Start the Nano-coating Process: Ensure the dry powders are mixed. Add the boiled water to the dry ingredients and quickly tightly cover the container. The caustic (NaOH) will begin creating the nano material. Let stand, tightly sealed, for 3-7 days.
  • Wash the GANS Mixture: After 3-7 days have passed, open the container and wash the mixture with distilled water (see Washing GANS).
  • Add CO2 GANS: To finish the process, add some CO2 GANS (roughly 10ml) to the washed pill/vitamin GANS.

Harvesting GANS

How To Harvest GANS Amino Acids

The first thing you should do after you have created a batch of GANS is harvest the amino acids from the GANS collection container. The amino acids float at the surface of the sea salt water solution. They look and feel oily (do not touch them with your hands). Amino acids are created during the GANS production process and are an extremely valuable ingredient of many applications. Amino acids are organic and are an essential ingredient in the human body.

The layer of amino acids, resting on the surface of the sea salt solution, is quite thin and therefore difficult to collect. If you use a syringe or eye dropper (pipette) you will collect a quantity of salt water along with the acids. Therefore, it is recommended to use a small spoon or glass rod. Touch the acids with the rod or spoon; the acids will stick to either. Or, you can use a sheet of paperboard or plastic wrap. With practice, you will learn how to easily harvest the amino acids.

Store harvested amino acids in liquid form, or you can dry them (if you use a paperboard to collect acids, drying is a favourable option). After drying, store the amino acid powder in a small clean sealed container and label your container (e.g. amino acids of CO2 GANS).

Once the harvesting of the amino acids is complete, you can wash the GANS that has been collected in your GANS container (see GANS Washing).

How To Wash GANS

GANS has to be washed to remove the salt from it before it can be utilized in applications.


  • GANS settles at the bottom of the collection container. Without disturbing the GANS, pour off/remove the sea salt water solution resting above the newly created GANS.
  • If you disturb the GANS and it begins to mix into the salt water, let it settle before attempting to remove more of the the salt water.
  • When you have removed most of the salt water, remove the GANS from the container (you will remove some salt water as well) and place it in a lidded glass jar.
  • Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the jar and then pour off/remove as much salt water as possible.
  • Fill this GANS glass jar with distilled water and seal it.
  • Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the glass jar and pour off/remove as much of the water above the GANS as possible without disturbing the GANS.
  • Refill the GANS glass jar with distilled water and seal it.
  • Allow the GANS to settle at the bottom of the glass jar and pour off/remove as much of the water above the GANS as possible without disturbing the GANS.

Repeat this process (pouring off/removing the water above the GANS; refilling the jar with distilled water; let settle, pour off, etc.) at least 6 to 10 times. This process washes the salt out of the GANS.

Alternately: You can opt to use GANS collection containers that have spouts at the bottom. You can then open the spout and collect GANS (and some salt water) negating the need to pour off/remove the salt water from above the GANS in the collection container. Find a method that works for you.

How to Make GANS Water

GANS-water filled in bottles
Drying of the GANS on top of the heating

After the salt has been washed out of the GANS, store the GANS in distilled water in a sealed container.

Shaking the sealed container mixes the GANS with the distilled water. The GANS will quickly settle at the bottom of the container, however, the Magnetical/Gravitational fields of the GANS will transfer and mix with the field strength of the distilled water, energizing the water.

After shaking the container, for best energetic results, let the container sit for 24 hours allowing the water to absorb the Mag/Grav fields of the GANS.

The water is now charged/energized with the field properties of the GANS. Now the GANS water (water sitting above the GANS in the jar) can be used for various applications.

When you remove GANS water from the GANS storage container for application purposes, ensure that you take ONLY the clear water from the container. DO NOT take GANS from the container unless you need it for a specific application.

Every time you remove clear GANS water from the container, pour distilled water into the container to refill it, seal it and let is stand for at least 24 hours before using the GANS water for application purposes.

The GANS will continue to energize the water within the container limitlessly.

How To Make Liquid Plasma

Every type of GANS water can produce a respective “liquid plasma.” To produce liquid plasma, with a syringe or an eye dropper (pipette), take a few drops of GANS water and place them into a container of distilled water.

The GANS water information will be transferred from the drops to the volume of distilled water instantly, especially if the mixture is stirred or shaken. For stirring, create a stirrer from a nano-coated copper coil wrapped around a glass rod. The turbulences creates vortexes within the water which act like energetic amplifiers (similar to the procedure in homeopathy).

If you do not have a nano-coated stirrer you can use any stirrer, like a spoon or a rod or even a blender to stir the mixture.

Keshe calls the mixture of distilled water + the drops of GANS water “liquid plasma.”

If you produce liquid plasma from GANS water for internal use (to drink), you can put the GANS water drops (or ml, teaspoon, soup spoon) directly into your drinking water. In this case you should not stir the drinking water with a nano-coated stirrer; use a normal spoon.

How To Dry GANS

GANS can be used in a moist or solid state. You can store GANS in distilled water, keeping it moist, or you can remove it from the distilled water and dry it into a solid powder. In the end, the properties of the GANS remains intact in either state. For health application we most often use GANS water.

Optional: Drying the GANS with a fan

Sometimes dried GANS is preferable for a particular application. When drying GANS the aim is to do it naturally to gently withdraw moisture from the GANS. Under no circumstances is GANS to be dried by heating it over an open fire or on a stove top. The more natural the drying process, the better. It is possible to speed the drying process by putting the moist GANS on top of a heating radiator or heating vent, or by placing the GANS near a lamp that has a heat producing bulb. If crystals form during the drying process, this is an indication that the GANS was not washed thoroughly during the GANS washing process. The crystals are likely salt crystals. During the drying process the GANS will turn to a paste, and after more hours pass it will turn to a powder.

Plasma Technology for Health

The Keshe Foundation offers a full spectrum of information pertaining to GANS and its uses, from solid plasma to liquid plasma to field plasma. Which of the available information, processes or devices resonates with you? The utilization of these Keshe systems will support you for the betterment of the quality of your life while offering you the potential to elevate your soul and the souls of the people around you.

The Role of Emotions in Plasma Technologies

Plasma Technology works on the level of fields "behind" the physical matter we can touch. Everything in Plasma Technology is "built" out of magnetic/gravitational fields. Even our emotions are created by the combination and interaction between specific magnetic and gravitational fields. Fields, influence matter. Especially when they are isolated in specific areas around our physical body. What happens to us when the natural flow of these fields is hampered? We become unbalanced and illness sets in. In Plasma Technology the role of emotions is extremely important. In this WIKI you will therefore find chapters filled with information on psychological, emotional origins of specific diseases.

Here is a list of titles written by therapists, doctors and author, who developed specific techniques to detect and isolate emotions and/or provided humanity with information showing how emotions are connected with disease:

  • The Key to Self-Liberation: [1] This encyclopedic work by Christiane Beerlandt shows the psychological-emotional origins and solutions of disease. The book offers practical guidelines and entries about 1000 diseases.
  • The Emotion Code: [2] In The Emotion Code, Dr Bradley Nelson reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can effect you in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.

The Basic Tools of Plasma Health Technology

Ways to use GANS-water. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

People all over the world use GANS and GANS water within different devices and cures. With this technology self-healing powers of an organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up/create the organism itself. The use of chemical agents and processes are not necessary when we view life as nothing more than the result of interaction between magnetic and gravitational fields. Which fields are in abundance or are needed by an organism? How can we utilize this knowledge to bring balance to organisms? GANS water for instance can be used in a spray or in a patch. You can drink or inhale GANS water, bathe in it, stand or lay between walls of GANS or stand near rotating balls, which strengthen the effect of GANS.

Seen in a more structured way, we can distinguish between the use of (1) the Pain Pens, which are made of nano-coated copper wires, (2) GANS Patches, which contain different types of GANS or GANS water, (3) Plasma Units, which consist of two or more walls containing nano-coated doublecoils or rotating balls filled with different types of GANS, (4) Field Plasma Units, which are used to produce different types of GANS waters or to replicate specific parts of an organism or (5) GANS water injections, which can be directly injected with a syringe into a vein.

GANS Liquid Plasma Therapy

Liquid Plasma. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Liquid Plasma Therapy can be used for all kinds of diseases, especially different types of cancers; it is a total cancer therapy. There are different ways of using Liquid Plasma, depending on the diseases patients have. You can use Liquid Plasma as a bath, as a drink or as an inhalation cure. You can also combine all three. Always keep in mind: “Nobody has ever died of cancer, we die of lack of energy. “

Liquid Plasma: Bath

This GANS treatment is very powerful. Tumors can be reduced by 80% within 10 Days. CO2 GANS water is the basis of the liquid plasma bath. The patient takes a bath in a bathtub, which is filled up with warm to the touch water and about 1-2 Litres of CO2 GANS water. Do not use the GANS itself, use the GANS water (see GANS water). Mainly use CO2 GANS; CO2 GANS brings the body in balance. Use CH3 GANS mixed with CO2 GANS only when you have psychological depression before the cancer or due to cancer (also for MS, ILS, CVS and FMS). By using this liquid plasma bath you transfer energy from the body into the water while the water releases its energy into the environment.

Mix GANS with distilled water; let the GANS settle at the bottom of the container; take the clear water off of the top and add this water into the bath. For example, get a 5 litre bottle of distilled water, put about 20ml of GANS into it, seal it and shake it. Let it mix and let the GANS settle to the bottom. Leave it for 24 hours so that the fields of the GANS can intermingle with the fields of the water. Then add the clear GANS water from the container to the bathwater. (Do not put the GANS in the water, only the GANS water). After you take water from the container, refill it with distilled water. For patients, you can make 4-5 of these bottles for them so that they can stay in a bath of water that covers their entire body.

You can also put the sealed bottles if GANS/distilled water into the bath! Regardless of whether the tumour is in the spine or the brain, ensure the body is immersed in the bath water or if necessary the patient can lower into the bath with only the mouth or nose above the water. They can additionally just leave the GANS bottles in the bath at the end of the bath.

Instead of using a CO2 patch used on a specific area of the body, we approach the whole body. Several locations of cancers can be handled at one time (stomach, liver, pancreas etc.). It becomes a total approach. Patients should stay 1 hour at least 3 times a day in the bath. Patients can do it at home.

Liquid Plasma Bath. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

This could also be realized with a Jacuzzi (bubble bath, whirlpool). Depending on the size of the Jacuzzi, you can sit many people in it. As with the bath, put the GANS water from the bottles, or even the sealed bottles of CO2/distilled water into the Jacuzzi. Keep on adding water from the bottles to the water. The water must not be heated, it should be warm, just warm enough that it is comfortable for the patients. They can sit and even chat. They don't need to do anything but enjoy the Jacuzzi. Within the first 48 hours the first changes occur. Alternately, instead of leaving the sealed 5 Litre bottles in the water, you can float Coca Cola Bottles that are filled with GANS and GANS water.

For the rest of the 80% of cancer reduction mentioned above, you need to have a detailed blood or/and urine analysis done that identifies the metals in the blood. When you see heavy metals in the blood or urine, what does it mean? How do you interpret the high level of these materials in the blood? For instance, high level of mercury or lead? It is possible to reduce the mass size of a tumour, up to 80 %, within weeks of GANS treatment. The other 20% can be reduced by analyzing the blood of the patients by first looking at the heavy metals that are in the blood. When you stop GANS therapy without doing this, the cancer becomes more aggressive. When there is a high level of mercury in the blood for instance, it means the center of the cancer tumour, the mother feeder (mother which feeds the whole cancer) is mercury. The last 20% of the tumour is a solid mass which is gets fed continuously by the mother! When you do a blood test or urine test and you see high levels of a specific metal, it means that this is the seed of your cancer. For example: When you have the results of your blood test and you see a high level of mercury, it means mercury feeds the cancer. Therefore, a GANS of mercury will be required for treatment. Cancer steals the bodies energy; it’s heavily gravitational. Make GANS of mercury and put a few drops into the water near where the cancer is and you find out that you killed the cancer inside. The energy from the seed is transferred. You deplete the energy from the centre of the cancer, from the point where it’s absorbing all the bodies energy.

How do you produce GANS of mercury considering it is extremely difficult to handle? Put a container of mercury on top of a container that is filled with distilled water; it’s like the process which was done with the orange. Put GANS of CO2, CH3 and Amino acids around the container outside the glass. When you put the mercury above the water, the water will absorb the GANS of the mercury. Then all you need to is add the distilled water into the water of the bath.

Liquid Plasma: Taken Orally

Liquid Plasma Drink and Inhalation Cure. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

In conjunction with the bath, take 2-3 Soup Spoons of GANS water (never the GANS) and put it in a glass of drinking water two or three times a day. This amount of GANS water ensures the body has time to assimilate and utilize the GANS water.

Liquid Plasma: As an Inhalant

Liquid Plasma Inhalation is very important because when a "Breathing Device" is used it directly addresses the emotions. This treatment can be used in conjuction with all other Plasma treatments and technologies, especially with patients with lung problems (but suitable for all emotional based diseases). eg. Put GANS water in a glass of drinking water; hold a straw close to the surface of the water and breathe in the surface air at the top of the water. The Illustration shows a summary of the liquid plasma drink and inhalation treatment. Conversely, you can use a double walled cup and fill the wall space with GANS water or liquid plasma. Then place a straw into the cup and inhale the air from the interior of the cup.

Plasma Units

Liquid Plasma. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

A Plasma Unit is a device that consists, in its most basic form, of two vertical walls containing either mounted nano-coated copper coils (the Plasma Coil Unit) or mounted balls filled with GANS water (the Plasma Ball Unit). Both versions are holistic systems which are used to help balance the physical as well as the non-physical aspects of an organism.

Plasma Coil Unit

Schematic View of Plasma Coil Unit. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Adding GANS Patches to address specific parts. Source: Keshe Foundation, 2016

The Plasma Coil Unit is a device which consists, in its most basic form, of two vertical walls on which several double coils are mounted. The double coils (see Plasma Coils) are not connected in the same way they are in a (power) Magravs unit. They are connected in specific “health-settings.” Plasma, that flows between the two coiled filled walls, penetrates and passes through the human body, situated between the walls. The Illustration shows this schematically. The advantage of this system is, if a specific part of the body is afflicted the whole of the body is immersed in plasma. It is a holistic system that uses CO2 and ZnO GANS to process the physical body, including the brain, as well as human emotions.

More and more studies are showing that emotion is at the heart of many illnesses. When using the Unit, after changes in the physical body occur, changes in emotional pattern follow, which means patients can achieve complete emotional and physical balance in the long run.

By the additional use of GANS Patches, we can concentrate plasma energies where they are needed most.

Plasma Coil Unit Application

You can use the Plasma Coil Unit to treat all illnesses.

  • Place the body between the vertical walls of the Unit.
  • Place the coils of the walls at a height adjacent to the source of the illness.
  • Move the coils as close as possible to the body, but do not let the coils touch the body.
  • You can use thin plastic foils (e.g. plastic bags) to cover the coils in order to get the coils as close to the body as possible. The foil can touch the skin, but the coils can not touch the skin because the results and effectiveness will be greatly altered. The GANS can not touch the skin directly, so for close proximity coil placement, put a foil around the coils.

Plasmatic Pulse: The human heartbeat pulses. As it pulses the body releases an amount of energy to fulfill the emotional need of the body. Blood circulation pulsing triggers the coils of the Plasma Coil Unit to release plasmatic energy (this is similar to the pulse and release associated with the GANS coated coils of the Magravs energy systems, that pulse at 50Hz). The coils of the Plasma Coil Unit pulse and release plasmatic energy when the coils pulse is kick started by the bodies natural pulse. There is therefore a tailored pulse interaction between the Unit and the patient which results in the body taking from the coils what it needs while releasing (giving) what it does not need, to achieve balance.

It is suggested to use GANS patches in conjunction with the Unit because a patch on naked skin “feels“ the bones natural pulse, the vibration of which triggers the releases of the exact amount of energy from the GANS of the patch that the body needs. The GANS of the patch does not continuously release its energy. It will stop as soon as the body has finished taking what it needs from the patch. When you make GANS patches for a patient, make sure the patient sticks it on the body. The patch will give the body only what it needs to achieve balance.

Plasma Ball Unit


Pain Pen

KFSSI Pain Pen


GANS Patches

GANS water in bottles; please use on your bodies only the GANS water above the GANS substance.

In health applications the Keshe Foundation uses only the water above the GANS (see GANS Water) and/or Liquid Plasma (see Liquid Plasma). CAUTION: GANS must never be consumed under any circumstance and you must never touch GANS with any part of the body. CO2 GANS Water or Liquid Plasma of CO2 is primarily used for the creation of GANS patches or GANS pads. When you work with GANS, always where gloves.

How To Make a GANS Patch

Method: Utilizing GANS Water
  1. For a definition of GANS Water please see section How To Make GANS Water.
  2. Fill a small container/bottle with clear CO2 GANS water.
  3. Add a few drops of CuO2 GANS water to the container/bottle and stir it to mix the solution. (Note: for best results use a nano-coated stirrer (nano-coated copper coil wrapped around a glass rod).
  4. You will need plastic zip lock bags, with good strong zip seals, and paper towel.
  5. Using a small syringe, take 10-15 ml of GANS-water from the prepared bottle and drip it on a 2 layer thick paper towel (you decide the size of the patch). Use enough liquid to soak the entire paper towel. When the entire paper is damp, put it into a zip lock bag, press out the air and close/seal the bag.
  6. Label the bag immediately (What is the content? Which GANS waters was used? In which ratio? Date the patch was made?).
  7. GANS patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. The best option is to produce patches with a specific person in mind with the intention that the patch/pad will deliver the plasmatic fields that are needed for the healing process of the person. Do not give a GANS patch or pad to anyone if it was already used by someone. (Exception: emergency case).
Method: Utilizing Liquid Plasma
  1. Prepare the Liquid Plasma (see Liquid Plasma Preparation) of the different types of GANS' as individual liquid plasmas or combined in a mixture in required application ratios.
  2. You will need zip lock bags with a strong zip seal and paper towel.
  3. Using a syringe, drip 10-15 ml of the prepared Liquid Plasma and one or two drops of CuO GANS water (pure) onto a two layer thick paper towel. (The size of the patch determines the amount of drops required in order to wet the entire towel).
  4. When the whole paper is damp, put it into a zip lock bag, press the air out of the bag and close/seal it.
  5. Label the bag immediately (What is the content? Which liquid plasmas in which ratio did you use? How many drops of CuO GANS water were used? Date made?).
  6. GANS patches or pads should only be used by the people for whom they are made and intended. For best results, make a patch or pad with a certain person in mind with the intention that it will deliver the fields that are needed in order to heal the person.
  7. A patch or pad should not be used by someone AFTER it is used by a person. (Exception: emergency case).

Try testing to see if you get better results when you use GANS Water for the patches or when you use Liquid Plasma for the production of patches and pads, and please report the result of your research to the Keshe Foundation.

Application of GANS Patches and Pads

Using the patches:

  • Simply apply them to the area of an ache or pain.
  • They work well on a plaster bandage. Hand, arm shoulder, hip, knee, foot, ribs, solar plexus, neck, etc.
  • In times of restlessness, grief, fear, worries: apply on the solar plexus and neck areas

CAUTION: Do not use patches/pads on body parts that contain artificial material(s). For example on areas where nails, screws, and plates are located or after surgical interventions. Do not apply on the area of root canal treatment of teeth. Never place a patch/pad on or near pacemakers.

Application of Plasma in Emergency Situations

A good source of information on the application of plasma in emergency situations can be found in the 121st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, between the 21st and 35th minute marks.

Research for all Keshe Foundation plasma technology health applications are still very much in the beginning stages, however results have been extremely positive to date. Further investigation needs to be done in this field of science. Clinical trials and tests are only possible after Foundation permission is granted. All recommendations and proposals stated here or in the teachings of Mr. Keshe are the result of previous tests with volunteers or are the results of theoretical deduced approaches. Each application of a proposals given here, or on other Foundation plasma technology application sites, are carried out with full knowledge and understanding that personal responsibility and liability rests with the volunteers who agree to participate in private plasma health care tests.

Previous tests have shown that plasma (the result of interaction between Magnetic and Gravitational fields) can aid people very quickly in many situations. In emergency situations, GANS products can be applied by spray, patch and even orally.

Be prepared for emergency situations! Create varieties of GANS' and have them on hand and available. Here is a list of the types of GANS that you should have on hand for emergency situations:

  • CuO GANS (turquoise-blue in colour) and CuO2 GANS (brownish in colour)
  • ZnO GANS or ZnO2 (both white in colour)
  • CO2 GANS ( cream white in colour)
  • CH3 GANS (reddish-brown in colour)
  • CaO2 (produce from the ashes of burnt bones)

Prepare, harvest and store at least 100ml of each type of GANS. To each thoroughly washed GANS, stir and mix in a few drops of its harvested Amino Acids. Ensure each sealed GANS storage container is filled to the top with distilled water that you can utilize when required. Only use the GANS Water (see Making GANS Water and GANS Water Applications). If you use some of the GANS Water, replenish the container with distilled water. In this way, the actual GANS will never be depleted. According to Mr.Keshe, GANS retains its energetic properties for more than three generations of humans, perhaps even longer. Even if a disaster does not occur, we can pass this valuable knowledge to our descendants. Note: Studies are ongoing concerning how often you need to completely remove and replace the GANS water from the GANS sealed storage container to prevent the formation of germs in the containers water. The Foundation strongly encourages you to engage in plasma technology research and provide the Foundation with results and feedback).

Mobile Plasma Unit

Mobile Health Unit, created with a vacuum sealer.

A Plasma Unit consists of two vertical walls on which either coils or GANS patches are mounted. A person stands between these walls. Plasma flows through the body, from one wall to the other, front to back, back to front. The closer the coil or patches are to the body the easier it is for the body to absorb and interact with the Magnetic/Gravitational fields of the coils or patches.

The Plasma Health Unit with coils is a very complex apparatus and complicated to build. The mobile unit however is very easy to build, and can be constructed quickly. All you have to do attach multiple GANS patches to the front and back of the body. It is important that a plasmatic field flow takes place from the rear to the front. In order for the fields to flow in the right direction, from the back towards the front of the body, the patches in the back part have to emit stronger fields than the patches in the front.

(***For stationary health units please consider the respective blueprints (LINK) )

Typically, the right direction of field flow can be achieved by creating CO2/ZnO GANS Water patches for both sides. One or more GANS Water patches should be placed on the back, thus creating the flow. The extra patches can be, for example, CH3 GANS Water patches, along with some CuO GANS Water and/or Food GANS Water. Another possibility would be to attach all the patches in one piece of sealed cover (for front and back part, with a hole for the head). You can create this for example with a vacuum sealer (see photo).

Use at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Decontamination of Water

Ratio of CuO water to contaminated water

In order to ensure people have clean drinking water, CuO GANS Water or CuO2 GANS Water can be used to decontaminate water. The dilution ratio s 1:100. 1 litre of CuO GANS Water or CuO2 GANS Water to 100 litres of contaminated water. Pour the CuO or CuO2 GANS Water into a container with the contaminated water. Stir and allow it to settle for 12 hours. Next, extract clean water from the container. You can produce at least 50 litres of clean drinking water from 100 litres of polluted water.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Internal and External Injuries

CO2 and ZnO GANS water acts excellently as a spray when sprayed on painful areas (be careful: do not apply directly upon fractures, only around them, the bone needs the pain for the calcium to be created/incorporated). You can also spray it on clothes, tents and so on to protect against nuclear radiation and to keep warm.

In situations of crisis our mind is heavily loaded with fears, confusion, depression, exuberant emotions and so on. In these cases always spray a CO2 and ZnO GANS Water mixture, or drink it diluted in a glass or bottle of water. A few drops is all you need. Or apply patches on the solar plexus and neck. Also the compound of CO2, ZnO and CH3 GANS Water can be used to strengthen the nervous system. Namely in a ratio of 20% CH3, 10% ZnO and 70% CO2 GANS Water, with a little amount of Amino Acids added to the mixture (one drop of each kind).

In cases of exhaustion and/or hunger, combine CO2/ZnO2 with CH3 GANS Water. And apply two patches of different strength, one upon the solar plexus and the stronger one on the back. For example: CO2/ZnO2 and Food GANS Water with amino acids at the back and CO2 GANS Water at the solar plexus.

With open injuries, two or three different patches can be used: CO2, CH3 and CuO2 GANS Water. Make three different patches and place them one above the other. They can be placed directly over the dressing. Apply the CuO2 patch only for a short time. Its purpose is to prevent infection of wounds.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Infections of The Skin, External Injuries of The Skin, Cuts, Sunburn, Insect Bites Etc.

(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29 minutes)

Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water: CuO + Co2 (in the ratio 50%/50%) for spraying or patches
Pour the Liquid Plasma (equal amounts of drops of CuO and CO2 GANS Water) into a spray-bottle and spray wounds directly, or wet a paper napkin/paper towel with this mixture and apply it on body part.

When you have an insect bite, wash the bite area with CO2 GANS Water to which you added only 1 drop of CuO GANS Water.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Deep Wounds With Internal Injuries of Inner Organs, (Below the Neck)

(See 121st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 29:50 minutes) Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:

CuO2 (5 drops) + CO2 (3 drops) + ZnO (1 drop) + COHN (Amino Acids – 1 drop of each kind). Drink the drops diluted in a glass or bottle of water

  • CuO or CuO2 repairs muscle tissue and accelerates healing
  • CO2 connects, provides communication for tissue repair; gives the body necessary energy
  • ZnO stabilizes emotions
  • COHN (Amino Acids) provide the connection to the body

This mixture accelerates the healing of the injured tissue.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.


(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 32 minutes) Application of Liquid Plasma Created With Drops of GANS Water:

CO2 (2 drops) + Cu0 (3-4 drops) + CH3 (1 drop) + COHN (1 drop) + CaO Calcium oxide (1-2 drops): put a soaked towel around the fracture (not directly on the point of fracture).  
  • CO2-gives the body the necessary energy and provides the communication within the body
  • CuO and CuO2 disinfects and helps in muscle tissue healing
  • CH3 (iron GANS-water) amplifies energy for the healing process
  • COHN (amino acids) provide the connection to the body
  • CaO (Calcium oxide) for the reconstruction of bones

CaO GANS can be produced easily from the ashes of burnt bones.

Do not apply the soaked towel or spray directly upon the point of fracture, but only around the area of the fracture.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Head/Brain Injury

(See 121st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 34 minutes) Application of liquid plasma created with drops of GANS water:

CO2 (3 drops) + CaO (3 drops) + ZnO (4 drops) apply with patches or tubes

2-3 weeks after a head/brain injury, it is safe to begin applying this application. Calcium oxide (CaO2) is needed for brain cells; usually the brain cells take calcium from the bones of the skull.

COHN (Amino Acids) are important for the connection between the fields of the Liquid Plasma and the area of injury. They support the repair work of the body.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS: A Powerful Disinfectant

For more information, view the Keshe Foundations 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop at the 2 hours 21 minute mark.


CuO GANS Water mixed with CO2 GANS Water: Can be used as a disinfectant for surgical instruments and hands. However, more research in this area needs further exploration. (Feedback from physicians would be appreciated).

CO2 GANS Water mixed with a small amount of CuO GANS Water:

  1. Used in a spray as a disinfectant solution, for bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.
  2. Used as a body deodorant; Used to get rid of unpleasant odours.
  3. Used as spray, on the skin, on skin diseases, even skin cancer and burns.
  4. Used as a spray or in a patch on foot infections and corns.
  5. Used as a spray on the the head and scalp for people with thinning or balding. Spray it on and massage it in.

Further research and testing needs to be done in this area. Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so it can be shared with others.

GANS Processing of Eye Problems

Details can be found in the 22nd International Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at the 1 hour 40 minute mark

With health generally, one must consider the causes of the disease and the affected tissue. GANS Amino Acids provide a connection between the fields of the GANS Water and that of the affected physical area in the body. CO2 Amino Acids connect to the body in a general way, ZnO Amino Acids connects with the nerves while CuO2 Amino Acids connects with the bodies muscle tissue and CaO Amino Acids connect with the bodies bone tissue. Research shows that many illnesses are a direct result of ones emotional state. The eyes are no exception. GANS can help restore the bodies emotional balance which will result, in the case of certain eye diseases, recovery.

Degenerative eye diseases can be processed with 3 types of GANS:

  1. 4-5 drops of GANS Water of CO2: used to connect the physicality with emotions.
  2. 1-2 drops of GANS Water of ZnO: used to provide support for the emotions.
  3. 1-2 drops of GANS Water of CH3: used to provide energy for the recovery of the cells (conversion of fields into matter)

CAUTION: With eye cancer you MUST NOT use CH3 GANS Water because this promotes growth of the cancer.

For the treatment of muscles which move the eyeball, for focusing, create a mixture of:

  • 1/2 to 1 drop of CuO2 GANS Water (1 drop will already be too much): supports the regeneration of muscle tissue.
  • Add 1 drop of CO2 GANS Amino Acids.
  • If there is muscular weakness of the eye, BUT ONLY IF THERE IS MUSCULAR WEAKNESS, you can add a very small amount of the Amino Acids of CuO2 GANS to the mixture.
  • If nerves are affected, you can add the Amino Acids of ZnO GANS to the mixture.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation so that it can be share.

GANS Processing of Viruses

(View the 135th Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 30 minute mark onward)

Plasma technology is suitable for dealing with viruses. Viruses dock to their respective host cells. CO2 GANS Water is capable of separating this connection, by interaction of the fields of the CO2 GANS Water with the fields of the virus, and by creating a field balance so that no further fields are available for a reconnection with the host cell.

Required materials: CO2 GANS Water.


  1. At the moment one perceives an infection, and a physician has determined it is a viral infection, take 2-3 tsp of CO2 GANS Water.
  2. Continue taking the same dose for 2 to 5 days. The virus should disappear. Even if it is still there, it will no longer be effective.

In rare, very serious cases, add in a ratio of 1:10 of CuO GANS Water: 9 drops of CO2 GANS Water + 1 drop of CuO GANS Water

Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Flu

If flu starts with a high fever, within the first half hour take 3-4 tsp of CO2 GANS Water combined with 1 drop of CuO GANS Water every 5 minutes. The bodies temperature will drop quickly. Repeat the process 2 to 3 times during the next hour and then only 3 to 4 times over the rest of the day. For the next 2 to 3 days, take 2-3 tsp, 3 to 4 times daily. During the process, ensure to wash the hands regularly with CO2 GANS Water.

Result: The pathogenic fields are literally washed out of the body through the CO2 GANS Water. The GANS Water supports an internal cleansing process.

If you have children with a high fever, you can wash or rub the body with CO2 GANS Water. Possibly also add a drop of CuO2 GANS Water. The temperature will fall quickly.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Ebola and Malaria

Application: Take 3 to 5 teaspoons or tablespoons of CO2 GANS Water per day for 30 to 60 days, possibly even 100 days.

Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experiences to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

GANS Processing of Aids (HIV-positive)

(For details, view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from the 1 hour 48 minute mark)

For the first 15 to 30 days use the Liquid Plasma of GANS Water: for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc (where ever you use water during your daily routine). You should not drink anything other than GANS Water Liquid Plasma.

Processing Ratios:

  1. 3 to 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon of CO2 GANS Water combined with a few drops of CuO GANS Water should be add to drinking water.
  2. Create a Liquid Plasma mixture of the following: CuO GANS Water, CH3 GANS Water, CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (in equal parts)
  3. ONLY this Liquid Plasma mixture should be used for drinking, cooking, bathing, housecleaning, laundry cleaning, hand washing, etc. You should not drink anything else.

The first phase of processing is used to purify the body. After several days this can lead to fatigue, nausea, blood in the urine or pain. During this phase, the body needs energy for healing, so you should sleep frequently. This condition should disappear after about 2 weeks. Then one can go from the first to the second phase.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing of Bacterial Diseases

Bacteria are very easy to process. If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic, one can (in an autonomous, self responsible test) reduce the amount of the antibiotic (for example halve the tablet or cut in even smaller pieces) and additionally take CO2 GANS Water. It should prevent the rise of resistance to the antibiotic and cause the antibiotic to have a better effect.

Feedback and advice to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

Use at your own risk and liability. Feedback and report of experience to the Keshe Foundation are requested.

GANS Processing: Oral Hygiene

For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th. Knowledge Seekers Workshop, approximately from 56 minutes onward.

Toothpaste alternative: Flush the mouth with CO2 GANS Water. Ensure the liquid wets all areas of the oral cavity and the palate. This leads to a balancing in the environment of the mouth. As a further result, it prevents tooth and gum disease, because the microorganisms will not find the right environment for propagation. It is safe to swallowed residual CO2 GANS water after flushing.

To aid mouth hygiene, 2 to 3 times a week at bedtime, chew a small piece of cheese and swallow it. This should have a positive effect on the oral environment and help to prevent dental disease.

If milk teeth (baby teeth) have been collected (common in some countries) they can be used for the production of Calcium GANS, which will supply the exact calcium fields that are suitable for the person who grew the teeth. To create the Calcium GANS, dissolve the teeth in lemon juice (or Coca Cola) then add NaOH. (The NaOH method is also used for the production of food GANS).

As an alternative to physical GANS production from the teeth you can transmit the information of the teeth to water. 1. Fill a round container with water. 2. Evenly distribute 5 vials around the container. 3. Fill one vial with CO2 GANS, one with CH3 GANS, one with ZnO GANS, one with CuO GANS and the last one with the Amino Acids from the production of CO2 GANS. 4. Lie or hang the teeth, or tooth, directly above of the water. Over time, the water in the container will absorb the fields from the vials AND from the tooth. 5. Drink the water of the container, or, if you for example intend to use it for the support of the healing of a bone fracture, apply a patch, made from the containers water, on the body, namely in front and back (or left and right) of the part of the body near the point of the fracture.

Use only at your own risk and responsibility. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: for use in Functional Failure of Organs

For more information, please view the Keshe Founations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, from approximately the 2 hours 23 minute mark onward.

The use of water in a container in association with 5 GANS vials, as described above, can be used for the healing of an organ that is failing (has functional loss).

In the future, with the use and wide acceptance of GANS Processing it is likely that organ transplants will be necessary.

For example, if somebody has bone marrow problems, find a healthy family member, who sits or lies with the upper part of the knee (where the kneecap is located) resting above the water container (with the 5 vials around it). The field donors healthy bone marrow field information will be absorbed into the water of the container. Then the patient with the bone marrow problem can drink the water. (More information about this topic will be added in the near future).

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

GANS Processing: Ridding the Body of Toxins: Body Wash

For more information, please view the Keshe Foundations 135th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, at approximately the 1 hour and 13 minutes mark to the 2 hours 32 minute mark.

It should also be possible to wash toxins out of the body by using GANS Water. It would be interesting to see if this will work for snake venom by snake bite or something similar. You could rinse the bite wound with a mixture of CuO and ZnO GANS Waters and then drop a mixture of CO2 GANS Water and ZnO GANS Water (50:50) into the bite wound or drink it.

Cortisone retention after high doses of cortisone can be removed from the body with CO2 GANS Water along with the use the essential oils of citrus fruits, but this is a prolonged process. Collect the oils from the peel of citrus fruits and mix them into CO2 GANS Water. Then wash your hands or wash the affected parts of the body with it.

Use only at your own risk and liability. Please report your experiences to the Keshe Foundation.

Specific Plasma Therapies: Developed by Doctors and Therapeuts

Origins of Cancer

Cancer starts in a very simple way; it starts with an increase in Gravitational fields.

When you have an increase of gravitational fields at the cell level, the cell becomes heavier than other cells. It will attract more amino acid to it, it starts "shelling" itself and it grows and becomes a tumour. For instance, if the center of a tumour is copper, a blood analysis will show elevated levels of copper in the blood. An increase of the amount of copper means that this information has been transferred to the RNA and DNA. Life is structured to extend life, to live and survive longer. When the body finds a system that can live longer, it will embrace it.

The majority of cancers are the result of evolutionary cancer. As we assimilate we find a better situation and we accept the new positions and adapt, but some of us could not go through the evolution, they create a change and cancer appears.

How To Measure the Progress of Using Plasma Technologies

Measuring Progress:

Breathing Rate: Ask the patient to sit down and very calmly explain to them that you want them to take a long, deep, slow breath in and and long, slow, deep breath out. Do this a second time. The third time, take a deep breath in and hold it until you can hold it no longer, then breath out. Measure the length of time the patient could hold their breath.

Then let the patient talk for a few seconds and then ask the patient to take another deep breath in and out. When taking a second deep breath in and out, put an index-finger on the left nostril and let the patient breathe in through the right nostril. Ask the patient to hold the breath in until it's not possible anymore, then let the breath out. Repeat the process, but this time put an index-finger on the right nostril; let the patient breathe in through the left nostril, hold the breath until it’s not possible anymore, then let the breathe out. Measure the time the patients can hold their breath.

Make these measurements before you start any therapy with a patient and document it. What you should see is a steady lengthening in the time the patient can hold their breath. This extension in breathing will give you insight not only of a psychological change, but also insight of the patients physical and emotional change. The change of emotion is witnessed in breathing patterns because blood is the source of the emotions; change the system and you find out a change in the breathing pattern. After 2-3 weeks, you can see the difference.

Plasma Technology for Agriculture

Introduction to Plasma Technology in Agriculture

Plasma technology was developed by the Iranian nuclear engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. The technology is basically a spaceship technology but has many uses and applications in fields other that space or space related fields. Spaceship technology is different from space technology in that no motors or wings are needed for space travel as no motors or wings are found in the universe, yet planets, galaxies, and other bodies in the universe have been rotating for millions of years. When applied in agriculture, plasma technology is changing, and will continue to change people’s understanding of plants, soils, and agricultural practices in general. Duly understood and correctly applied, plasma technology has potential to completely transform agricultural practices, minimize cost for agriculture practitioners, enhance health and healthy living for both producers and consumers, and virtually eliminate external inputs in agricultural systems globally. Plasma technology in agriculture will also show over the next few years that this world has unlimited resources everywhere, and that it is the people who will need to learn and fully understand how to “harvest” those resources that they need for their agricultural practices, and for all their other needs in general.

Gasses in Nano State (GANS)

With full understanding of how plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe designed technology that replicates a plant’s leaf for the effective capture of CO2 and other gases in their Nano states (GANS). A gas in Nano state is a new state of matter, where a gas molecule that becomes Nano of itself, appears as a solid state of matter (Keshe, MT, 2011. The Structure of Light). It is especially this seemingly simple, GANS capture technology that will, necessarily, completely transform agricultural development and practice once and for all.

Transforming agriculture with CO2 GANS

CO2 GANS are increasingly used to transform agriculture practices across the world. Before sowing, for example, seeds are soaked in CO2 GANS liquid plasma to decontaminate any that may be disease infected or adulterated, while irrigation of crops with CO2 liquid plasma virtually eliminates the need for fertilizers and pesticides. The use of CO2 liquid plasma and other such liquid plasmas increasingly provide the much needed agriculture solutions for enhancing plant growth, ensuring plant health, and increasing crop yields at minimum cost to producers.

Crop diseases and pests

For plant diseases, CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates conditions in the plant environment under which those diseases cannot exist. For crop pests, application of CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates conditions under which the pests do not damage crops. In addition, pests also absorb the energy of the applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma. When they absorb enough energy for their bodies' metabolism, such pests do not need to feed on the crops, thus application of CO2 GANS liquid plasma creates a win-win condition for both crops and their erstwhile pests.

CO2 GANS mechanism for capturing amino acids, COHN

The applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma captures and holds the amino acids, COHN, in the above-ground plant environment in an elegant manner, where the carbon in the CO2 GANS establishes a communication line with the atmospheric amino acids, COHN, through its magnetic gravitational fields’ strength.

This “capture and hold” process allows effective interaction between the carbon provided by the applied CO2 GANS liquid plasma, and the atmospheric carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (COHN), in a magnetic gravitational plasma balance that results in a plant’s absorption of the magnetic gravitational field energy of hydrogen.

Subsequently, the plant uses the absorbed energy of hydrogen as a basis for meeting its other nutritional needs, as multiples of hydrogen are used to satisfy the energy of other nutrients, such as nitrogen or calcium. A similar process of carbon “capture and hold” of the amino acids, COHN, at the root zone effectively makes minerals available to plants. In addition, CH3 and ZnO GANS liquid plasmas are also used in agriculture to enhance plant energy and plant emotions, respectively.

Notable Plasma Technology benefits for agriculture

Plasma Technology has many agricultural benefits. Some of the notable benefits are: Increased farm productivity, enhanced food and fiber production, better soil fertility management, better plant and livestock health management, sustainable food production, and globally increased plant and human health.

Plasma Technology for Energy

Energy is already everywhere around us and in us. All are formed, manifested and come to existence, seen or unseen, by the interaction of the fields from all around giving the conditions of existence. Different conditions serves as factors involved how energy comes into being. The current method of using energy is not efficient, wasteful and damaging to the planet and living beings - in simple terms it is not working in harmony with natural order of things. The biggest challenge for humanity is how to harness this already available energy without causing damage or being detrimental to others in existence. Plasma technology will be guiding humanity, re-discovering oneself and the natural order of energy exchange that leads to progress and implementation of Universal knowledge on proper energy management.

The current application of Plasma technology using nano materials and their fields is at the beginning of expanding the knowledge of man on the aspect of energy management and energy exchange. As a transition phase of development and learning process for humanity, we combine the existing knowledge of man on energy that runs our machineries and appliances that with the materials provided with the knowledge of Plasma technology. The creation of magrav power units helps man put his first steps to the understanding of the Plasma in energy application. The gravitational magnetical fields of the plasma always seeks balance on any condition. The flow of the Plasma is from higher gravitational magnetical field strength to lower gravitational magnetical field strength. For applications which involves living beings that is already in plasmatic conditions, energy exchange and energy Plasma flow can take automatically at will of the parties involve.

We understood the conventional energy we use as a flow of electrical energy current from the point of source (generator) to the load (machinery, appliance, light...) and back to the source. In this method we harness the flow of energy in a form or electrical current. Should we need to harness the flow of the Plasma, we must create a condition where we keep the flow on going.

At the presentation of the hybrid magrav generator, we create a condition of imbalance acted by the compressor motors. An energy exchange of charging and discharging on the coils of the compressor motors creates such imbalance condition that the Plasma flows trying keep the condition balance. Initially we supply the whole circuit with an external AC supply to initiate a state of rising strength, charging the coils, and initiate the electrical energy flow to the load and allow the whole system to run that Plasma from the Plasma capacitors and magrav coils starts to flow towards which ever is in lowering strength (compressor coil discharging,lights - doing energy conversion). Since the two compressors are connected in complementary manner, reversed with respect with each other, each will always have an opposite state - one is charging or rising strength while the other in discharging or lowering strength. The conditions creates an energy exchange that Plasma energy complemented that creates an on going flow of Plasma to the whole circuit. Taking out the initial AC supply did not cut off the Plasma flow for the exchange is on going and mechanical action of the motors does not stop instantly. Adding more load (lights) even further create an energy conversion from electrical energy to light energy and a lowering strength condition in the circuit that Plasma add more flow to compensate. You see the importance of lowering the energy strength condition which brings in more Plasma flow. The more load added to the circuit, the more energy you get from the Plasma. Energy is not lost at all, only converted at the point of conversion by the load.

Plasma Technology for Kids

Useful Sources, Tools in the internet

  1. Interactive Periodic Table, which directly links to Wikipedia: Link: http://www.ptable.com/
  2. When you are looking for Isotopes search for "material isotopes Wikipedia"
  3. Isotopes of Calcium: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_calcium
  4. Isotopes of Silver: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_silver#Silver-109
  5. Isotopes of Potassium: Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_potassium

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  1. Beerlandt, C. (2003). The Key to Self-Liberation: 1000 Diseases and their Psychological Origins. Lierde, Belgium: Beerlandt Publications.
  2. Bradley, N. (2007). The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundat Health, Love and Happiness. Wellness Unmasked Publishing. Mesquite, NV: Wellness Unmasked Publishing.